# -*- ruby -*- #encoding: utf-8 require 'socket' require 'zmq' require 'yajl' require 'digest/sha1' require 'loggability' require 'mongrel2' unless defined?( Mongrel2 ) # The Mongrel2 connection class. Connection objects serve as a front end for # the ZMQ sockets which talk to the mongrel2 server/s for your handler. It receives # TNetString requests and wraps Mongrel2::Request objects around them, and # then encodes and sends Mongrel2::Response objects back to the server. # # == References # * http://mongrel2.org/static/book-finalch6.html#x8-710005.3 class Mongrel2::Connection extend Loggability # Loggability API -- set up logging under the 'mongrel2' log host log_to :mongrel2 ### Create a new Connection identified by +app_id+ (a UUID or other unique string) that ### will connect to a Mongrel2 server on the +sub_addr+ and +pub_addr+ (e.g., ### 'tcp://'). def initialize( app_id, sub_addr, pub_addr ) @app_id = app_id @sub_addr = sub_addr @pub_addr = pub_addr @request_sock = @response_sock = nil @identifier = make_identifier( app_id ) @closed = false end ### Copy constructor -- don't keep the +original+'s sockets or closed state. def initialize_copy( original ) @request_sock = @response_sock = nil @closed = false end ###### public ###### # The application's identifier string that associates it with its route attr_reader :app_id # The ZMQ socket identity used by this connection attr_reader :identifier # The connection's subscription (request) socket address attr_reader :sub_addr # The connection's publication (response) socket address attr_reader :pub_addr ### Establish both connections to the Mongrel2 server. def connect ctx = Mongrel2.zmq_context self.log.debug "0mq Context is: %p" % [ ctx ] self.log.info "Connecting PULL request socket (%s)" % [ self.sub_addr ] @request_sock = ctx.socket( :PULL ) @request_sock.linger = 0 @request_sock.connect( self.sub_addr ) self.log.info "Connecting PUB response socket (%s)" % [ self.pub_addr ] @response_sock = ctx.socket( :PUB ) @response_sock.linger = 0 @response_sock.connect( self.pub_addr ) end ### Fetch the ZMQ::PULL socket for incoming requests, establishing the ### connection to Mongrel if it hasn't been already. def request_sock self.check_closed self.connect unless @request_sock return @request_sock end ### Fetch the ZMQ::PUB socket for outgoing responses, establishing the ### connection to Mongrel if it hasn't been already. def response_sock self.check_closed self.connect unless @response_sock return @response_sock end ### Fetch the next request from the server as raw TNetString data. def recv self.check_closed self.log.debug "Fetching next request (PULL)" data = self.request_sock.recv self.log.debug " got %d bytes of %s request data" % [ data.bytesize, data.encoding.name ] return data end ### Fetch the next request from the server as a Mongrel2::Request object. def receive raw_req = self.recv self.log.debug "Receive: parsing raw request: %d bytes" % [ raw_req.bytesize ] return Mongrel2::Request.parse( raw_req ) end ### Write raw +data+ to the given connection ID (+conn_id+) at the given +sender_id+. def send( sender_id, conn_id, data ) self.check_closed header = "%s %d:%s," % [ sender_id, conn_id.to_s.length, conn_id ] buf = header + ' ' + data self.log.debug "Sending response (PUB)" self.response_sock.send( buf ) self.log.debug " done with send (%d bytes)" % [ buf.bytesize ] end ### Write raw +data+ to the given connection ID (+conn_id+) at the specified ### +sender_id+ as an extended response of type +response_type+. def send_extended( sender_id, conn_id, response_type, *data ) self.check_closed self.log.debug "Sending response with %s extended reply (PUB)" header = "%s %d:X %s," % [ sender_id, conn_id.to_s.length + 2, conn_id ] buf = header + ' ' + TNetstring.dump( [response_type] + data ) self.response_sock.send( buf ) self.log.debug " done with send (%d bytes)" % [ buf.bytesize ] end ### Write the specified +response+ (Mongrel::Response object) to the requester. def reply( response ) response.each_chunk do |data| self.send( response.sender_id, response.conn_id, data ) end if response.extended_reply? self.log.debug "Response also includes an extended reply." data = response.extended_reply_data filter = response.extended_reply_filter self.send_extended( response.sender_id, response.conn_id, filter, *data ) end end ### Send the given +data+ to one or more connected clients identified by +client_ids+ ### via the server specified by +sender_id+. The +client_ids+ should be an Array of ### Integer IDs no longer than Mongrel2::MAX_IDENTS. def broadcast( sender_id, conn_ids, data ) idlist = conn_ids.flatten.map( &:to_s ).join( ' ' ) self.send( sender_id, idlist, data ) end ### Send the given +data+ to one or more connected clients identified by +client_ids+ ### via the server specified by +sender_id+ as an extended reply of type ### +response_type+. The +client_ids+ should be an Array of Integer IDs no longer ### than Mongrel2::MAX_IDENTS. def broadcast_extended( sender_id, conn_ids, response_type, *data ) idlist = conn_ids.flatten.map( &:to_s ).join( ' ' ) self.send_extended( sender_id, idlist, response_type, *data ) end ### Tell the server to close the connection associated with the given +sender_id+ and ### +conn_id+. def send_close( sender_id, conn_id ) self.log.info "Sending kill message to connection %d" % [ conn_id ] self.send( sender_id, conn_id, '' ) end ### Tell the server to close the connection associated with the given +request_or_response+. def reply_close( request_or_response ) self.send_close( request_or_response.sender_id, request_or_response.conn_id ) end ### Tell the server associated with +sender_id+ to close the connections associated ### with +conn_ids+. def broadcast_close( sender_id, *conn_ids ) self.broadcast( sender_id, conn_ids.flatten, '' ) end ### Close both of the sockets and mark the Connection as closed. def close return if self.closed? self.closed = true @request_sock.close if @request_sock @response_sock.close if @response_sock end ### Returns +true+ if the connection to the Mongrel2 server has been closed. def closed? return @closed end ### Return a string describing the connection. def to_s return "{%s} %s <-> %s" % [ self.app_id, self.sub_addr, self.pub_addr, ] end ### Returns a string containing a human-readable representation of the Connection, ### suitable for debugging. def inspect state = if @request_sock if self.closed? "closed" else "connected" end else "not connected" end return "#<%p:0x%016x %s (%s)>" % [ self.class, self.object_id * 2, self.to_s, state, ] end ######### protected ######### # True if the Connection to the Mongrel2 server has been closed. attr_writer :closed ### Check to be sure the Connection hasn't been closed, raising a Mongrel2::ConnectionError ### if it has. def check_closed raise Mongrel2::ConnectionError, "operation on closed Connection" if self.closed? end ####### private ####### ### Make a unique identifier for this connection's socket based on the +app_id+ ### and some other stuff. def make_identifier( app_id ) identifier = Digest::SHA1.new identifier << app_id identifier << Socket.gethostname identifier << Process.pid.to_s identifier << Time.now.to_s return identifier.hexdigest end end # class Mongrel2::Connection # vim: set nosta noet ts=4 sw=4: