module CastOff module Compiler class Dependency extend CastOff::Util include CastOff::Util def initialize @dependency = {} @strong_dependency = [] end @@instance_method_dependency = {} @@instance_method_dependency_initializers = {} @@singleton_method_dependency = {} @@singleton_method_dependency_initializers = {} @@instance_method_strong_dependency = {} @@singleton_method_strong_dependency = {} def self.get_class_or_module(km) case km when ClassWrapper bug() if km.singleton? return km.contain_class when ModuleWrapper return km.contain_module end bug() end def self.instance_method_depend(klass, mid, function_pointer_initializer) c = get_class_or_module(klass) a = (@@instance_method_dependency[c] ||= []) a << mid unless a.include?(mid) b = (@@instance_method_dependency_initializers[[c, mid]] ||= []) b << function_pointer_initializer unless b.include?(function_pointer_initializer) end def self.instance_method_strongly_depend(klass, mid) c = get_class_or_module(klass) @@instance_method_strong_dependency[c] ||= [] a = @@instance_method_strong_dependency[c] a << mid unless a.include?(mid) end def self.instance_method_depend?(klass, mid) bug() unless klass.instance_of?(Class) || klass.instance_of?(Module) dep = @@instance_method_dependency[klass] return false unless dep return false unless dep.include?(mid) bug() unless @@instance_method_dependency_initializers[[klass, mid]] @@instance_method_dependency_initializers[[klass, mid]] end def self.instance_method_strongly_depend?(obj, mid) bug() unless obj.instance_of?(Class) || obj.instance_of?(Module) dep = @@instance_method_strong_dependency[obj] dep.instance_of?(Array) ? dep.include?(mid) : false end def self.singleton_method_depend(klass, mid, function_pointer_initializer) bug() unless klass.instance_of?(ClassWrapper) bug() unless klass.singleton? o = klass.contain_object a = (@@singleton_method_dependency[o] ||= []) a << mid unless a.include?(mid) b = (@@singleton_method_dependency_initializers[[o, mid]] ||= []) b << function_pointer_initializer unless b.include?(function_pointer_initializer) end def self.singleton_method_strongly_depend(klass, mid) bug() unless klass.instance_of?(ClassWrapper) bug() unless klass.singleton? o = klass.contain_object @@singleton_method_strong_dependency[o] ||= [] a = @@singleton_method_strong_dependency[o] a << mid unless a.include?(mid) end def self.singleton_method_depend?(obj, mid) bug() unless obj.instance_of?(Class) || obj.instance_of?(Module) dep = @@singleton_method_dependency[obj] return false unless dep return false unless dep.include?(mid) unless @@singleton_method_dependency_initializers[[obj, mid]] if mid == :method_added || mid == :singleton_method_added return [] else bug() end end @@singleton_method_dependency_initializers[[obj, mid]] end def self.singleton_method_strongly_depend?(obj, mid) bug() unless obj.instance_of?(Class) || obj.instance_of?(Module) dep = @@singleton_method_strong_dependency[obj] dep.instance_of?(Array) ? dep.include?(mid) : false end def dump(io) begin Marshal.dump(self, io) rescue TypeError => e raise(<<-EOS)) Failed to marshal dump method dependency. Dependency object should be able to marshal dump. Currently, CastOff doesn't support object, which cannot marshal dump (e.g. STDIN). --- Marshal.dump error message --- #{e.message} EOS end end def self.load(str) dep = Marshal.load(str) bug() unless dep.instance_of?(Dependency) dep end def marshal_dump() [@dependency, @strong_dependency] end def marshal_load(obj) @dependency, @strong_dependency = obj end def add(klass, mid, strong_p) bug() unless klass.instance_of?(ClassWrapper) targets = [klass] klass.each_method_search_target(mid) do |cm| next if klass.singleton? ? (cm == klass) : (cm == klass.contain_class) case cm when Class targets <<, true) when Module targets << when ClassWrapper bug() unless cm.singleton? targets << cm else bug() end end targets.each do |t| @dependency[t] ||= [] @dependency[t] |= [mid] @strong_dependency |= [[t, mid]] if strong_p end end def check_failed(msg = '') raise("failed to check method dependency: #{msg}")) end def check(configuration) @dependency.each do |(klass, mids)| bug() unless klass.instance_of?(ClassWrapper) || klass.instance_of?(ModuleWrapper) # TODO ブロックインライニングしたメソッドに対して # コンパイル時のメソッドと等しいものかどうかをチェック end end def self.copy(dst, src, singleton_p) bug() unless dst.is_a?(Module) dst = deps = singleton_p ? @@singleton_method_dependency : @@instance_method_dependency funcs = singleton_p ? @@singleton_method_dependency_initializers : @@instance_method_dependency_initializers (deps[src] || []).each do |mid| finits = funcs[[src, mid]] if finits && !finits.empty? finits.each{|f| instance_method_depend(dst, mid, f)} else bug() unless singleton_p case mid when :singleton_method_added, :method_added, :include, :extend # nothing to do else bug() end end end end def self.hook(o) s = class << o self end s.class_eval do def override_singleton_method(obj, mid, flag) if initializers = Dependency.singleton_method_depend?(obj, mid) if Dependency.singleton_method_strongly_depend?(obj, mid) raise("Should not be override #{obj}.#{mid}")) end # TODO Array.each の上書きチェック initializers.each do |init| CastOff.dlog("update function pointer #{obj}.#{mid}") CastOff.__send__(init) end end end def override_method(obj, mid, flag) if initializers = Dependency.instance_method_depend?(obj, mid) if Dependency.instance_method_strongly_depend?(obj, mid) raise("Should not be override #{obj}##{mid}")) end # TODO Array.each の上書きチェック initializers.each do |init| CastOff.dlog("update function pointer #{obj}##{mid}") CastOff.__send__(init) end end end # include のフックまで入れると読み込み時間が結構遅くなるので注意 begin m_include = o.method(:include).unbind m_extend = o.method(:extend).unbind rescue NameError raise("#{o}: include or extend not defined")) end define_method(:include) do |*mods| extend_p = Dependency.extend? CastOff.dlog("#{self} #{extend_p ? 'extends' : 'includes'} #{mods}") bug() unless m_include && m_extend m = extend_p ? m_extend : m_include # include, extend の対象は self なので、self 以外が include, extend することはない。 m.bind(self).call(*mods) return unless o == self mods.each do |mod| next unless mod.is_a?(Module) Dependency.copy(mod, self, extend_p) Dependency.hook(mod) unless mod.singleton_methods(false).include?(:override_singleton_method) methods = mod.instance_methods(false) + mod.private_instance_methods(false) override_callback = extend_p ? :override_singleton_method : :override_method methods.each{|mid| o.__send__(override_callback, o, mid, extend_p ? :extend : :include)} end end alias extend include begin singleton_method_added = o.method(:singleton_method_added).unbind rescue NameError singleton_method_added = nil end begin method_added = o.method(:method_added).unbind rescue NameError method_added = nil end define_method(:method_added) do |mid| if self == o && !Dependency.ignore_overridden?(self, mid) if Dependency.singleton_method_added? CastOff.dlog("singleton method added #{o}.#{mid}") CastOff.delete_original_singleton_method_iseq(self, mid) override_singleton_method(o, mid, :added) singleton_method_added.bind(self).call(mid) if singleton_method_added else CastOff.dlog("method added #{o}##{mid}") CastOff.delete_original_instance_method_iseq(self, mid) override_method(o, mid, :added) method_added.bind(self).call(mid) if method_added end elsif o == BasicObject && method_added && !Dependency.singleton_method_added? method_added.bind(self).call(mid) end super(mid) rescue NoMethodError end alias singleton_method_added method_added CastOff.dlog("hook #{o}") end @@singleton_method_dependency[o] ||= [] @@singleton_method_dependency[o] |= [:method_added, :singleton_method_added, :include] @@singleton_method_strong_dependency[o] ||= [] @@singleton_method_strong_dependency[o] |= [:method_added] @@singleton_method_strong_dependency[o] |= [:singleton_method_added] @@singleton_method_strong_dependency[o] |= [:include] end def hook(function_pointer_initializer) @dependency.keys.each do |klass| m = @dependency[klass] if klass.instance_of?(ClassWrapper) && klass.singleton? m.each{|mid| self.class.singleton_method_depend(klass, mid, function_pointer_initializer)} m.each{|mid| self.class.singleton_method_strongly_depend(klass, mid) if @strong_dependency.include?([klass, mid])} o = klass.contain_object bug() unless o.instance_of?(Class) || o.instance_of?(Module) else m.each{|mid| self.class.instance_method_depend(klass, mid, function_pointer_initializer)} m.each{|mid| self.class.instance_method_strongly_depend(klass, mid) if @strong_dependency.include?([klass, mid])} case klass when ClassWrapper o = klass.contain_class when ModuleWrapper o = klass.contain_module else bug() end end next if o.singleton_methods(false).include?(:override_singleton_method) Dependency.hook(o) end end end end end