INITIAL_PING_TIMEOUT = 2000 KEEPALIVE_PING_TIMEOUT = 20000 class Firehose.WebSocket extends Firehose.Transport name: -> 'WebSocket' # Check if WebSocket is an object in the window. @supported: -> window.WebSocket? constructor: (args) -> super args # Configrations specifically for web sockets @config.webSocket ||= {} @config.webSocket.connectionVerified = @config.connectionVerified _request: => # Run this is a try/catch block because IE10 inside of a .NET control # complains about security zones. try @socket = new window.WebSocket "ws:#{@config.uri}?#{$.param @config.params}" @socket.onopen = @_open @socket.onclose = @_close @socket.onerror = @_error @socket.onmessage = @_lookForInitialPong catch err console?.log(err) _open: => sendPing @socket _lookForInitialPong: (event) => @_restartKeepAlive() if isPong(try JSON.parse catch e then {}) if @_lastMessageSequence? # don't callback to connectionVerified on subsequent reconnects @sendStartingMessageSequence @_lastMessageSequence else @config.webSocket.connectionVerified @ sendStartingMessageSequence: (message_sequence) => @_lastMessageSequence = message_sequence @socket.onmessage = @_message @socket.send JSON.stringify {message_sequence} @_needToNotifyOfDisconnect = true @ stop: => @_cleanUp() _message: (event) => frame = @config.parse @_restartKeepAlive() unless isPong frame try @_lastMessageSequence = frame.last_sequence @config.message @config.parse frame.message catch e _close: (event) => if event?.wasClean then @_cleanUp() else @_error event _error: (event) => @_cleanUp() if @_needToNotifyOfDisconnect @_needToNotifyOfDisconnect = false @config.disconnected() if @_succeeded then @connect @_retryDelay else @config.failed @ _cleanUp: => @_clearKeepalive() if @socket? @socket.onopen = null @socket.onclose = null @socket.onerror = null @socket.onmessage = null @socket.close() delete @socket _restartKeepAlive: => doPing = => sendPing @socket setNextKeepAlive() setNextKeepAlive = => @keepaliveTimeout = setTimeout doPing, KEEPALIVE_PING_TIMEOUT @_clearKeepalive() setNextKeepAlive() _clearKeepalive: => if @keepaliveTimeout? clearTimeout @keepaliveTimeout @keepaliveTimeout = null sendPing = (socket) -> socket.send JSON.stringify ping: 'PING' isPong = (o) -> o.pong is 'PONG'