require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__) module Stripe class OAuthTest < Test::Unit::TestCase setup do Stripe.client_id = 'ca_test' end teardown do Stripe.client_id = nil end context ".authorize_url" do should "return the authorize URL" do uri_str = OAuth.authorize_url({ scope: 'read_write', state: 'csrf_token', stripe_user: { email: '', url: '', country: 'US', }, }) uri = URI::parse(uri_str) params = CGI::parse(uri.query) assert_equal('https', uri.scheme) assert_equal('', assert_equal('/oauth/authorize', uri.path) assert_equal(['ca_test'], params['client_id']) assert_equal(['read_write'], params['scope']) assert_equal([''], params['stripe_user[email]']) assert_equal([''], params['stripe_user[url]']) assert_equal(['US'], params['stripe_user[country]']) end end context ".token" do should "exchange a code for an access token" do # The OpenAPI fixtures don't cover the OAuth endpoints, so we just # stub the request manually. stub_request(:post, "#{Stripe.connect_base}/oauth/token"). with(body: { 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code', 'code' => 'this_is_an_authorization_code', }). to_return(body: JSON.generate({ access_token: 'sk_access_token', scope: 'read_only', livemode: false, token_type: 'bearer', refresh_token: 'sk_refresh_token', stripe_user_id: 'acct_test', stripe_publishable_key: 'pk_test', })) resp = OAuth.token({ grant_type: 'authorization_code', code: 'this_is_an_authorization_code', }) assert_equal('sk_access_token', resp.access_token) end end context ".deauthorize" do should "deauthorize an account" do # The OpenAPI fixtures don't cover the OAuth endpoints, so we just # stub the request manually. stub_request(:post, "#{Stripe.connect_base}/oauth/deauthorize"). with(body: { 'client_id' => 'ca_test', 'stripe_user_id' => 'acct_test_deauth', }). to_return(body: JSON.generate({ stripe_user_id: 'acct_test_deauth', })) resp = OAuth.deauthorize({stripe_user_id: 'acct_test_deauth'}) assert_equal('acct_test_deauth', resp.stripe_user_id) end end end end