# Following the advice from @czechboy0 https://github.com/danger/danger/issues/171 # https://github.com/czechboy0/Buildasaur require "danger/request_sources/github/github" module Danger # ### CI Setup # # If you're bold enough to use Xcode Bots. You will need to use [Buildasaur](https://github.com/czechboy0/Buildasaur) # in order to work with Danger. This will set up your build environment for you, as the name of the bot contains all # of the environment variables that Danger needs to work. # # With Buildasaur set up, you can edit your job to add `bundle exec danger` as a post-action build script. # # ### Token Setup # # As this is self-hosted, you will need to add the `DANGER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN` to your build user's ENV. The alternative # is to pass in the token as a prefix to the command `DANGER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN="123" bundle exec danger`.`. # class XcodeServer < CI def self.validates_as_ci?(env) env.key? "XCS_BOT_NAME" end def self.validates_as_pr?(env) value = env["XCS_BOT_NAME"] !value.nil? && value.include?("BuildaBot") end def supported_request_sources @supported_request_sources ||= [ Danger::RequestSources::GitHub, Danger::RequestSources::BitbucketServer, Danger::RequestSources::BitbucketCloud ] end def initialize(env) bot_name = env["XCS_BOT_NAME"] return if bot_name.nil? repo_matches = bot_name.match(/\[(.+)\]/) self.repo_slug = repo_matches[1] unless repo_matches.nil? pull_request_id_matches = bot_name.match(/#(\d+)/) self.pull_request_id = pull_request_id_matches[1] unless pull_request_id_matches.nil? self.repo_url = GitRepo.new.origins # Xcode Server doesn't provide a repo url env variable :/ end end end