Feature: Give a resource to another role Scenario: I can give a resource which I own to another role Given I successfully run `conjur resource create food:$ns/bacon` And I create a new user named "alice@$ns" Then I successfully run `conjur resource give food:$ns/bacon user:alice@$ns` And I reset the command list Scenario: Resource owner is in the 'owner' field Given I successfully run `conjur resource create food:$ns/bacon` And I create a new user named "alice@$ns" And I keep the JSON at "roleid" as "USERID" Then I successfully run `conjur resource give food:$ns/bacon user:alice@$ns` And I successfully run `conjur resource show food:$ns/bacon` Then the JSON at "owner" should be %{USERID} Scenario: When I give a resource away, I give all permissions Given I successfully run `conjur resource create food:$ns/bacon` And I create a new user named "alice@$ns" And I successfully run `conjur resource give food:$ns/bacon user:alice@$ns` And I login as "alice@$ns" And I reset the command list When I successfully run `conjur resource check food:$ns/bacon fry` Then the stdout should contain exactly "true"