= pivotal-tracker.rb Ruby wrapper for Pivotal Tracker API, no frameworks required. Simply Ruby. {}[http://travis-ci.org/jsmestad/pivotal-tracker] == Features * Compatible with Pivotal Tracker API version 3 * ActiveRecord-style Wrapper API * Support for SSL protected repositories == Overview PivotalTracker::Client.token('myusername@email.com', 'secretpassword') # Automatically fetch API Token PivotalTracker::Client.token = 'jkfduisj97823974j2kl24899234' # Manually set API Token @projects = PivotalTracker::Project.all # return all projects @a_project = PivotalTracker::Project.find(84739) # find project with a given ID @a_project.stories.all # return all stories for "a_project" @a_project.stories.all(:label => 'overdue', :story_type => ['bug', 'chore']) # return all stories that match the passed filters @a_project.stories.find(847762630) # find story with a given ID @a_project.stories.create(:name => 'My Story', :story_type => 'feature') # create a story for this project # all tracker defined filters are allowed, as well as :limit & :offset for pagination # The below pattern below is planned to be added to the final release: @a_project.stories << PivotalTracker::Story.new(84739, :name => 'Ur Story') # same as earlier story creation, useful for copying/cloning from proj @story = @a_project.stories.find(847762630) @story.notes.all # return all notes (comments) for a story @story.notes.create(:text => 'A new comment', :noted_at => '06/29/2010 05:00 EST') # add a new note @story.attachments # return an array of all attachment items (data only, not the files) @story.upload_attachment(file_path) # add a file attachment to @story that can be found at file_path # All 4 examples below return a PivotalTracker::Story from the new project, with the same story ID @story.move_to_project(123456) # move @story to the project with ID 123456 @story.move_to_project('123456') # same as above @story.move_to_project(@project) # move @story to @project @story.move_to_project(@another_story) # move @story into the same project as @another_story # Connect to custom API endpoint PivotalTracker::Client.tracker_host = 'www.my-pivotal-tracker.com' The API is based on the following this gist: http://gist.github.com/283120 == Getting Started * Installing: $ gem install pivotal-tracker * Contributing (requires Bundler >= 0.9.7): $ git clone git://github.com/jsmestad/pivotal-tracker $ cd pivotal-tracker $ bundle install $ bundle exec rake == Additional Information * Wiki: http://wiki.github.com/jsmestad/pivotal-tracker * Documentation: http://rdoc.info/projects/jsmestad/pivotal-tracker * Pivotal API v3 Docs: http://www.pivotaltracker.com/help/api?version=v3 == Contributors along the way * Justin Smestad (http://github.com/jsmestad) * Josh Nichols (http://github.com/technicalpickles) * Terence Lee (http://github.com/hone) * Jon Mischo (http://github.com/supertaz) * Gabor Ratky (http://github.com/rgabo)