# s3ranger - Tool belt for managing your S3 buckets # # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2013 Lincoln de Sousa # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. require 's3ranger/version' require 's3ranger/exceptions' require 's3ranger/sync' require 'aws/s3' require 'cmdparse' module S3Ranger module CLI AVAILABLE_ACLS = [:public_read, :public_read_write, :private] AVAILABLE_METHODS = ['read', 'get', 'put', 'write', 'delete'] class BaseCmd < CmdParse::Command @has_prefix = false def has_options? not options.instance_variables.empty? end def has_prefix? @has_prefix end def usage u = [] u << "Usage: #{File.basename commandparser.program_name} #{name} " u << "[options] " if has_options? u << "bucket" if has_args? if has_prefix? == 'required' u << ':prefix' elsif has_prefix? u << "[:prefix]" end u.join '' end protected def parse_acl(opt) @acl = nil opt.on("-a", "--acl=ACL", "Options: #{AVAILABLE_ACLS.join ', '}") {|acl| @acl = acl.to_sym } end end class ListBuckets < BaseCmd def initialize super 'listbuckets', false, false, false @short_desc = "List all available buckets for your user" end def run s3, bucket, key, file, args s3.buckets.each do |bkt| puts "#{bkt.name}" end end end class CreateBucket < BaseCmd attr_accessor :acl def initialize super 'createbucket', false, false @short_desc = "Create a new bucket under your user account" self.options = CmdParse::OptionParserWrapper.new do |opt| parse_acl(opt) end end def run s3, bucket, key, file, args raise WrongUsage.new(nil, "You need to inform a bucket") if not bucket begin params = {} if @acl raise WrongUsage.new(nil, "Invalid ACL `#{@acl}'. Should be any of #{AVAILABLE_ACLS.join ', '}") if not AVAILABLE_ACLS.include? @acl params.merge!({:acl => @acl}) end s3.buckets.create bucket, params rescue AWS::S3::Errors::BucketAlreadyExists raise FailureFeedback.new("Bucket `#{bucket}' already exists") end end end class DeleteBucket < BaseCmd attr_accessor :force def initialize super 'deletebucket', false, false @short_desc = "Remove a bucket from your account" @force = false self.options = CmdParse::OptionParserWrapper.new do |opt| opt.on("-f", "--force", "Clean the bucket then deletes it") {|f| @force = f } end end def run s3, bucket, key, file, args raise WrongUsage.new(nil, "You need to inform a bucket") if not bucket # Getting the bucket bucket_obj = s3.buckets[bucket] # Do not kill buckets with content unless explicitly asked if not @force and bucket_obj.objects.count > 0 raise FailureFeedback.new("Cowardly refusing to remove non-empty bucket `#{bucket}'. Try with -f.") end bucket_obj.delete! end end class List < BaseCmd attr_accessor :max_entries def initialize super 'list', false, false @short_desc = "List items filed under a given bucket" @max_entries = 0 @delimiter = "\t" @has_prefix = true self.options = CmdParse::OptionParserWrapper.new do |opt| opt.on("-m", "--max-entries=NUM", "Limit the number of entries to output") {|m| @max_entries = m } opt.on("-d", "--delimiter=D", "Charactere used to separate columns") {|d| @delimiter = d } end end def run s3, bucket, key, file, args raise WrongUsage.new(nil, "You need to inform a bucket") if not bucket collection = s3.buckets[bucket].objects.with_prefix(key || "") if @max_entries > 0 collection = collection.page(:per_page => @max_entries) end collection.each {|object| o = [] o << object.key o << @delimiter o << object.content_length o << @delimiter o << object.last_modified puts o.join } end end class Delete < BaseCmd def initialize super 'delete', false, false @short_desc = "Delete a key from a bucket" @has_prefix = 'required' end def run s3, bucket, key, file, args raise WrongUsage.new(nil, "You need to inform a bucket") if not bucket raise WrongUsage.new(nil, "You need to inform a key") if not key s3.buckets[bucket].objects[key].delete end end class Url < BaseCmd attr_accessor :method attr_accessor :secure def initialize super 'url', false, false @short_desc = "Generates public urls or authenticated endpoints for the object" @description = "Notice that --method and --public are mutually exclusive" @method = false @public = false @secure = true @expires_in = false @has_prefix = 'required' self.options = CmdParse::OptionParserWrapper.new do |opt| opt.on("-m", "--method=METHOD", "Options: #{AVAILABLE_METHODS.join ', '}") {|m| @method = m } opt.on("-p", "--public", "Generates a public (not authenticated) URL for the object") {|p| @public = p } opt.on("--no-ssl", "Generate an HTTP link, no HTTPS") { @secure = false } opt.on("--expires-in=EXPR", "How long the link takes to expire. Format: <# of seconds> | [#d|#h|#m|#s]") { |expr| val = 0 expr.scan(/(\d+\w)/) do |track| _, num, what = /(\d+)(\w)/.match(track[0]).to_a num = num.to_i case what when "d"; val += num * 86400 when "h"; val += num * 3600 when "m"; val += num * 60 when "s"; val += num end end @expires_in = val > 0 ? val : expr.to_i } end end def run s3, bucket, key, file, args raise WrongUsage.new(nil, "You need to inform a bucket") if not bucket raise WrongUsage.new(nil, "You need to inform a key") if not key raise WrongUsage.new(nil, "Params --method and --public are mutually exclusive") if (@method and @public) if not AVAILABLE_METHODS.include? method = @method || 'read' raise WrongUsage.new(nil, "Unknown method #{method}") end opts = {} opts.merge!({:secure => @secure}) if @public puts s3.buckets[bucket].objects[key].public_url(opts).to_s else opts.merge!({:expires => @expires_in}) if @expires_in puts s3.buckets[bucket].objects[key].url_for(method.to_sym, opts).to_s end end end class Put < BaseCmd def initialize super 'put', false, false @short_desc = 'Upload a file to a bucket under a certain prefix' @has_prefix = true end def run s3, bucket, key, file, args raise WrongUsage.new(nil, "You need to inform a bucket") if not bucket raise WrongUsage.new(nil, "You need to inform a file") if not file name = S3Ranger.safe_join [key, File.basename(file)] s3.buckets[bucket].objects[name].write Pathname.new(file) end end class Get < BaseCmd def initialize super 'get', false, false @short_desc = "Retrieve an object and save to the specified file" @has_prefix = 'required' end def run s3, bucket, key, file, args raise WrongUsage.new(nil, "You need to inform a bucket") if not bucket raise WrongUsage.new(nil, "You need to inform a key") if not key raise WrongUsage.new(nil, "You need to inform a file") if not file # Saving the content to be downloaded to the current directory if the # destination is a directory path = File.absolute_path file path = S3Ranger.safe_join [path, File.basename(key)] if File.directory? path File.open(path, 'wb') do |f| s3.buckets[bucket].objects[key].read do |chunk| f.write(chunk) end end end end class Sync < BaseCmd attr_accessor :s3 attr_accessor :exclude attr_accessor :keep attr_accessor :dry_run attr_accessor :verbose attr_accessor :acl def initialize super 'sync', false, false @short_desc = "Synchronize an S3 and a local folder" @s3 = nil @exclude = nil @keep = false @dry_run = false @verbose = false self.options = CmdParse::OptionParserWrapper.new do |opt| opt.on("-x EXPR", "--exclude=EXPR", "Skip copying files that matches this pattern. (Ruby REs)") {|v| @exclude = v } opt.on("-k", "--keep", "Keep files even if they don't exist in source") { @keep = true } parse_acl(opt) opt.on("-d", "--dry-run", "Do not download or exclude anything, just show what was planned. Implies `verbose`.") { @dry_run = true @verbose = true } opt.on("-v", "--verbose", "Show file names") { @verbose = true } end end def usage "Usage: #{File.basename commandparser.program_name} #{name} source destination" end def description @description =< conf[:AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID], :secret_access_key => conf[:AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY], ) # From the command line key, file = args # Parsing the bucket name bucket = nil bucket, key = key.split(':') if key # Running our custom method inside of the command class, taking care # of the common errors here, saving duplications in each command; begin run s3, bucket, key, file, args rescue AWS::S3::Errors::AccessDenied raise FailureFeedback.new("Access Denied") rescue AWS::S3::Errors::NoSuchBucket raise FailureFeedback.new("There's no bucket named `#{bucket}'") rescue AWS::S3::Errors::NoSuchKey raise FailureFeedback.new("There's no key named `#{key}' in the bucket `#{bucket}'") rescue AWS::S3::Errors::Base => exc raise FailureFeedback.new("Error: `#{exc.message}'") end } end cmd.parse end module_function :run end end