RDF::N3 reader/writer
Notation-3 and Turtle reader/writer for [RDF.rb][RDF.rb] .
RDF::N3 is an Notation-3 parser for Ruby using the [RDF.rb][RDF.rb] library suite.
Reader inspired from TimBL predictiveParser and Python librdf implementation.
RDF::N3 parses [Notation-3][N3], [Turtle][Turtle] and [N-Triples][N-Triples] into statements or triples. It also serializes to Turtle.
Install with `gem install rdf-n3`
## Limitations
* Full support of Unicode input requires Ruby version 1.9 or greater.
* Support for Variables in Formulae dependent on underlying repository. Existential variables are quantified to RDF::Node instances, Universals to RDF::Query::Variable, with the URI of the variable target used as the variable name.
* No support for N3 Reification. If there were, it would be through a :reify option to the reader.
## Usage
Instantiate a reader from a local file:
RDF::N3::Reader.open("etc/foaf.n3") do |reader|
reader.each_statement do |statement|
puts statement.inspect
Define `@base` and `@prefix` definitions, and use for serialization using `:base_uri` an `:prefixes` options
Write a graph to a file:
RDF::N3::Writer.open("etc/test.n3") do |writer|
writer << graph
### Formulae
N3 Formulae are introduced with the { statement-list } syntax. A given formula is assigned an RDF::Node instance, which is also used as the context for RDF::Statement instances provided to RDF::N3::Reader#each_statement. For example, the following N3 generates the associated statements:
{ [ x:firstname "Ora" ] dc:wrote [ dc:title "Moby Dick" ] } a n3:falsehood .
results in
f = RDF::Node.new
s = RDF::Node.new
o = RDF::Node.new
RDF::Statement(f, rdf:type n3:falsehood)
RDF::Statement(s, x:firstname, "Ora", :context => f)
RDF::Statement(s, dc:wrote, o, :context => f)
RDF::Statement(o, dc:title, "Moby Dick", :context => f)
### Variables
N3 Variables are introduced with @forAll, @forEach, or ?x. Variables reference URIs described in formulae, typically defined in the default vocabulary (e.g., ":x"). Existential variables are replaced with an allocated RDF::Node instance. Universal variables are replaced with a RDF::Query::Variable instance. For example, the following N3 generates the associated statements:
@forAll <#h>. @forSome <#g>. <#g> <#loves> <#h> .
results in:
h = RDF::Query::Variable.new(<#h>)
g = RDF::Node.new()
RDF::Statement.new(f, <#loves>, h)
## Implementation Notes
The parser is driven through a rules table contained in lib/rdf/n3/reader/meta.rb. This includes
branch rules to indicate productions to be taken based on a current production. Terminals are denoted
through a set of regular expressions used to match each type of terminal.
The [meta.rb][file:lib/rdf/n3/reader/meta.rb] file is generated from lib/rdf/n3/reader/n3-selectors.n3
(taken from http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/grammar/n3-selectors.n3) which is the result of parsing
http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/grammar/n3.n3 (along with bnf-rules.n3) using cwm using the following command sequence:
cwm n3.n3 bnf-rules.n3 --think --purge --data > n3-selectors.n3
[n3-selectors.n3][file:lib/rdf/n3/reader/n3-selectors.rb] is itself used to generate meta.rb using script/build_meta.
* Generate Formulae and solutions using BGP and SPARQL CONSTRUCT mechanisms
* Create equivalent to `--think` to iterate on solutions.
## Dependencies
* [RDF.rb](http://rubygems.org/gems/rdf) (>= 0.3.1)
## Documentation
Full documentation available on [RubyForge](http://rdf.rubyforge.org/n3)
### Principle Classes
* {RDF::N3}
* {RDF::N3::Format}
* {RDF::N3::Reader}
* {RDF::N3::Writer}
### Additional vocabularies
* {RDF::LOG}
* {RDF::REI}
### Patches
* {Array}
* {RDF::Graph}
## Resources
* [RDF.rb][RDF.rb]
* [Distiller](http://distiller.kellogg-assoc)
* [Documentation](http://rdf.rubyforge.org/n3)
* [History](file:file.History.html)
* [Notation-3][N3]
* [N3 Primer](http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/Primer.html)
* [N3 Reification](http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Reify.html)
* [Turtle][Turtle]
* [W3C SWAP Test suite](http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/test/README.html)
* [W3C Turtle Test suite](http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/df1/tests/README.txt)
* [N-Triples][N-Triples]
## License
This is free and unencumbered public domain software. For more information,
see or the accompanying {file:UNLICENSE} file.
[RDF.rb]: http://rdf.rubyforge.org/
[N3]: http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Notation3.html "Notation-3"
[Turtle]: http://www.w3.org/TeamSubmission/turtle/
[N-Triples]: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCore/ntriples/