# <%= @action.action_name %> <% action = @action %> <%= action.description %> <%= "> #{action.deprecated_notes.gsub("\n\n", "\n")}" unless action.deprecated_notes.to_s.empty? %> <% if @custom_content %> <%= @custom_content %>
<% else %> <%= "> #{action.details.gsub("\n\n", "\n")}" unless action.details.to_s.empty? %> <% end %> <%= action.action_name %> | -----|---- Supported platforms | <%= [:ios, :android, :mac].find_all { |a| action.is_supported?(a) }.join(", ") %> Author | @<%= Array(action.author || action.authors).join(", @") %> <%- unless action.return_value.to_s.empty? -%> Returns | <%= action.return_value %> <%- end -%> <% if (action.example_code || []).count > 0 %> ## <%= action.example_code.count %> Example<%= (action.example_code.count > 1) ? "s" : "" %> <% action.example_code.each do |current_sample| %> ```ruby <%= current_sample.gsub(" ", "") %> ``` <% end %><%# End of action.example_code... %> <% end %><%# End of if %> <% if action.available_options && action.available_options.first.kind_of?(FastlaneCore::ConfigItem) %> ## Parameters Key | Description | Default ----|-------------|-------- <%- (action.available_options || []).each do |config_item| -%> <%- next unless config_item.kind_of?(FastlaneCore::ConfigItem) -%> <%- next if config_item.description.to_s.length == 0 -%> `<%= config_item.key %>` | <%= config_item.description %> | <%= config_item.default_value.nil? ? "-" : (config_item.default_value_dynamic ? "*" : config_item.default_value) %> <%- end %> _- = this parameter doesn't have a default value_
_* = this default value is dependent on the user's system_ <% end %><%# End of action.available_options... %>
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