# frozen_string_literal: true # (c) Copyright 2020 Ribose Inc. # module Iev class TermBuilder include Cli::Ui include Utilities using DataConversions def initialize(data) @data = data end def build build_term_object end def self.build_from(data) new(data).build end attr_reader :data def find_value_for(key) data.fetch(key.to_sym, nil)&.sanitize end def flesh_date(incomplete_date) return incomplete_date if incomplete_date.nil? || incomplete_date.empty? year, month, day = incomplete_date.split("-") month ||= "01" day ||= "01" DateTime.parse("#{year}-#{month}-#{day}").to_s end def build_term_object set_ui_tag "#{term_id} (#{term_language})" progress "Processing term #{term_id} (#{term_language})..." split_definition Glossarist::LocalizedConcept.new(term_hash) end def term_hash dates = nil if flesh_date(find_value_for("PUBLICATIONDATE")) dates = [ { type: :accepted, date: flesh_date(find_value_for("PUBLICATIONDATE")), }, { type: :amended, date: flesh_date(find_value_for("PUBLICATIONDATE")), }, ] end { id: term_id, entry_status: extract_entry_status, classification: extract_classification, dates: dates, review_date: flesh_date(find_value_for("PUBLICATIONDATE")), review_decision_date: flesh_date(find_value_for("PUBLICATIONDATE")), review_decision_event: "published", terms: extract_terms, notes: extract_notes, examples: extract_examples, definition: [{ "content" => extract_definition_value }], sources: extract_authoritative_source, language_code: term_language, related: extract_superseded_concepts, }.compact end def term_id @term_id ||= find_value_for("IEVREF") end def term_domain @term_domain ||= term_id.slice(0, 3) end def term_language @term_language ||= find_value_for("LANGUAGE").to_three_char_code end # Splits unified definition (from the spreadsheet) into separate # definition, examples, and notes strings (for YAMLs). # # Sets +@definition+, +@examples+ and +@notes+ variables. def split_definition slicer_rx = %r{ \s* (?:

\s*)? ( (? # English example \bEXAMPLE\b | ^\bExamples\s+are\b: | ^\bExamples\b: | ^\bExample\b: | # French examples \bEXEMPLE\b | ^\bExemples\b: ) | (? Note\s*\d+\sto\sentry: | Note \d+\sto\sentry: | Note\s*\d+\sto\sthe\sentry: | Note\sto\sentry\s*\d+: | Note\s*\d+?\sà\sl['’]article: | ?\s*\d?\s+.*?– | NOTE(?:\s+-)? | Note\s+\d+\s– | Note \d+\s ) ) \s* }x @examples = [] @notes = [] definition_arr = [] # here array for consistent interface next_part_arr = definition_arr remaining_str = find_value_for("DEFINITION") while (md = remaining_str&.match(slicer_rx)) next_part = md.pre_match next_part.sub!(/^\[:Ex(a|e)mple\]/, 'Ex\\1mple') next_part_arr.push(next_part) next_part_arr = md[:example] ? @examples : @notes # 112-03-17 # supplements the name of a quantity, especially for a component in a # system, to indicate the quotient of that quantity by the total # volume # /).map do |raw_term| build_expression_designation( raw_term, attribute_data: find_value_for("SYNONYM#{num}ATTRIBUTE"), status: find_value_for("SYNONYM#{num}STATUS")&.downcase, ) end end retval.flatten.compact end def extract_international_symbol_designation raw_term = find_value_for("SYMBOLE") raw_term && build_symbol_designation(raw_term) end def extract_definition_value return unless @definition Iev::Converter.mathml_to_asciimath( replace_newlines(parse_anchor_tag(@definition, term_domain)), ).strip end def extract_examples @examples.map do |str| Iev::Converter.mathml_to_asciimath( replace_newlines(parse_anchor_tag(str, term_domain)), ).strip end end def extract_notes @notes.map do |str| Iev::Converter.mathml_to_asciimath( replace_newlines(parse_anchor_tag(str, term_domain)), ).strip end end def extract_entry_status case find_value_for("STATUS").downcase when "standard" then "valid" end end def extract_classification classification_val = find_value_for("SYNONYM1STATUS") case classification_val when "" "admitted" when "认可的", "допустимый", "admitido" "admitted" when "首选的", "suositettava", "suositeltava", "рекомендуемый", "preferente" "preferred" else classification_val end end def extract_authoritative_source source_val = find_value_for("SOURCE") return nil if source_val.nil? SourceParser.new(source_val, term_domain) .parsed_sources .compact .map do |source| source.merge({ "type" => "authoritative" }) end end def extract_superseded_concepts replaces_val = find_value_for("REPLACES") return nil if replaces_val.nil? SupersessionParser.new(replaces_val).supersessions end private def build_expression_designation(raw_term, attribute_data:, status:) term = Iev::Converter.mathml_to_asciimath( parse_anchor_tag(raw_term, term_domain), ) term_attributes = TermAttrsParser.new(attribute_data.to_s) statuses = { "obsoleto" => "deprecated", "напуштен" => "deprecated", } { "type" => "expression", "prefix" => term_attributes.prefix, "normative_status" => statuses[status] || status, "usage_info" => term_attributes.usage_info, "designation" => term, "part_of_speech" => term_attributes.part_of_speech, "geographical_area" => term_attributes.geographical_area, "gender" => term_attributes.gender, "plurality" => term_attributes.plurality, }.compact end def build_symbol_designation(raw_term) term = Iev::Converter.mathml_to_asciimath( parse_anchor_tag(raw_term, term_domain), ) { "type" => "symbol", "designation" => term, "international" => true, }.compact end end end