// This is a port of YUI Grids version 2.6.0 // Note: This is not really tested yet. Use at your own risk. @import compass/utilities/general/float.sass @import fonts.sass =yui-grids +yui-grids-init +yui-grid-templates +yui-grid-divisions =yui-grid-templates #doc +yui-document(750px) #doc2 +yui-document(950px) #doc3 +yui-document("fluid") #doc4 +yui-document(974px) /* Section: Preset Template Rules (.yui-t[1-6]) .yui-t1 +yui-two-column-left-template(160px) .yui-t2 +yui-two-column-left-template(180px) .yui-t3 +yui-two-column-left-template(300px) .yui-t4 +yui-two-column-right-template(180px) .yui-t5 +yui-two-column-right-template(240px) .yui-t6 +yui-two-column-right-template(300px) .yui-t7 +yui-one-column-template =yui-group-clearing zoom: 1 &:after content: "." display: block height: 0 clear: both visibility: hidden =yui-grids-init(!header = "#hd", !footer = "#ft", !body = "#bd") /* Section: General Rules body :text-align center @if !header #{!header} +yui-group-clearing @if !footer #{!footer} +yui-group-clearing @if !body #{!body} +yui-group-clearing =em-size(!style, !px_size, !base_font_size = !yui_default_base_font_size) :#{!style}= 1em * !px_size / !base_font_size =em-size-hacked(!style, !px_size, !base_font_size = !yui_default_base_font_size) +em-size(!style, !px_size, !base_font_size) +em-size("*"+!style, !px_size * 39 / 40, !base_font_size) // All documents must have these styles =yui-document-base(!min_width = false) :margin auto :text-align left @if !min_width :min-width= !min_width =yui-block-base :position relative :_position static =yui-main-block :float none :width auto // Creates a fixed width document container // Pass "fluid" for the width to create a document that grows with the width of the browser. =yui-document(!width, !min_width = false, !base_font_size = !yui_default_base_font_size) +yui-document-base(!min_width) @if !width == "fluid" :margin auto 10px :width auto @else +em-size-hacked("width", !width, !base_font_size) =yui-two-column-left-template(!column_width, !main_selector = "#yui-main", !block_selector = ".yui-b", 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!base_font_size) #{!block_selector} +yui-block-base :float right +em-size-hacked("width", !column_width, !base_font_size) #{!main_selector} :width 100% :float left :margin-right -25em #{!block_selector} +yui-main-block +em-size("margin-right", !column_width + 13px, !base_font_size) // t5 is 15px for IE for some reason - seems like this should be some formula based on the column width and not a fixed number - need to do more research @if !column_width > 180px +em-size("*margin-right", (!column_width + 15px) * 39 / 40, !base_font_size) @else +em-size("*margin-right", (!column_width + 14px) * 39 / 40, !base_font_size) =yui-one-column-template(!main_selector = "#yui-main", !block_selector = ".yui-b", !document_width = 750px, !min_width = false, !base_font_size = !yui_default_base_font_size) +yui-document(!document_width, !min_width, !base_font_size) #{!main_selector} #{!block_selector} +yui-main-block :display block :margin 0 0 1em 0 =yui-custom-template(!main_selector = "#yui-main", !block_selector = ".yui-b") #{!block_selector} +yui-block-base #{!main_selector} :width 100% #{!block_selector} +yui-main-block =yui-grid-divisions(!unit = ".yui-u", !g_50_50 = ".yui-g", !g_33_33_33 = ".yui-gb", !g_67_33 = ".yui-gc", !g_33_67 = ".yui-gd", !g_75_25 = ".yui-ge", !g_25_75 = ".yui-gf") /* Section: Grids and Nesting Grids /* from #yui-main, .yui-g .yui-u .yui-g #{nest(!g_50_50, !unit, !g_50_50)} width: 100% /* Children generally take half the available space #{nest(!g_33_33_33, !unit)}, #{nest(!g_50_50, !g_33_33_33, !unit)}, #{nest(!g_33_33_33, !g_50_50)}, #{nest(!g_33_33_33, !g_33_33_33)}, #{nest(!g_33_33_33, !g_67_33)}, #{nest(!g_33_33_33, !g_33_67)}, #{nest(!g_33_33_33, !g_75_25)}, #{nest(!g_33_33_33, !g_25_75)}, #{nest(!g_67_33, !unit)}, #{nest(!g_67_33, !g_50_50)}, #{nest(!g_33_67, !unit)} float: left /* Float units (and sub grids) to the right #{nest(!g_50_50, !unit)}, #{nest(!g_50_50, !g_50_50)}, #{nest(!g_50_50, !g_33_33_33)}, #{nest(!g_50_50, !g_67_33)}, #{nest(!g_50_50, !g_33_67)}, #{nest(!g_50_50, !g_75_25)}, #{nest(!g_50_50, !g_25_75)}, #{nest(!g_67_33, !unit)}, #{nest(!g_33_67, !g_50_50)}, #{nest(!g_50_50, !g_67_33, !unit)}, #{nest(!g_75_25, !unit)}, #{nest(!g_75_25, !g_50_50)}, #{nest(!g_25_75, !g_50_50)}, #{nest(!g_25_75, !unit)} float: right /* Float units (and sub grids) to the left #{!g_50_50}, #{!g_33_33_33}, #{!g_67_33}, #{!g_33_67}, #{!g_75_25}, #{!g_25_75}, #{nest(!g_50_50, !g_67_33)}, #{nest(!g_50_50, !g_75_25)}, #{nest(!g_67_33, "div.first")} div.first float: left #{!g_50_50} #{!unit}, #{!g_50_50}, #{!g_33_33_33}, #{!g_67_33}, #{!g_33_67}, #{!g_75_25}, #{!g_25_75} width: 49.1% #{nest(!g_33_33_33, !unit)}, #{nest(!g_50_50, !g_33_33_33, !unit)}, #{nest(!g_33_33_33, !g_50_50)}, #{nest(!g_33_33_33, !g_33_33_33)}, #{nest(!g_33_33_33, !g_67_33)}, #{nest(!g_33_33_33, !g_33_67)}, #{nest(!g_33_33_33, !g_75_25)}, #{nest(!g_33_33_33, !g_25_75)}, #{nest(!g_67_33, !unit)}, #{nest(!g_67_33, !g_50_50)}, #{nest(!g_33_67, !unit)} width: 32% margin-left: 1.99% /* Give IE some extra breathing room for 1/3-based rounding issues #{nest(!g_33_33_33, !unit)} *margin-left: 1.9% *width: 31.9% #{nest(!g_50_50, !g_33_33_33)}, #{!g_33_33_33}, #{!g_67_33}, #{!g_33_67} div.first margin-left: 0 /* Section: Deep Nesting #{!g_50_50}, #{!g_33_33_33}, #{!g_67_33}, #{!g_33_67}, #{!g_75_25}, #{!g_25_75} #{!g_50_50} #{!unit} width: 49% *width: 48.1% *margin-left: 0 #{nest(!g_50_50, !g_50_50, !unit)} width: 48.1% #{!g_50_50}, #{!g_33_33_33} #{!g_33_33_33} div.first *margin-right: 0 *width: 32% _width: 31.7% #{nest(!g_50_50, !g_67_33, "div.first")}, #{nest(!g_67_33, "div.first")}, #{nest(!g_33_67, !g_50_50)}, #{nest(!g_33_67, !unit)} width: 66% #{nest(!g_33_33_33, !g_50_50, "div.first")} *margin-right: 4% _margin-right: 1.3% #{!g_33_33_33} #{!g_67_33}, #{!g_33_67} div.first *margin-right: 0 #{!g_33_33_33} #{!g_33_33_33}, #{!g_67_33} #{!unit} *margin-left: 1.8% _margin-left: 4% #{nest(!g_50_50, !g_33_33_33, !unit)} _margin-left: 1.0% #{nest(!g_33_33_33, !g_33_67, !unit)} *width: 66% _width: 61.2% #{nest(!g_33_33_33, !g_33_67, "div.first")} *width: 31% _width: 29.5% #{!g_50_50}, #{!g_33_33_33} #{!g_67_33} #{!unit} width: 32% _float: right margin-right: 0 _margin-left: 0 #{nest(!g_33_33_33, !g_67_33, "div.first")} width: 66% *float: left *margin-left: 0 #{!g_33_33_33} #{!g_75_25}, #{!g_25_75} #{!unit} margin: 0 #{nest(!g_33_33_33, !g_33_33_33, !unit)} _margin-left: .7% #{nest(!g_33_33_33, !g_50_50)}, #{nest(!g_33_33_33, !g_33_33_33)} div.first *margin-left: 0 #{!g_67_33}, #{!g_33_67} #{!g_50_50} #{!unit} *width: 48.1% *margin-left: 0 #{!g_33_67}, #{nest(!g_33_33_33, !g_33_67)} div.first width: 32% #{nest(!g_50_50, !g_33_67, "div.first")} _width: 29.9% #{nest(!g_75_25, !unit)}, #{nest(!g_75_25, !g_50_50)}, #{nest(!g_25_75, "div.first")} width: 24% #{nest(!g_75_25, "div.first")}, #{nest(!g_25_75, !g_50_50)}, #{nest(!g_25_75, !unit)} width: 74.2% #{!g_33_33_33} #{!g_75_25}, #{!g_25_75} div#{!unit} float: right #{!g_33_33_33} #{!g_75_25}, #{!g_25_75} div.first float: left /* Width Accommodation for Nested Contexts #{!g_33_33_33} #{nest(!g_75_25, !unit)}, #{nest(!g_25_75, "div.first")} *width: 24% _width: 20% /* Width Accommodation for Nested Contexts #{!g_33_33_33} #{nest(!g_75_25, "div.first")}, #{nest(!g_25_75, !unit)} *width: 73.5% _width: 65.5% /* Patch for GD within GE #{nest(!g_75_25, "div.first", !g_33_67, !unit)} width: 65% #{nest(!g_75_25, "div.first", !g_33_67, "div.first")} width: 32% /* @group Clearing #{!g_50_50}, #{!g_33_33_33}, #{!g_67_33}, #{!g_33_67}, #{!g_75_25}, #{!g_25_75} +yui-group-clearing