require 'spec_helper' describe "Remote Basic" do isolate :conveyors before do do |ss| ss.use Rad::Remote::Processors::RemoteCaller, :content end end old_mode = rad.mode after :all do remove_constants %w( BasicSpec JsonErrorSpec UnregisteredReturnValueSpec ) rad.mode = old_mode, true end it "basic" do class BasicSpec inherit Rad::Remote::RemoteController def call {result: 'some result'} end end workspace = rcall BasicSpec, :call, format: 'json' workspace.delete(:remote_object).should be_a(BasicSpec) expected_result = { params: {format: 'json'}, class: BasicSpec, method_name: :call, remote_result: {result: "some result"}, content: %({"result":"some result"}) } workspace.to_h(true).subset(expected_result.keys).should == expected_result end describe "error handling should behave different in :production, :development and :test modes" do it "error in :development mode" do class JsonErrorSpec inherit Rad::Remote::RemoteController def call_with_error raise 'some error' end end rad.mode = :development, true workspace = rcall JsonErrorSpec, 'call_with_error', format: 'json' workspace.delete(:remote_object).should be_a(JsonErrorSpec) workspace.include?(:remote_result).should be_false expected_result = { params: {format: 'json'}, class: JsonErrorSpec, method_name: "call_with_error", content: %({"error":"some error"}) } workspace.to_h.subset(expected_result.keys).should == expected_result end end it "should be able to protect methods from GET request" it "should not allow unregistered object types be used as return value" do class UnregisteredReturnValueSpec inherit Rad::Remote::RemoteController def call end end lambda{ rcall UnregisteredReturnValueSpec, 'call', format: 'json' }.should raise_error(/You can't use object of type 'Object' as Remote's return value!/) end end