# -*- ruby -*- # frozen_string_literal: true require 'pg' unless defined?( PG ) require 'uri' require 'io/wait' require 'socket' # The PostgreSQL connection class. The interface for this class is based on # {libpq}[http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq.html], the C # application programmer's interface to PostgreSQL. Some familiarity with libpq # is recommended, but not necessary. # # For example, to send query to the database on the localhost: # # require 'pg' # conn = PG::Connection.open(:dbname => 'test') # res = conn.exec_params('SELECT $1 AS a, $2 AS b, $3 AS c', [1, 2, nil]) # # Equivalent to: # # res = conn.exec('SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS b, NULL AS c') # # See the PG::Result class for information on working with the results of a query. # # Many methods of this class have three variants kind of: # 1. #exec - the base method which is an alias to #async_exec . # This is the method that should be used in general. # 2. #async_exec - the async aware version of the method, implemented by libpq's async API. # 3. #sync_exec - the method version that is implemented by blocking function(s) of libpq. # # Sync and async version of the method can be switched by Connection.async_api= , however it is not recommended to change the default. class PG::Connection # The order the options are passed to the ::connect method. CONNECT_ARGUMENT_ORDER = %w[host port options tty dbname user password] ### Quote a single +value+ for use in a connection-parameter string. def self.quote_connstr( value ) return "'" + value.to_s.gsub( /[\\']/ ) {|m| '\\' + m } + "'" end # Convert Hash options to connection String # # Values are properly quoted and escaped. def self.connect_hash_to_string( hash ) hash.map { |k,v| "#{k}=#{quote_connstr(v)}" }.join( ' ' ) end # Parse the connection +args+ into a connection-parameter string. # See PG::Connection.new for valid arguments. # # It accepts: # * an option String kind of "host=name port=5432" # * an option Hash kind of {host: "name", port: 5432} # * URI string # * URI object # * positional arguments # # The method adds the option "fallback_application_name" if it isn't already set. # It returns a connection string with "key=value" pairs. def self.parse_connect_args( *args ) hash_arg = args.last.is_a?( Hash ) ? args.pop.transform_keys(&:to_sym) : {} iopts = {} if args.length == 1 case args.first when URI, /=/, /:\/\// # Option or URL string style conn_string = args.first.to_s iopts = PG::Connection.conninfo_parse(conn_string).each_with_object({}){|h, o| o[h[:keyword].to_sym] = h[:val] if h[:val] } else # Positional parameters (only host given) iopts[CONNECT_ARGUMENT_ORDER.first.to_sym] = args.first end else # Positional parameters with host and more max = CONNECT_ARGUMENT_ORDER.length raise ArgumentError, "Extra positional parameter %d: %p" % [ max + 1, args[max] ] if args.length > max CONNECT_ARGUMENT_ORDER.zip( args ) do |(k,v)| iopts[ k.to_sym ] = v if v end iopts.delete(:tty) # ignore obsolete tty parameter end iopts.merge!( hash_arg ) if !iopts[:fallback_application_name] iopts[:fallback_application_name] = $0.sub( /^(.{30}).{4,}(.{30})$/ ){ $1+"..."+$2 } end return connect_hash_to_string(iopts) end # Return a String representation of the object suitable for debugging. def inspect str = self.to_s str[-1,0] = if finished? " finished" else stats = [] stats << " status=#{ PG.constants.grep(/CONNECTION_/).find{|c| PG.const_get(c) == status} }" if status != CONNECTION_OK stats << " transaction_status=#{ PG.constants.grep(/PQTRANS_/).find{|c| PG.const_get(c) == transaction_status} }" if transaction_status != PG::PQTRANS_IDLE stats << " nonblocking=#{ isnonblocking }" if isnonblocking stats << " pipeline_status=#{ PG.constants.grep(/PQ_PIPELINE_/).find{|c| PG.const_get(c) == pipeline_status} }" if respond_to?(:pipeline_status) && pipeline_status != PG::PQ_PIPELINE_OFF stats << " client_encoding=#{ get_client_encoding }" if get_client_encoding != "UTF8" stats << " type_map_for_results=#{ type_map_for_results.to_s }" unless type_map_for_results.is_a?(PG::TypeMapAllStrings) stats << " type_map_for_queries=#{ type_map_for_queries.to_s }" unless type_map_for_queries.is_a?(PG::TypeMapAllStrings) stats << " encoder_for_put_copy_data=#{ encoder_for_put_copy_data.to_s }" if encoder_for_put_copy_data stats << " decoder_for_get_copy_data=#{ decoder_for_get_copy_data.to_s }" if decoder_for_get_copy_data " host=#{host} port=#{port} user=#{user}#{stats.join}" end return str end # call-seq: # conn.copy_data( sql [, coder] ) {|sql_result| ... } -> PG::Result # # Execute a copy process for transferring data to or from the server. # # This issues the SQL COPY command via #exec. The response to this # (if there is no error in the command) is a PG::Result object that # is passed to the block, bearing a status code of PGRES_COPY_OUT or # PGRES_COPY_IN (depending on the specified copy direction). # The application should then use #put_copy_data or #get_copy_data # to receive or transmit data rows and should return from the block # when finished. # # #copy_data returns another PG::Result object when the data transfer # is complete. An exception is raised if some problem was encountered, # so it isn't required to make use of any of them. # At this point further SQL commands can be issued via #exec. # (It is not possible to execute other SQL commands using the same # connection while the COPY operation is in progress.) # # This method ensures, that the copy process is properly terminated # in case of client side or server side failures. Therefore, in case # of blocking mode of operation, #copy_data is preferred to raw calls # of #put_copy_data, #get_copy_data and #put_copy_end. # # _coder_ can be a PG::Coder derivation # (typically PG::TextEncoder::CopyRow or PG::TextDecoder::CopyRow). # This enables encoding of data fields given to #put_copy_data # or decoding of fields received by #get_copy_data. # # Example with CSV input format: # conn.exec "create table my_table (a text,b text,c text,d text)" # conn.copy_data "COPY my_table FROM STDIN CSV" do # conn.put_copy_data "some,data,to,copy\n" # conn.put_copy_data "more,data,to,copy\n" # end # This creates +my_table+ and inserts two CSV rows. # # The same with text format encoder PG::TextEncoder::CopyRow # and Array input: # enco = PG::TextEncoder::CopyRow.new # conn.copy_data "COPY my_table FROM STDIN", enco do # conn.put_copy_data ['some', 'data', 'to', 'copy'] # conn.put_copy_data ['more', 'data', 'to', 'copy'] # end # # Example with CSV output format: # conn.copy_data "COPY my_table TO STDOUT CSV" do # while row=conn.get_copy_data # p row # end # end # This prints all rows of +my_table+ to stdout: # "some,data,to,copy\n" # "more,data,to,copy\n" # # The same with text format decoder PG::TextDecoder::CopyRow # and Array output: # deco = PG::TextDecoder::CopyRow.new # conn.copy_data "COPY my_table TO STDOUT", deco do # while row=conn.get_copy_data # p row # end # end # This receives all rows of +my_table+ as ruby array: # ["some", "data", "to", "copy"] # ["more", "data", "to", "copy"] def copy_data( sql, coder=nil ) raise PG::NotInBlockingMode.new("copy_data can not be used in nonblocking mode", connection: self) if nonblocking? res = exec( sql ) case res.result_status when PGRES_COPY_IN begin if coder old_coder = self.encoder_for_put_copy_data self.encoder_for_put_copy_data = coder end yield res rescue Exception => err errmsg = "%s while copy data: %s" % [ err.class.name, err.message ] put_copy_end( errmsg ) get_result raise else put_copy_end get_last_result ensure self.encoder_for_put_copy_data = old_coder if coder end when PGRES_COPY_OUT begin if coder old_coder = self.decoder_for_get_copy_data self.decoder_for_get_copy_data = coder end yield res rescue Exception => err cancel begin while get_copy_data end rescue PG::Error # Ignore error in cleanup to avoid losing original exception end while get_result end raise err else res = get_last_result if !res || res.result_status != PGRES_COMMAND_OK while get_copy_data end while get_result end raise PG::NotAllCopyDataRetrieved.new("Not all COPY data retrieved", connection: self) end res ensure self.decoder_for_get_copy_data = old_coder if coder end else raise ArgumentError, "SQL command is no COPY statement: #{sql}" end end # Backward-compatibility aliases for stuff that's moved into PG. class << self define_method( :isthreadsafe, &PG.method(:isthreadsafe) ) end # # call-seq: # conn.transaction { |conn| ... } -> result of the block # # Executes a +BEGIN+ at the start of the block, # and a +COMMIT+ at the end of the block, or # +ROLLBACK+ if any exception occurs. def transaction rollback = false exec "BEGIN" yield(self) rescue Exception rollback = true cancel if transaction_status == PG::PQTRANS_ACTIVE block exec "ROLLBACK" raise ensure exec "COMMIT" unless rollback end ### Returns an array of Hashes with connection defaults. See ::conndefaults ### for details. def conndefaults return self.class.conndefaults end ### Return the Postgres connection defaults structure as a Hash keyed by option ### keyword (as a Symbol). ### ### See also #conndefaults def self.conndefaults_hash return self.conndefaults.each_with_object({}) do |info, hash| hash[ info[:keyword].to_sym ] = info[:val] end end ### Returns a Hash with connection defaults. See ::conndefaults_hash ### for details. def conndefaults_hash return self.class.conndefaults_hash end ### Return the Postgres connection info structure as a Hash keyed by option ### keyword (as a Symbol). ### ### See also #conninfo def conninfo_hash return self.conninfo.each_with_object({}) do |info, hash| hash[ info[:keyword].to_sym ] = info[:val] end end # Method 'ssl_attribute' was introduced in PostgreSQL 9.5. if self.instance_methods.find{|m| m.to_sym == :ssl_attribute } # call-seq: # conn.ssl_attributes -> Hash # # Returns SSL-related information about the connection as key/value pairs # # The available attributes varies depending on the SSL library being used, # and the type of connection. # # See also #ssl_attribute def ssl_attributes ssl_attribute_names.each.with_object({}) do |n,h| h[n] = ssl_attribute(n) end end end # call-seq: # conn.get_result() -> PG::Result # conn.get_result() {|pg_result| block } # # Blocks waiting for the next result from a call to # #send_query (or another asynchronous command), and returns # it. Returns +nil+ if no more results are available. # # Note: call this function repeatedly until it returns +nil+, or else # you will not be able to issue further commands. # # If the optional code block is given, it will be passed result as an argument, # and the PG::Result object will automatically be cleared when the block terminates. # In this instance, conn.exec returns the value of the block. def get_result block sync_get_result end alias async_get_result get_result # call-seq: # conn.get_copy_data( [ nonblock = false [, decoder = nil ]] ) -> Object # # Return one row of data, +nil+ # if the copy is done, or +false+ if the call would # block (only possible if _nonblock_ is true). # # If _decoder_ is not set or +nil+, data is returned as binary string. # # If _decoder_ is set to a PG::Coder derivation, the return type depends on this decoder. # PG::TextDecoder::CopyRow decodes the received data fields from one row of PostgreSQL's # COPY text format to an Array of Strings. # Optionally the decoder can type cast the single fields to various Ruby types in one step, # if PG::TextDecoder::CopyRow#type_map is set accordingly. # # See also #copy_data. # def get_copy_data(async=false, decoder=nil) if async return sync_get_copy_data(async, decoder) else while (res=sync_get_copy_data(true, decoder)) == false socket_io.wait_readable consume_input end return res end end alias async_get_copy_data get_copy_data # In async_api=true mode (default) all send calls run nonblocking. # The difference is that setnonblocking(true) disables automatic handling of would-block cases. # In async_api=false mode all send calls run directly on libpq. # Blocking vs. nonblocking state can be changed in libpq. # call-seq: # conn.setnonblocking(Boolean) -> nil # # Sets the nonblocking status of the connection. # In the blocking state, calls to #send_query # will block until the message is sent to the server, # but will not wait for the query results. # In the nonblocking state, calls to #send_query # will return an error if the socket is not ready for # writing. # Note: This function does not affect #exec, because # that function doesn't return until the server has # processed the query and returned the results. # # Returns +nil+. def setnonblocking(enabled) singleton_class.async_send_api = !enabled self.flush_data = !enabled sync_setnonblocking(true) end alias async_setnonblocking setnonblocking # sync/async isnonblocking methods are switched by async_setnonblocking() # call-seq: # conn.isnonblocking() -> Boolean # # Returns the blocking status of the database connection. # Returns +true+ if the connection is set to nonblocking mode and +false+ if blocking. def isnonblocking false end alias async_isnonblocking isnonblocking alias nonblocking? isnonblocking # call-seq: # conn.put_copy_data( buffer [, encoder] ) -> Boolean # # Transmits _buffer_ as copy data to the server. # Returns true if the data was sent, false if it was # not sent (false is only possible if the connection # is in nonblocking mode, and this command would block). # # _encoder_ can be a PG::Coder derivation (typically PG::TextEncoder::CopyRow). # This encodes the data fields given as _buffer_ from an Array of Strings to # PostgreSQL's COPY text format inclusive proper escaping. Optionally # the encoder can type cast the fields from various Ruby types in one step, # if PG::TextEncoder::CopyRow#type_map is set accordingly. # # Raises an exception if an error occurs. # # See also #copy_data. # def put_copy_data(buffer, encoder=nil) # sync_put_copy_data does a non-blocking attept to flush data. until res=sync_put_copy_data(buffer, encoder) # It didn't flush immediately and allocation of more buffering memory failed. # Wait for all data sent by doing a blocking flush. res = flush end # And do a blocking flush every 100 calls. # This is to avoid memory bloat, when sending the data is slower than calls to put_copy_data happen. if (@calls_to_put_copy_data += 1) > 100 @calls_to_put_copy_data = 0 res = flush end res end alias async_put_copy_data put_copy_data # call-seq: # conn.put_copy_end( [ error_message ] ) -> Boolean # # Sends end-of-data indication to the server. # # _error_message_ is an optional parameter, and if set, # forces the COPY command to fail with the string # _error_message_. # # Returns true if the end-of-data was sent, #false* if it was # not sent (*false* is only possible if the connection # is in nonblocking mode, and this command would block). def put_copy_end(*args) until sync_put_copy_end(*args) flush end @calls_to_put_copy_data = 0 flush end alias async_put_copy_end put_copy_end if method_defined? :sync_encrypt_password # call-seq: # conn.encrypt_password( password, username, algorithm=nil ) -> String # # This function is intended to be used by client applications that wish to send commands like ALTER USER joe PASSWORD 'pwd'. # It is good practice not to send the original cleartext password in such a command, because it might be exposed in command logs, activity displays, and so on. # Instead, use this function to convert the password to encrypted form before it is sent. # # The +password+ and +username+ arguments are the cleartext password, and the SQL name of the user it is for. # +algorithm+ specifies the encryption algorithm to use to encrypt the password. # Currently supported algorithms are +md5+ and +scram-sha-256+ (+on+ and +off+ are also accepted as aliases for +md5+, for compatibility with older server versions). # Note that support for +scram-sha-256+ was introduced in PostgreSQL version 10, and will not work correctly with older server versions. # If algorithm is omitted or +nil+, this function will query the server for the current value of the +password_encryption+ setting. # That can block, and will fail if the current transaction is aborted, or if the connection is busy executing another query. # If you wish to use the default algorithm for the server but want to avoid blocking, query +password_encryption+ yourself before calling #encrypt_password, and pass that value as the algorithm. # # Return value is the encrypted password. # The caller can assume the string doesn't contain any special characters that would require escaping. # # Available since PostgreSQL-10. # See also corresponding {libpq function}[https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-misc.html#LIBPQ-PQENCRYPTPASSWORDCONN]. def encrypt_password( password, username, algorithm=nil ) algorithm ||= exec("SHOW password_encryption").getvalue(0,0) sync_encrypt_password(password, username, algorithm) end alias async_encrypt_password encrypt_password end # call-seq: # conn.reset() # # Resets the backend connection. This method closes the # backend connection and tries to re-connect. def reset reset_start async_connect_or_reset(:reset_poll) self end alias async_reset reset # call-seq: # conn.cancel() -> String # # Requests cancellation of the command currently being # processed. # # Returns +nil+ on success, or a string containing the # error message if a failure occurs. def cancel be_pid = backend_pid be_key = backend_key cancel_request = [0x10, 1234, 5678, be_pid, be_key].pack("NnnNN") if Fiber.respond_to?(:scheduler) && Fiber.scheduler && RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mingw|mswin/ # Ruby's nonblocking IO is not really supported on Windows. # We work around by using threads and explicit calls to wait_readable/wait_writable. cl = Thread.new(socket_io.remote_address) { |ra| ra.connect }.value begin cl.write_nonblock(cancel_request) rescue IO::WaitReadable, Errno::EINTR cl.wait_writable retry end begin cl.read_nonblock(1) rescue IO::WaitReadable, Errno::EINTR cl.wait_readable retry rescue EOFError end elsif RUBY_ENGINE == 'truffleruby' begin cl = socket_io.remote_address.connect rescue NotImplementedError # Workaround for truffleruby < 21.3.0 cl2 = Socket.for_fd(socket_io.fileno) cl2.autoclose = false adr = cl2.remote_address if adr.ip? cl = TCPSocket.new(adr.ip_address, adr.ip_port) cl.autoclose = false else cl = UNIXSocket.new(adr.unix_path) cl.autoclose = false end end cl.write(cancel_request) cl.read(1) else cl = socket_io.remote_address.connect # Send CANCEL_REQUEST_CODE and parameters cl.write(cancel_request) # Wait for the postmaster to close the connection, which indicates that it's processed the request. cl.read(1) end cl.close nil rescue SystemCallError => err err.to_s end alias async_cancel cancel private def async_connect_or_reset(poll_meth) # Track the progress of the connection, waiting for the socket to become readable/writable before polling it if (timeo = conninfo_hash[:connect_timeout].to_i) && timeo > 0 # Lowest timeout is 2 seconds - like in libpq timeo = [timeo, 2].max host_count = conninfo_hash[:host].to_s.count(",") + 1 stop_time = timeo * host_count + Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) end poll_status = PG::PGRES_POLLING_WRITING until poll_status == PG::PGRES_POLLING_OK || poll_status == PG::PGRES_POLLING_FAILED # Set single timeout to parameter "connect_timeout" but # don't exceed total connection time of number-of-hosts * connect_timeout. timeout = [timeo, stop_time - Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC)].min if stop_time event = if !timeout || timeout >= 0 # If the socket needs to read, wait 'til it becomes readable to poll again case poll_status when PG::PGRES_POLLING_READING if defined?(IO::READABLE) # ruby-3.0+ socket_io.wait(IO::READABLE | IO::PRIORITY, timeout) else IO.select([socket_io], nil, [socket_io], timeout) end # ...and the same for when the socket needs to write when PG::PGRES_POLLING_WRITING if defined?(IO::WRITABLE) # ruby-3.0+ # Use wait instead of wait_readable, since connection errors are delivered as # exceptional/priority events on Windows. socket_io.wait(IO::WRITABLE | IO::PRIORITY, timeout) else # io#wait on ruby-2.x doesn't wait for priority, so fallback to IO.select IO.select(nil, [socket_io], [socket_io], timeout) end end end # connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5433 failed: timeout expired (PG::ConnectionBad) # connection to server on socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5433" failed: No such file or directory unless event if self.class.send(:host_is_named_pipe?, host) connhost = "on socket \"#{host}\"" elsif respond_to?(:hostaddr) connhost = "at \"#{host}\" (#{hostaddr}), port #{port}" else connhost = "at \"#{host}\", port #{port}" end raise PG::ConnectionBad.new("connection to server #{connhost} failed: timeout expired", connection: self) end # Check to see if it's finished or failed yet poll_status = send( poll_meth ) end unless status == PG::CONNECTION_OK msg = error_message finish raise PG::ConnectionBad.new(msg, connection: self) end # Set connection to nonblocking to handle all blocking states in ruby. # That way a fiber scheduler is able to handle IO requests. sync_setnonblocking(true) self.flush_data = true set_default_encoding end class << self # call-seq: # PG::Connection.new -> conn # PG::Connection.new(connection_hash) -> conn # PG::Connection.new(connection_string) -> conn # PG::Connection.new(host, port, options, tty, dbname, user, password) -> conn # # Create a connection to the specified server. # # +connection_hash+ must be a ruby Hash with connection parameters. # See the {list of valid parameters}[https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-connect.html#LIBPQ-PARAMKEYWORDS] in the PostgreSQL documentation. # # There are two accepted formats for +connection_string+: plain keyword = value strings and URIs. # See the documentation of {connection strings}[https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-connect.html#LIBPQ-CONNSTRING]. # # The positional parameter form has the same functionality except that the missing parameters will always take on default values. The parameters are: # [+host+] # server hostname # [+port+] # server port number # [+options+] # backend options # [+tty+] # (ignored in all versions of PostgreSQL) # [+dbname+] # connecting database name # [+user+] # login user name # [+password+] # login password # # Examples: # # # Connect using all defaults # PG::Connection.new # # # As a Hash # PG::Connection.new( dbname: 'test', port: 5432 ) # # # As a String # PG::Connection.new( "dbname=test port=5432" ) # # # As an Array # PG::Connection.new( nil, 5432, nil, nil, 'test', nil, nil ) # # # As an URI # PG::Connection.new( "postgresql://user:pass@pgsql.example.com:5432/testdb?sslmode=require" ) # # If the Ruby default internal encoding is set (i.e., Encoding.default_internal != nil), the # connection will have its +client_encoding+ set accordingly. # # Raises a PG::Error if the connection fails. def new(*args) conn = connect_to_hosts(*args) if block_given? begin return yield conn ensure conn.finish end end conn end alias async_connect new alias connect new alias open new alias setdb new alias setdblogin new private def connect_to_hosts(*args) option_string = parse_connect_args(*args) iopts = PG::Connection.conninfo_parse(option_string).each_with_object({}){|h, o| o[h[:keyword].to_sym] = h[:val] if h[:val] } iopts = PG::Connection.conndefaults.each_with_object({}){|h, o| o[h[:keyword].to_sym] = h[:val] if h[:val] }.merge(iopts) if iopts[:hostaddr] # hostaddr is provided -> no need to resolve hostnames elsif iopts[:host] && !iopts[:host].empty? && PG.library_version >= 100000 # Resolve DNS in Ruby to avoid blocking state while connecting. # Multiple comma-separated values are generated, if the hostname resolves to both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. # This requires PostgreSQL-10+, so no DNS resolving is done on earlier versions. ihosts = iopts[:host].split(",", -1) iports = iopts[:port].split(",", -1) iports = [nil] if iports.size == 0 iports = iports * ihosts.size if iports.size == 1 raise PG::ConnectionBad, "could not match #{iports.size} port numbers to #{ihosts.size} hosts" if iports.size != ihosts.size dests = ihosts.each_with_index.flat_map do |mhost, idx| unless host_is_named_pipe?(mhost) if Fiber.respond_to?(:scheduler) && Fiber.scheduler && RUBY_VERSION < '3.1.' # Use a second thread to avoid blocking of the scheduler. # `TCPSocket.gethostbyname` isn't fiber aware before ruby-3.1. hostaddrs = Thread.new{ Addrinfo.getaddrinfo(mhost, nil, nil, :STREAM).map(&:ip_address) rescue [''] }.value else hostaddrs = Addrinfo.getaddrinfo(mhost, nil, nil, :STREAM).map(&:ip_address) rescue [''] end else # No hostname to resolve (UnixSocket) hostaddrs = [nil] end hostaddrs.map { |hostaddr| [hostaddr, mhost, iports[idx]] } end iopts.merge!( hostaddr: dests.map{|d| d[0] }.join(","), host: dests.map{|d| d[1] }.join(","), port: dests.map{|d| d[2] }.join(",")) else # No host given end conn = self.connect_start(iopts) or raise(PG::Error, "Unable to create a new connection") raise PG::ConnectionBad, conn.error_message if conn.status == PG::CONNECTION_BAD conn.send(:async_connect_or_reset, :connect_poll) conn end private def host_is_named_pipe?(host_string) host_string.empty? || host_string.start_with?("/") || # it's UnixSocket? host_string.start_with?("@") || # it's UnixSocket in the abstract namespace? # it's a path on Windows? (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mingw|mswin/ && host_string =~ /\A([\/\\]|\w:[\/\\])/) end # call-seq: # PG::Connection.ping(connection_hash) -> Integer # PG::Connection.ping(connection_string) -> Integer # PG::Connection.ping(host, port, options, tty, dbname, login, password) -> Integer # # Check server status. # # See PG::Connection.new for a description of the parameters. # # Returns one of: # [+PQPING_OK+] # server is accepting connections # [+PQPING_REJECT+] # server is alive but rejecting connections # [+PQPING_NO_RESPONSE+] # could not establish connection # [+PQPING_NO_ATTEMPT+] # connection not attempted (bad params) def ping(*args) if Fiber.respond_to?(:scheduler) && Fiber.scheduler # Run PQping in a second thread to avoid blocking of the scheduler. # Unfortunately there's no nonblocking way to run ping. Thread.new { sync_ping(*args) }.value else sync_ping(*args) end end alias async_ping ping REDIRECT_CLASS_METHODS = { :new => [:async_connect, :sync_connect], :connect => [:async_connect, :sync_connect], :open => [:async_connect, :sync_connect], :setdb => [:async_connect, :sync_connect], :setdblogin => [:async_connect, :sync_connect], :ping => [:async_ping, :sync_ping], } # These methods are affected by PQsetnonblocking REDIRECT_SEND_METHODS = { :isnonblocking => [:async_isnonblocking, :sync_isnonblocking], :nonblocking? => [:async_isnonblocking, :sync_isnonblocking], :put_copy_data => [:async_put_copy_data, :sync_put_copy_data], :put_copy_end => [:async_put_copy_end, :sync_put_copy_end], :flush => [:async_flush, :sync_flush], } REDIRECT_METHODS = { :exec => [:async_exec, :sync_exec], :query => [:async_exec, :sync_exec], :exec_params => [:async_exec_params, :sync_exec_params], :prepare => [:async_prepare, :sync_prepare], :exec_prepared => [:async_exec_prepared, :sync_exec_prepared], :describe_portal => [:async_describe_portal, :sync_describe_portal], :describe_prepared => [:async_describe_prepared, :sync_describe_prepared], :setnonblocking => [:async_setnonblocking, :sync_setnonblocking], :get_result => [:async_get_result, :sync_get_result], :get_last_result => [:async_get_last_result, :sync_get_last_result], :get_copy_data => [:async_get_copy_data, :sync_get_copy_data], :reset => [:async_reset, :sync_reset], :set_client_encoding => [:async_set_client_encoding, :sync_set_client_encoding], :client_encoding= => [:async_set_client_encoding, :sync_set_client_encoding], :cancel => [:async_cancel, :sync_cancel], } if PG::Connection.instance_methods.include? :async_encrypt_password REDIRECT_METHODS.merge!({ :encrypt_password => [:async_encrypt_password, :sync_encrypt_password], }) end def async_send_api=(enable) REDIRECT_SEND_METHODS.each do |ali, (async, sync)| undef_method(ali) if method_defined?(ali) alias_method( ali, enable ? async : sync ) end end # Switch between sync and async libpq API. # # PG::Connection.async_api = true # this is the default. # It sets an alias from #exec to #async_exec, #reset to #async_reset and so on. # # PG::Connection.async_api = false # sets an alias from #exec to #sync_exec, #reset to #sync_reset and so on. # # pg-1.1.0+ defaults to libpq's async API for query related blocking methods. # pg-1.3.0+ defaults to libpq's async API for all possibly blocking methods. # # _PLEASE_ _NOTE_: This method is not part of the public API and is for debug and development use only. # Do not use this method in production code. # Any issues with the default setting of async_api=true should be reported to the maintainers instead. # def async_api=(enable) self.async_send_api = enable REDIRECT_METHODS.each do |ali, (async, sync)| remove_method(ali) if method_defined?(ali) alias_method( ali, enable ? async : sync ) end REDIRECT_CLASS_METHODS.each do |ali, (async, sync)| singleton_class.remove_method(ali) if method_defined?(ali) singleton_class.alias_method(ali, enable ? async : sync ) end end end self.async_api = true end # class PG::Connection