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Unit Test Results: Summary open('allclasses-frame.html','classListFrame')


Failure Error Pass
  width:px width:px width:px
Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.

TestSuite Summary

Failure Error Pass
.html Failure width:px width:px width:px
All Unit Test Classes

Test Suite

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Unit Tests Results -

Generated by NUnit2Report : -  Environment Information Designed for use with NUnit and NAnt.

Tests Failures Errors Success Rate Time(s) Unit Test for class <xsl:value-of select="./@name"/>

Test Suite

Failure Error Pass
width:px width:px width:px

Test Case

Failure Error Ignored Pass
javascript:Toggle('');ToggleImage('') - - + javascript:Toggle('') Failure javascript:Toggle('') ignored method
display:block display:block display:none
Name Tests Errors Failures Time(s) Name Status Time(s)

TestSuite Summary

Failure Error Pass
Failure width:px width:px width:px


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TestSuite Summary

Failure Error Pass


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m< public string TestCaseName(string path) { string[] a = path.Split('.'); return(a[a.Length-1]); } ../ ../

Unit Tests Results -

Generated by NUnit2Report : -  Environment Information Designed for use with NUnit and NAnt.

Tests Failures Errors Success Rate Time(s) Name Tests Errors Failures Time(s) Name Status Time(s)


Failure Error Pass
width:px width:px width:px
Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
Failure Error Ignored Pass javascript:Toggle('');ToggleImage('') - - +   javascript:Toggle('') error   javascript:Toggle('') ignored method 
display:block display:block display:none

Environment Information

Property Value
NAnt Location
NAnt Version
Base Directory
Operating System
.NET CLR Version
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, ../ ../

Unit Tests Results -

Generated: - Environment Information Designed for use with NUnit and NAnt.

Tests Failures Errors Success Rate Time(s) Name Tests Errors Failures Time Name Status Time


Failure Error Pass
Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
Failure Error Pass javascript:toggle() cursor: hand; N/A

Environment Information

Property Value
NAnt Location
NAnt Version
Base Directory
Operating System
.NET CLR Version
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t_TryBlockset_TryBlockget_CatchBlockset_CatchBlockget_FinallyBlockset_FinallyBlockTryBlockCatchBlockFinallyBlockBuildExceptionCatch_fileNameget_TypedCollFileSetset_TypedCollFileSetGenerateCollectionClassesTypedCollFileSet_xmlFiles_numErrors_schemasget_XmlFilesset_XmlFilesget_SchemasXmlSchemaCollectionValidateFileOnValidationErrorXmlFilesSchemas_outDir_errorFile_checkReferences_conditionalsget_OutDirset_OutDirget_CheckReferencesset_CheckReferencesget_ErrorFileset_ErrorFileget_Conditionalsset_ConditionalsNeedsCompilingParseGroupFileProjectNeedsCompilingVB6GetTypeLibFileParseProjectFileOutDirCheckReferencesErrorFileConditionals_prefix_buildType_revisionType_startDateget_Prefixset_Prefixget_StartDateset_StartDateget_BuildTypeset_BuildTypeget_RevisionTypeset_RevisionTypeReadVersionFromFileWriteVersionToFileCalculateMonthDayBuildNumberCalculateSecondsSinceMidnightCalculateBuildNumberCalculateVersionCalculateRevisionNumberPrefixStartDateBuildTypeRevisionTypeMonthDayIncrementNoIncrementAutomatic_forserver_protocol_urlkey_baseurlget_ForServerset_ForServerget_Protocolset_Protocolget_UrlKeyset_UrlKeyget_BaseUrlset_BaseUrlForServerProtocolUrlKeyBaseUrl_schema_element_types_uri_xmldoc_xdrget_Schemaset_Schemaget_Elementset_Elementget_Typesset_Typesget_Uriset_Uriget_XmlDocset_XmlDocget_Xdrset_XdrSchemaTypesXmlDocXdrUnboundBoundStoppedStartedHyperlinkTriggerConvertToFramesNoFrames_name_if_unlessget_Nameset_Nameget_Ifset_Ifget_Unlessset_UnlessNameIfUnless_entityPathsget_EntityPathsEntityPaths_culture_publicKeyTokenget_Cultureset_Cultureget_PublicKeyTokenset_PublicKeyTokenCulturePublicKeyToken_assemblyCollectionget_AssemblyCollectionAssemblyCollectionCopyToGetEnumeratorget_CurrentSystem.Collections.IEnumerator.get_CurrentMoveNextSystem.Collections.IEnumerator.MoveNextSystem.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset_baseEnumerator_tokenget_Tokenset_TokenTokenDefaultTokenStartDefaultTokenEnd_startOfToken_endOfToken_filtersget_BeginTokenset_BeginTokenget_EndTokenset_EndTokenget_FiltersReplaceTokensBeginTokenEndTokenFiltersHasFilters_schemeType_schemeId_schemeDescriptionget_SchemeTypeset_SchemeTypeget_SchemeIdset_SchemeIdget_SchemeDescriptionset_SchemeDescriptionSchemeIdSchemeDescriptionSystem.Security.CryptographyHashAlgorithm_providerCalculateChecksumChecksumToStringget_LoggerLogger_listget_Thresholdset_Thresholdget_EmacsModeset_EmacsModeset_OutputWriterBuildEventArgsBuildStartedBuildFinishedTargetStartedTargetFinishedTaskStartedTaskFinishedMessageLoggedOutputMessageCreateBuildEvent_threshold_emacsMode_stoppedThresholdEmacsModeMoveFileGetPrivateProfileStringWritePrivateProfileStringstrFilenameWriteStringOleDbConnection_connectionOleDbTransaction_transactionget_ConnectionConnectionSEPARATORAdaptSqlAdaptSqlFileLine_statements_styleget_Countset_PropertiesParseSqlParseSqlFromFileStripCommentsExpandPropspropertiestablesdirectoriesenvironmentdialogscontrolscontrolconditionscontroleventsregistryiconsshortcutsbinariescustomactionssequencesactiontextappmappingsurlpropertiesvdirpropertiesapprootsiispropertiesfailonerroroutputsourcedirtemplateerrortemplateverbosedebugdeterministicguidslaunchconditionsfeaturesmergemoduleslicensebannerbackgrounddescriptionconditionmodulevaluemodulesconfigurationitemsfeatureincludeexcludeincludesfileexcludesfileincludesexcludesbasedirdefaultexcludesfailonemptyrefidfrompathasIsasIsSpecifiedifunlessexpressionlevelconditionsattrtitledisplaytypicaldirectorydefaultdoccomponenturlpropertyinprocflagportpropertyextensionexepathverbsactioninstallexecuteinstalluiadminexecuteadminuiadvtexecutesourcetargetfilenameargumentshotkeyiconiconindexiconindexSpecifiedshowcmdshowcmdSpecifiedwkdirdwordpathrootdependentmachineclassesusersuserdialogcontrolargumentorderorderSpecifiedremovexywidthheighttextnextcontrolhelphcentervcenterfirstcontroldefaultcontrolcancelcontrolfileversionlanguagecheckinteropinstalltogackeyfilesetforceidfileattrinstallassembliestogackeepsubdirsappendfoldernamecolumnsnullablecategorycategorySpecifiedminvalueminvalueSpecifiedmaxvaluemaxvalueSpecifiedkeytablekeycolumnkeycolumnSpecifiedsetTextUpperCaseLowerCaseIntegerDoubleIntegerTimeDateIdentifierFilenameWildCardFilenamePathsAnyPathDefaultDirRegPathFormattedTemplateConditionGUIDBinaryCabinetShortcutrowssetpropertyItem64bitminversionmaxversionminsizeminsizeSpecifiedmaxsizemaxsizeSpecifiedmindatemindateSpecifiedmaxdatemaxdateSpecifiedlanguagesparentdepthsectionfieldrawcomponentidappinidirfilesubjectauthorkeywordscommentsrevisionnumbercreatingapplicationmoduledependenciesmoduleexclusionsmodulesequencesmoduleignoretablesmodulesubstitutionsmoduleconfigurationssequencesequenceSpecifiedbaseactionaftertablerowcolumnformatcontextdatadefaultvaluedisplaynamehelplocationhelpkeywordintegerbitfieldAssemblyKeyNameAttributeAssemblyKeyFileAttributeAssemblyDelaySignAttributeAssemblyDescriptionAttributeAssemblyTitleAttributeAssemblyInformationalVersionAttributeAssemblyVersionAttributeAssemblyCultureAttributeAssemblyTrademarkAttributeAssemblyCopyrightAttributeAssemblyProductAttributeAssemb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escpTypeAttrinvKindpBstrDllNamepBstrNamepwOrdinalhrefppTCompppTypeAttrstrNamestrDocStringdwHelpContextstrHelpFileppvrgBstrNamescMaxNamespcNamespUnkOuterriidppvObjpvInstancewFlagspDispParamspVarResultpExcepInfopuArgErrppVarDescpFuncDescppFuncDescpImplTypeFlagspTypeKindpTypeFlagspFuncIndexpVarIndexInAttributepCustDatapVarValindexFuncindexParamlcidpbstrHelpStringpdwHelpStringContextpbstrHelpStringDlltaskNodeLoadget_DocumentElementImportNodeIXPathNavigableXmlResolverTransformAddParamGetEncodingXPathNavigatorCreateNavigatorXPathExpressionCompileXPathNodeIteratorSelectGetAttributeSelectAncestorsJoinxslFileNamexslFileFileModeFileAccessget_NowDictionaryBaseIDictionaryEnumeratorDictionaryEntrystreamabsoluteUriroleobjToReturnget_Schemeget_AbsolutePathprocessEventHandleradd_Exitedget_ArgumentsSorteMaxValueDateTimeValidatorAttributeDoublecommandValuepositionArgumentNullExceptionoSinglecommandArgumentcommandArgumentsvaloldValuenewValueChangeListCreateIfMissingLabelnameClientnameSearchPatternSearchPatternsexeprmsinputset_RedirectStandardInputget_StandardInputVSSDatabaseClassIVSSDatabaseVSSItemget_VSSItemtimestampInvalidEnumArgumentExceptionExternalExceptionget_ErrorCodeNewSubprojectCheckoutset_Deletedget_LogPrefixCreateAttributessItemIVSSVersionsget_Versionsget_VersionNumberget_Specget_Dateget_ItemslocalPathPrefixitemsCaseInsensitiveHashCodeProviderCaseInsensitiveComparerIHashCodeProviderIComparerget_DeleteddeletedTableGetFileSystemEntriesMinValueXmlConvertop_LessThanOrEqualop_GreaterThanget_LabelCommentUndoCheckoutrawviewStStarTeamFinderStaticsClassIStStarTeamFinderStaticsIStViewStStarTeamFinderStaticsuserIDIStServerStUsergetUserIStUserFormatExceptionStViewFactoryClassStViewConfigurationStaticsClassStViewConfigurationcreateFromTimeIStViewFactorycreateTipStViewFactorysnapshotStLabelFactoryClassCreateRevisionLabelCreateViewLabelupdateIStFileGetNamedItemget_InnerTextget_UNLOCKEDcheckinXmlExceptionget_RootFolderIStFolderStCollectiongetItemsIStCollectionget_EXCLUSIVEcheckoutstFoldergetFilePathget_ASCIIWriteAttributeStringSystem.SecuritySecurityExceptionInt32ValidatorAttributeClearfindFolderstViewget_LabelsrootStarteamFolderrootLocalFolderlocalFolderlocalFilesthisfilenantPatternpathspatternsget_UNCHANGEDstarteamFoldertargetFolderget_mergeget_UNKNOWNupdateStatustoStringget_CURRENTcheckinFromget_SubFoldersfolderparentFolderstFileStItemmoveLabelToItemget_NONEXCLUSIVEget_IDcreateFromLabelget_ModifiedcheckoutToreposFilelocalFileget_Lockerget_ModifiedTimeToShortDateStringget_LocalSizespadlenargBuilderOptionget_IfDefinedArgumentCollectionArgumentget_GlobalOptionsget_Valuesget_UnlessDefinedargDeriveVcsFromEnvironmentNullReferenceExceptionIsMatchget_MachineNameOperatingSystemget_OSVersionget_Majorget_Minorget_NativeObjectbindingsiteRunningwebsitePropertyCollectionPropertyValueCollectionRefreshCacheDirectoryEntriesget_Childrenget_SchemaClassNameCommitChangesbasePathrelPathschemaClassNamepropBuildAttributeAttributevdirGetPropertiesHasAttributeFindget_PropertyNamesget_IsArrayget_NewLineOptionEnumeratorget_OptionNameentrypropertyNamepropertyValueexistingValueBuildElementCollectionAttributeget_WorkingDirectoryonset_OptionNameset_IfDefinedfullpathhelpdirlibIDwVerMajorwVerMinorlCIDtSysKinduModeKernel32.dllhandlelpprocnameflagsmessageIdlanguageIdbuffersizeget_IncludesGetCurrentDirectorySetCurrentDirectoryGetExtensionGetLastWin32Errorget_InnerExceptionTargetInvocationExceptionwMajorVerNumwMinorVerNumsyskindReleaseComObjectReleaseget_HasExitedKillerrorZeroTrimEnddllentrypointAppDomainget_CurrentDomainSystem.Reflection.EmitAssemblyBuilderAssemblyBuilderAccessDefineDynamicAssemblyModuleBuilderDefineDynamicModuleMethodBuilderMethodAttributesCallingConventionsCallingConventionCharSetDefinePInvokeMethodCreateGlobalFunctionsMethodInfoGetMethodchecksumwhenfallbackget_NodeTypeget_NamespaceURILookupNamespaceCreateTaskXmlDeclarationCreateXmlDeclarationTargetFileSetlabelset_CapacityTrimToSizeReadLinePeeklineCountcommentLineCountemptyLineCountOpenReadTargetCollectionget_TargetsTopologicalTargetSortProgramLocationAttributeLocationTypeget_DirectoryNamessbget_ExtensionLocalMachineGetParentGetFullPathWriteLinePropertyTaskget_DynamicBuildElementArrayAttributeTypeConverterAttributecontextcultureIsDefinedrecorderBuildEventHandlerremove_BuildStartedremove_BuildFinishedremove_TargetStartedremove_TargetFinishedremove_TaskStartedremove_TaskFinishedremove_MessageLoggedBuildListenerCollectionget_BuildListenersadd_BuildStartedadd_BuildFinishedadd_TargetStartedadd_TargetFinishedadd_TaskStartedadd_TaskFinishedadd_MessageLoggedAttributeUsageAttributeAttributeTargetsschemaTypexmlNamespaceGetEnvironmentVariableDriverWriteSolutionNAntWriterNMakeWriteroptionsoptionSetNameAppendTextCreateTextLogWriterOleDbInfoMessageEventHandleradd_InfoMessagesqlHelperresultsDataTableGetSchemaTableDataRowCollectionget_RowsInternalDataCollectionBaseDataRowIDataRecordget_FieldCountNextResultget_RecordsAffectedbeCollectionGenCollectionGeneratorCSharpCollectionGeneratorVBCollectionGeneratorGenerateCodeFromXmlXmlSchemaExceptionschemasXmlSeverityTypeget_SeveritygroupFileget_DirectoryNameprojectFileget_LastWriteTimeFindMoreRecentLastWriteTimemajorminor16ToUInt16sourcesreferences$$method0x60008cb-1UInt16ChangeExtensionget_Buildget_Yearget_Monthget_Dayget_Hourget_Minuteget_SecondcurrentBuildNumbernewBuildNumberdestinationTypeget_EnumTypeSerializableAttributeElementNameAttributearraytokenlineArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionproviderNameComputeHashget_Exceptionget_IndentationLevelget_IndentationSizeFileShareindentationLengthget_MessageLevelUnknownLocationget_TaskPadLeftset_MessageLevelset_MessagesourceFileNamedestinationFileNameencodingfiltersetsBufferedStreamMoveabsolutePathPlatformIDget_PlatformGetPathRootGetPrivateProfileStringAlpApplicationNamelpKeyNamelpDefaultlpReturnedStringnSizelpFileNameWritePrivateProfileStringAlpStringconnectionStringuseTransactionBeginTransactioncommitRollbackcmdTimeoutOleDbCommandset_TransactionOleDbDataReaderExecuteReaderstmtListstyleXmlTypeAttributeXmlIncludeAttributeXmlArrayItemAttributeXmlAttributeAttributeDefaultValueAttributeXmlRootAttributeXmlElementAttributeXmlIgnoreAttributeXmlTextAttributeXmlEnumAttributexslt.NUnit-Frame.xslxslt.i18n.xslxslt.NUnit-NoFrame.xslNUnitSummary.xslxslt.toolkit.xsltoolkit.xslM'{0}' is not a valid fileset reference.7root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer%Deploying "{0}"...9The assembly does not exist.oAssembly binding information file "{0}" does not exist./MSBTS_DeploymentService Deploy ServerDatabaseAssemblyInstallBindingLogDeployed "{0}"KAssembly "{0}" could not be deployed.?Exporting bindings for "{0}"... Export7Exported bindings for "{0}"eBindings for assembly "{0}" could not be exported.gSELECT * FROM MSBTS_HostInstance WHERE HostType = 1HostNameRunningServer5Stopping "{0}" on "{1}"... Stopstopping5Starting "{0}" on "{1}"... Startstarting%{0} "{1}" on "{2}"+Failed {0} host "{1}" on "".RestartedStartedStoppedrestartingAImporting bindings from "{0}"...cAssembly binding information file does not exist. Import9Imported bindings from "{0}"}Assembly binding information file "{0}" could not be imported.\\9\root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer_SELECT * FROM MSBTS_Orchestration WHERE Name = YOrchestration "{0}" does not exist on "{0}".EError looking up orchestration(s).''' Name'OrchestrationStatus Enlist?Starting orchestration "{0}"...cOrchestration "{0}" is already started. Skipping.oCannot enlist the orchestration if the host is not set.;AutoEnableReceiveLocationFlagGAutoResumeOrchestrationInstanceFlag-AutoStartSendPortsFlag7Started orchestration "{0}"SOrchestration "{0}" could not be started.?Stopping orchestration "{0}"...WOrchestration "{0}" is not bound. Skipping.[Orchestration "{0}" is not started. Skipping.cOrchestration "{0}" is already stopped. Skipping.=AutoDisableReceiveLocationFlagIAutoSuspendOrchestrationInstanceFlag7Stopped orchestration "{0}"SOrchestration "{0}" could not be stopped.;Enlisting orchestration "{0}"eOrchestration "{0}" is already enlisted. Skipping.9Enlisted orchestration "{0}"UOrchestration "{0}" could not be enlisted.EUnenlisting orchestration "{0}"...]Orchestration "{0}" is not enlisted. Skipping.UnenlistMAutoTerminateOrchestrationInstanceFlag=Unenlisted orchestration "{0}"YOrchestration "{0}" could not be unenlisted.ServiceStateStopping {0}...Starting {0}...E{0} host instances on server "{1}"3Reset was not successful.ResettedUSELECT * FROM MSBTS_SendPort WHERE Name = QSend port "{0}" does not exist on "{1}".7Enlisting "{0}" on "{1}"...enlisting;Unenlisting "{0}" on "{1}"...UnEnlistunenlistingIFailed {0} send port "{1}" on "{2}".EnlistedUnenlistedstopped=Removing bindings for "{0}"...5Removed bindings for "{0}"cBindings could not be removed for assembly "{0}".9SELECT * FROM MSBTS_SendPortSendPipelineReceivePipeline#InboundTransforms%OutboundTransforms?SELECT * FROM MSBTS_ReceivePortGSELECT * FROM MSBTS_ReceiveLocationPipelineNameCSELECT * FROM MSBTS_OrchestrationAssemblyNameAssemblyVersion, {0:x2})Undeploying "{0}"... RemoveUnInstall!Undeployed "{0}"OAssembly "{0}" could not be undeployed.cleartool.exe catcs -tag {0}checkin -comment "{0}" -cfile "{0}" -ncomment -nwarn  -keep  -rm -ptime -identical  "{0}"checkout -reserved -unreserved -out "{0}" -ndata -branch {0} -version  lock -replace -nusers {0}-obsolete -pname {0}{0}mkelem -eltype {0}  -nco  -ci -mkpath -master mklabel -recurse -follow -version {0}  mklbtype -global -ordinary -pbranch -shared  @{0}rmtype -ignore -rmall -force {0}:{1} unco unlock update -graphical -print -force -overwrite -rename -noverwrite -ctime -log "{0}" 3Writing matches to '{0}'.Matches Match Path FileLineNumberCconnect --hostname={0} --port={1} --user= --password=YFailed to connect to host "{0}" on port {1}. si.exeoCould not find MKS Integrity Client on the system path.checkpoint -L '# --nolabelmembers -d ' -P 'GFailed to checkpoint project "{0}".+createsandbox -Y -P '' 128/3resync --quiet -f -Y -S 'changes member nameversionrevision authordescription datesICould not create history file "{0}".?rlog --filter=changed --headerFormat='' --trailerformat='' --format=au^{author}~dt^{date}~de^{description}~mn^{membername}~mr^{memberrev}~rn^{revision} -S '~^audtdernmnmr OCould not get history of project "{0}".!AdminToolsFolderAppDataFolder'CommonAppDataFolder'CommonFiles64Folder#CommonFilesFolderDesktopFolderFavoritesFolderFontsFolder%LocalAppDataFolder!MyPicturesFolderPersonalFolder)ProgramFiles64Folder%ProgramFilesFolder#ProgramMenuFolderSendToFolderStartMenuFolderStartupFolderSystem16FolderSystem64FolderSystemFolderTempFolderTemplateFolderWindowsFolderWindowsVolume;{00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000 {0:X8}}{3_000000000000000000000000_-*.* File ; not found during reordering.Property%Adding Properties:ProductNameProductCodeProductVersionManufacturerSProperty with no name attribute detected.5Property {0} has no value. -ProductName property must be specified. For more information please visit: property must be specified. For more information please visit: property must be specified. For more information please visit: property must be specified. For more information please visit:'Adding Directories:TARGETDIRSourceDir|\...file://1Directory {0} not found.x2TypeLibRegistryI0F21F359-AB84-41E8-9A78-36D110E6D2F9Interface\\TypeLibVersion1.0#\ProxyStubClsid32M{00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\ProxyStubClsid CLSID\InprocServer32 ClassThreadingModel BothRuntimeVersionv-Implemented Categories+{Implemented Categories\{62C8FE65-4EBB-45e7-B440-6E39B2CDBF29}Environment [~];/Adding Registry Values:oRegistry value must have a name and/or value specified.}}{{#(Default) #xAAdding Registry Search Locators: SIG_RegLocatorGAdding Application Search Locators:CompLocator7Adding Ini Search Locators:IniLocatorMAdding Directory/File Search Locators:DrLocatorSignature9Adding Depreciated Locators:* /search/key is depreciated. Please use /search/app, /search/registry, /search/ini, or /search/dirfile syntax instead.registrydependentclasses usermachine usersAppSearch#Adding Icon Data: Icon3Unable to open file: {0}#Adding Shortcuts:ShortcutAdding Tables:7 Adding table structure..._Validation-Couldn't import tables Donei_Validation table record already exists for column: S0s0s72i2i4 s255l0 l255s38s32v0)Unhandled category: iint binary stringMust specify a valid category or type. Defaulting to category type: s0@YN- Adding table data...9Incorrect row data format. 'Adding Binary Data: Binary9Binary key name longer than ) characters: Name:  Length: 5Unable to open file '{0}'.Adding Dialogs: Dialog!Dialog Controls:Control Removing:  Adding: Dialog_ TypeX Width HeightAttributesControl not found: Dialog={0}, Control={1}. One or more of the required attributes do not match.KAdding Dialog Control Conditions for:!ControlConditionControl_ ActionConditionControlEvent not found for removal: Dialog={0}, Control={1}, Action={2}, Condition={3}.AModifying Dialog Control Events:ControlEvent9 {0} Control: {1} Event: {2} AddingRemoving EventArgumentControlEvent not found for removal: Dialog={0}, Control={1}, Event={2}, Argument={3}, Condition={4}.-Adding Custom Actions:CustomAction%Adding ActionText:ActionTextkAction text for '{0}' already exists in the database.9Adding Application Mappings:_AppMappings-Adding URL Properties:_UrlToDir/Adding VDir Properties:_VDirToUrl3Adding Application Roots:_AppRootCreateAAdding IIS Directory Properties:_IISProperties .tlbTypelib\0\win32IConfiguring '{0}' for COM Interop... CLSID ProgId NAntKeywordsComments)Compressing Files... cabarc -r N  *1Error creating cab file.QStoring Cabinet in Installer Database..._StreamsECabinet file '{0}' does not exist.?Adding Install/Admin Sequences:-InstallExecuteSequence#InstallUISequence)AdminExecuteSequenceAdminUISequence to the sequence table.installexecuteinstalluiadminexecuteadminuiadvtexecuteInant:components/nant:component[@id='']/nant:filesetC_M{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}/Could not open file {0}{0}.{1}.{2}.{3} .dll .ocx#DllRegisterServer]Configuring '{0}' for COM Self Registration...neutralCulturePublicKeyToken0Add Files:MsiAssemblyMsiAssemblyNameComponent#FeatureComponentsSelfReg!ModuleComponents3registry/key[@component='']/value[@id='']Component '{0}' does not map to a valid registry key. Skipping...'KeyIsDotNetAssembly)Cannot specify key '#' for component ''. File has been detected as being a COM component or Microsoft.NET assembly and is being registered with its own component. Please specify a different file in the same directory for this component's key.KeyFile "5" not found in Component "Component ? mapped to nonexistent feature.EBuilding Installer Database '{0}'.9Saving Installer Database...SUnable to build Installer database '{0}'.oFile in use or cannot be copied to output ({0} -> {1}).OUnable to find error template file {0}.CUnable to find template file {0}.-NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.dllOpenDatabaseSELECT * FROM ``OpenView,Sql#Table not found: 'SELECT * FROM `{0}` WHERE AND CreateRecord_TablesDROP TABLE `WDELETE FROM `_Validation` WHERE `Table` = '5Current record must exist.GCan't handle null values in search.`{0}`{1}{2}!Unhandled type: =)Unhandled operator: SSchema resource '{0}' could not be found. xmlns%Validation Error: 'MSITaskTemplate.msi#MSITaskErrors.mst .cab'AdvtExecuteSequence+Storing banner '{0}'.bannrbmpiBanner Binary record not found in template database.EUnable to open banner image '{0}'.3Storing background '{0}'. dlgbmpqBackground Binary record not found in template database.MUnable to open background image '{0}'.AgreementText-Storing license '{0}'.ELicense file '{0}' does not exist.EUnable to open license file '{0}'.sCouldn't find AgreementText Control in template database. Media1!Adding Features:FeatureyFeature '{0}' needs to be assigned a component or directory.= Adding Feature Conditions...AError adding feature condition: 3Adding Launch Conditions:LaunchCondition-Storing Merge Modules:Onant:mergemodules/nant:merge[@feature='']/nant:modules[Error while opening the database for merging.9File '{0}' cannot be opened./ Configurable item(s):# {0} Value: {1}mergemodule -o X "" "%cabarc.exe failed.[Error extracting merge module cab file '{0}'.{Error extracting merge module cab file '{0}'. Exit code: {1}.'MSMTaskTemplate.msm#MSMTaskErrors.mst-Dropping unused tablesAStoring Module Signature: Id:  Version:  Language: ModuleSignature7Adding Module Dependencies:!ModuleDependencySDependency with no id attribute detected. - 3Adding Module Exclusions:ModuleExclusionQExclusion with no id attribute detected.MAdding Module Install/Admin Sequences:9ModuleInstallExecuteSequence/ModuleInstallUISequence5ModuleAdminExecuteSequence+ModuleAdminUISequence3ModuleAdvtExecuteSequence to the module1Adding Tables To Ignore:#ModuleIgnoreTableMTable with no name attribute detected.9Adding Module Substitutions:%ModuleSubstitution]Substitution with no table attribute detected. Row:  Column: ;Adding Module Configurations:'ModuleConfiguration textkeyintegerbitfield]Configuration with no name attribute detected.'MergeModule.CABinetOThe XSLT file "{0}" could not be found.INUnitReport fileset cannot be empty!)Generating report...#NUnit-NoFrame.xsl langi18n.xslindex.htmlISO-8859-1C<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl='' version='1.0' ><xsl:output method='html' indent='yes' encoding='ISO-8859-1'/><xsl:include href="NUnit-Frame.xsl"/><xsl:template match="test-results"> <xsl:call-template name="index.html"/> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet>K<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl='' version='1.0' ><xsl:output method='html' indent='yes' encoding='ISO-8859-1'/><xsl:include href="NUnit-Frame.xsl"/><xsl:template match="test-results"> <xsl:call-template name="stylesheet.css"/> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet>stylesheet.cssS<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl='' version='1.0' ><xsl:output method='html' indent='yes' encoding='ISO-8859-1'/><xsl:include href="NUnit-Frame.xsl"/><xsl:template match="test-results"> <xsl:call-template name="overview.packages"/> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet>+overview-summary.htmlG<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl='' version='1.0' ><xsl:output method='html' indent='yes' encoding='ISO-8859-1'/><xsl:include href="NUnit-Frame.xsl"/><xsl:template match="test-results"> <xsl:call-template name="all.classes"/> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet>+allclasses-frame.htmlI<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl='' version='1.0' ><xsl:output method='html' indent='yes' encoding='ISO-8859-1'/><xsl:include href="NUnit-Frame.xsl"/><xsl:template match="test-results"> <xsl:call-template name="all.packages"/> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet>'overview-frame.htmlQ//test-suite[(child::results/test-case)]<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl='' version='1.0' ><xsl:output method='html' indent='yes' encoding='ISO-8859-1'/><xsl:include href="NUnit-Frame.xsl"/><xsl:template match="/"> <xsl:for-each select="//test-suite[@name='E' and ancestor::test-suite[@name=''][position()=last()]]"> <xsl:call-template name="test-case"> <xsl:with-param name="dir.test"></xsl:with-param> </xsl:call-template> </xsl:for-each> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> .html7dir={0} Generating {1}.html=Processing of stream complete.5Failure generating report.xslt.{0};Missing '{0}' resource streamtestsummarycreated7Processing XsltArgumentListsummary.xml!open.descriptiontoolkit.xslTraductions.xmlNUnit-Frame.xslno mres file xslt.pcli.exe pvcs3Starting process: {0} {1}-nb{0}: {1}The specified PCLI command ({0}) or user function was not found.A non-PCLI related error (eg. file permissions) or a command error occurred.aAn invalid option was specified for the command.An argument was specified for an option that does not take an argument.sAn argument is required for a flag but was not specified.kThe wrong type is specified for an option's argument.EThe specified file cannot be read.eA required option for a command was not specified.There has been a security exception. The necessary privileges for the command are not granted.AAn unknown problem has occurred.The {0} task does not support the includesubprojects attribute.-z-pr-pp-id-sp-t-c-co-Unknown PVCSCopyMode: -d-m-l-g-qw-v-e:Must specify one of promotiongroup, revision or versionlabel for the pvcsassigngroup task.-r-gf-gtcommand5The command cannot be null=o is not a PVCSCommandArgument"g\\"\"Qval must be of type PVCSCommandArgument.valnewValue-wdeleteuser-bp-a-o-u-f-nm-yb-ym-yf-fv-fb-b-k-yv-vf-vt*}Must specify the user when unlockmode is set to SpecifiedUser.1Unknown PVCSUnlockMode: p4 -p {0} -u {0} -c {0} -s add -c {0} -t {0} change KA "changelist" is required for p4edit-d client <p4client> requires either a "view" to create, or "delete"="true" to delete a client.-f A "view" and "root" are required for creating/editing with <p4client>.-o delete edit default-c default User name:Client name:Client host:Client root: label <p4label> requires either a "view" to create, or "delete"="true" to delete a label.labelsync -l "{0}" -s print -q -o {0} reopen revert -a }At least one of the following parameters are required when using p4revert; changelist : Changelist name to revert view : View pattern to revert (can be used with changelist) revertunchanged : Revert unchanged files (all or just on specified changelist or view) info At least one of the following: "client", "user", or "port" is required for p4set P4USERP4CLIENT P4PORTsubmit If the "changelist" does not currently exist, a "view" is required.?-u {0} -c {1} reopen -c {2} {3}=-u {0} -c {1} revert -a -c {2}-r  sync @{0} set {0}={1}5Unexpected P4 output = {0}O-u {0} -c {1} changes -s pending -u {0}Label: Owner: 3Description: Created by . %Options: unlocked View:  -u {0} label -iClient: Root: Options: noallwrite noclobber nocompress unlocked nomodtime normdir LineEnd: local View: //\w+///!-u {0} client -iChange: new User: 5Status: new Description:  Files: /-u {0} -c {1} change -i Changecreated. info=Failed to open database "{0}".SThe "path" and/or "version" is not valid.timestamp!Added file '{0}.IFile '{0}' was already added before.GFailure adding '{0}' to SourceSafe.%NAntContrib vssadd+Adding VSS Project : =The check-in operation failed.#Checked in '{0}'.?The check-out operation failed.%Checked out '{0}'.!Destroyed '{0}'.;The destroy operation failed.Deleted '{0}'.9The delete operation failed.Examining: vssdiff labelgeneratedprojectdiff failed+Diff File generated: !Processing item Labeled 'Add Create CheckAdding: item path actioncomment'Processing project 3Getting '{0}' to '{1}'...3The get operation failed.URemoving deleted files from local image...WRemoved {0} deleted files from local image.Deleting '{0}'.%Examining "{0}"...VssHistoryFromLabelToLabelFromDate ToDateRecursive UserGenerated'History of "{0}"...Labeled '{0}' Entry DateComment LabelLabelCommentKFailed to apply label '{0}' to '{1}'.;Applied label '{0}' to '{1}'.IThe undo check-out operation failed.MUndo of check-out completed for '{0}'./{0}:{1}@{2}:{3}/{4}/{5}!Cannot find view! in repository()EUnable to parse '{0}' as datetime.Revision ViewView Build3Created '{0}' label '{1}'9Creating label '{0}' failed. major minor buildIError parsing / updating version xml?version updated via stautolabel{0}{1}.{2}.{3}Version.textVersion.majorVersion.minorVersion.buildstautolabelAYou do not have access to '{0}'.EVersion filepath '{0}' is invalid.iversion number xml created by stautonumber NAnt task#versionnumber.xmlSUnable to find root folder in repository.aCould not get handle to root folder ({0}) found.AOverriding local folder to '{0}'UCould not get handle to root folder '{0}'.%{0} files affectedError: label / does not exist in view\.$\$\^\{[\[(\()\)\+** .|)|.|[^]*?]?WrootLocalFolder specified, but forcing off.Skipping : {0}yNot processing {0} as it needs Merging and Forced is not on.!Checking In: {0}q{0} : {1} files not processed because they were current.{0} : {1} files not processed because they did not match includes/excludes.-Error adding file: {0}uCould not add new folder as createfolders is disabled: {0}IAdding new folder to repository: {0}EAdding new file to repository: {0}unchangedexclusivenonexclusiveunlockediWarning: rootLocalFolder specified, but forcing off.Skipping '{0}'Not processing '{0}' as it is modified or needs merging and "forced" attribute is not set. .build%Checking out '{0}'ADeleting {0} uncontrolled items.9Failure deleting '{0}': {1}.3Error deleting files: {0}Deleting '{0}'CFolder: {0} (Default folder: {1})?Folder: {0} (Local folder: {1})= sscm -z" -y" batch " / -o"mkbranch -b" -cc" -c- -l" -i- -t" -icheckin -p" -o -s" -i" -a -f -k -q -r -w -u -g -g- -d -d-checkout -v -wreplace -wskip -t -e freezeget -d"unfreezesvn.exeSVN_HOMERSHusernameusername={0}passwordpassword={0}interactivenon-interactive quiet#Command name: {0}5Commandline args null: {0}yesco {0}{1}---Could not find svn.exe.subversion authnon-recursive;(\+|-)?[0-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?u(?<Month>\d{1,2})/(?<Day>\d{1,2})/(?<Year>(?:\d{4}|\d{2}))A(HEAD)|(BASE)|(COMMITTED)|(PREV)revision={0}AInvalid argument specified: {0}.cache-authno-auth-cacheconfig-dirconfig-dir={0} . update)\root\MicrosoftIISv2GIIsApplicationPool='W3SVC/AppPools/7Recycling "{0}" on "{1}"...RecycleWFailed {0} application pool "{1}" on "{1}".Recycledrecyclinglocalhost1IIS://{0}/W3SVC/{1}/Root%/LM/W3SVC/{0}/RootIIS://{0}/W3SVCwThe webservice at '{0}' does not exist or is not reachable.;No website is bound to '{0}'.ServerStateIIsWebServerServerBindingsServerComment5Examining website "{0}"...)Found website "{0}".OThe website named '{0}' does not exist.]Option only applies to IIS version 5.x or less=Option only applies to IIS 5.xCreating/modifying virtual directory '{0}' on '{1}' (website: {2}).!IIsWebVirtualDirError creating virtual directory '{0}' on '{1}' (website: {2}).#Setting {0} = {1}?Setting application type "{0}".AppDeleteAppCreateAppCreate2An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator.wDefault.htm,Default.asp,index.htm,iisstart.asp,Default.aspxsDeleting virtual directory '{0}' on '{1}' (website: {2}).SThe root of a web site can not be deletedError deleting virtual directory '{0}' on '{1}' (website: {2}).Retrieving settings of virtual directory '{0}' on '{1}' (website: {2}).: AccessExecute: AccessExecuteAccessFlags: AccessFlags/AccessNoRemoteExecute: +AccessNoRemoteExecute)AccessNoRemoteRead: %AccessNoRemoteRead-AccessNoRemoteScript: )AccessNoRemoteScript+AccessNoRemoteWrite: 'AccessNoRemoteWriteAccessRead: AccessReadAccessSource: AccessSourceAccessScript: AccessScriptAccessSSL: AccessSSLAccessSSL128: AccessSSL128!AccessSSLFlags: AccessSSLFlags%AccessSSLMapCert: !AccessSSLMapCert1AccessSSLNegotiateCert: -AccessSSLNegotiateCert-AccessSSLRequireCert: )AccessSSLRequireCertAccessWrite: AccessWrite/AnonymousPasswordSync: +AnonymousPasswordSync'AnonymousUserName: #AnonymousUserName'AnonymousUserPass: #AnonymousUserPass+AppAllowClientDebug: 'AppAllowClientDebug'AppAllowDebugging: #AppAllowDebugging#AppFriendlyName: AppFriendlyNameAppIsolated: AppIsolated)AppOopRecoverLimit: %AppOopRecoverLimitAppPackageID: AppPackageID!AppPackageName: AppPackageNameAppRoot: AppRootAppWamClsID: AppWamClsID;AspAllowOutOfProcComponents: 7AspAllowOutOfProcComponents-AspAllowSessionState: )AspAllowSessionState!AspBufferingOn: AspBufferingOnAspCodepage: AspCodepage;AspEnableApplicationRestart: 7AspEnableApplicationRestart5AspEnableAspHtmlFallback: 1AspEnableAspHtmlFallback5AspEnableChunkedEncoding: 1AspEnableChunkedEncoding-AspEnableParentPaths: )AspEnableParentPaths/AspEnableTypelibCache: +AspEnableTypelibCache%AspErrorsToNTLog: !AspErrorsToNTLog3AspExceptionCatchEnable: /AspExceptionCatchEnable+AspLogErrorRequests: 'AspLogErrorRequests/AspProcessorThreadMax: +AspProcessorThreadMax9AspQueueConnectionTestTime: 5AspQueueConnectionTestTime#AspQueueTimeout: AspQueueTimeout)AspRequestQueueMax: %AspRequestQueueMax3AspScriptEngineCacheMax: /AspScriptEngineCacheMax/AspScriptErrorMessage: +AspScriptErrorMessage;AspScriptErrorSentToBrowser: 7AspScriptErrorSentToBrowser1AspScriptFileCacheSize: -AspScriptFileCacheSize'AspScriptLanguage: #AspScriptLanguage%AspScriptTimeout: !AspScriptTimeoutAspSessionMax: AspSessionMax'AspSessionTimeout: #AspSessionTimeoutAuthAnonymous: AuthAnonymousAuthBasic: AuthBasicAuthFlags: AuthFlagsAuthNTLM: AuthNTLM5AuthPersistSingleRequest: 1AuthPersistSingleRequest#AuthPersistence: AuthPersistence)CacheControlCustom: %CacheControlCustom)CacheControlMaxAge: %CacheControlMaxAge+CacheControlNoCache: 'CacheControlNoCacheCacheISAPI: CacheISAPI!ContentIndexed: ContentIndexed3CreateCGIWithNewConsole: /CreateCGIWithNewConsole+CreateProcessAsUser: 'CreateProcessAsUserDefaultDoc: DefaultDoc%DefaultDocFooter: !DefaultDocFooter)DefaultLogonDomain: %DefaultLogonDomain!DirBrowseFlags: DirBrowseFlags'DirBrowseShowDate: #DirBrowseShowDate1DirBrowseShowExtension: -DirBrowseShowExtension/DirBrowseShowLongDate: +DirBrowseShowLongDate'DirBrowseShowSize: #DirBrowseShowSize'DirBrowseShowTime: #DirBrowseShowTimeDontLog: DontLog%EnableDefaultDoc: !EnableDefaultDoc'EnableDirBrowsing: #EnableDirBrowsing#EnableDocFooter: EnableDocFooter%EnableReverseDns: !EnableReverseDnsHttpExpires: HttpExpiresHttpRedirect: HttpRedirectLogonMethod: LogonMethod Path: Realm: RealmUNCPassword: UNCPasswordUNCUserName: UNCUserName+UploadReadAheadSize: 'UploadReadAheadSize1AspTrackThreadingModel: -AspTrackThreadingModelCAuthPersistSingleRequestIfProxy: ?AuthPersistSingleRequestIfProxyOAuthPersistSingleRequestAlwaysIfProxy: KAuthPersistSingleRequestAlwaysIfProxy!PoolIDCTimeout: PoolIDCTimeoutPutReadSize: PutReadSize#RedirectHeaders: RedirectHeaders!SSIExecDisable: SSIExecDisable=UNCAuthenticationPassthrough: 9UNCAuthenticationPassthroughError retrieving info for virtual directory '{0}' on '{1}' (website: {2}).;Error reading property '{0}'."propname" attribute or at least one <option> element is required.]Unable to set property '{0}' to '{1}' on '{2}.IProperty '{0}' set to '{1}' on '{2}.QDon't know how to set property type {0}. style ansikr linuxgnu javastyle={0})Unknown style '{0}'. suffix .origsuffix=.{0}#indent-num-spaces#indent=spaces={0}indent-num-tabsindent=tabs={0}+indent-num-tabs-force)force-indent=tab={0}convert-tabsindent-classesindent-switchesindent-casesindent-bracketsindent-blocks#indent-namespacesindent-labelsindent-max5max-instatement-indent={0}indent-min5min-conditional-indent={0}!fill-empty-linesbracket-newlinebrackets=breakbrackets-attachbrackets=attachbrackets-linuxbrackets=linuxbreak-closing=brackets=break-closing-headersbreak-blocks!break-blocks-all!break-blocks=allbreak-elseifbreak-elseifspad-operatorspad=operpad-parenthesispad=parenpad-allpad=allnobreak-complex1one-line=keep-statements1nobreak-singlelineblocks)one-line=keep-blocksastyle.exe-Working directory: {0}Executable: {0}Arguments: {0} --{0}/Unregistering {0} files+Registering {0} files3File '{0}' does not exist%Registering '{0}'. .exe1Error loading dll '{0}'.register'DllUnregisterServerunregisterYError {0}ing dll. '{1}' has no {2} function.1Error while {0}ing '{1}'OError loading typelib '{0}' ({1}: {2}).wError retrieving information from typelib '{0}' ({1}: {2}).gTypelib '{0}' could not be unregistered ({1}: {2}).WError registering typelib '{0}' ({1}: {2}). /unregserver /regserver1Error registering '{0}'.5'{0}' is not a COM server.Y'{0}' doesn't support the /regserver option.dllRegAssemblytempModuleGCurrent directory changed to "{0}".YWorking directory could not be set to "{0}".CChecksum fileset cannot be empty!KChecksum: Failed to write to {0}: {1}MD5The <otherwise> element must be defined as the last nested element in the <{0} ... /> task.cThe <otherwise> element may only be defined once. nant!//code-summaries UTF-8code-summariescode-summarybuildnamelinecounttotalLineCountemptyLineCount!commentLineCountfile-summariesfile-summaryMTotals: [{0}] [T] {1} [C] {2} [E] {3}/**/G{0} Totals: [T] {1} [C] {2} [E] {3}?Concat fileset cannot be empty!?File "{0}" could not be opened.CFile "{0}" could not be read: {1}QCould not read or write from file "{0}".[Depends task cannot depend on its own parent.+Circular dependency: <-  /nologo /nosave  /o:"{0}" /u:"{0}" /p:"{0}" /d:{0} /proxy:"{0}"+ /proxyusername:"{0}"+ /proxypassword:"{0}"' /proxydomain:"{0}" "{0}"fxcopcmd.exe=Analysis error messages found. /aXsl /c /cXsl:"{0}" /d:"{0}" /f:"{0}" /i:"{0}" /o:"{0}" /oXsl:"{0}" /plat:"{0}" /p:"{0}" /r:"{0}" /s /t:{0} /u /v gacutil/nologo /f /r FILEPATH OPAQUEUNINSTALL_KEY)Unknown SchemeType: QAt least one assembly must be specified.iMust provide a schemeid when specifying a reference. /i-Installing '{0}' . . . /silent{0} /i "{1}"{0} /if "{1}"{0} /u "{1}"+Unknown action '{0}'.InstallingOverwritingUninstalling'{0} {1} assemblies.'{0} assembly '{1}'.Cannot use both the "assembly" attribute and a "assemblies" fileset.Specify either an "assembly" attribute or a "assemblies" fileset. /u ngen1Uninstalling '{0}' . . .Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\7.0\Packages\{7D57F111-B9F3-11d2-8EE0-00C04F5E0C38}hxcomp.exeUnable to locate installation directory of Microsoft Help 2.0 SDK in the registry.Either the "uncompilefile" or "output" attribute should be specified.GCompiling HTML Help 2.0 File '{0}'.KDecompiling HTML Help 2.0 File '{0}'.-i -e -w -q -p -l -n -u mMicrosoft HTML Help 2.0 Project could not be compiled.hxreg.exe;{0} HTML Help 2.0 File '{1}'.RegisteringUnRegistering-c -s -x -t wMicrosoft HTML Help 2.0 Collection could not be registered.CRetrieving {0}/{1} from file: {2}Failed: ASetting {0}/{1}={2} in file: {3}@"/verbosity:'/verbosity:detailed+/property:"{0}"="{1}"/target:"{0}"/noautoresponse'Starting MSBuild...1Failed to start MSBuild.!mgmtclassgen.exe]MgmtClassGen attribute "wmiclass" is required. /l /m /n /o /p /u /pw /nologo /silent /show /delete /debug /debugopt /prof UUnable to generate native image for '{0}'.QNUnitReport attribute "out" is required.3mres://./NUnitSummary.xslIAn invalid action {0} was specified.GAn invalid level {0} was specified.STried to stop non-existent recorder '{0}'UTried to close non-existent recorder '{0}'UTried to flush non-existent recorder '{0}' /unregister  /tlb:"{0}" /codebase /regfile:"{0}" /registered /verbose /nologo3{0} '{1}' for COM Interop;{0} {1} files for COM interop .reg7Error collating .reg files.scpUSERNAME#{0}@{1}:{2}{3}{4}UConverting '{0}' to '{1}' using {2} format?'{0}' is an unsupported format.parametersbuild.basediriThe <parameters> option 'build.basedir' is required. mapsCCould not convert solution '{0}'. nmake -- {0} = {1}QUnspecified name for <{0}> option '{1}'.SUnspecified value for <{0}> option '{1}'.cNo source file or statements have been specified.=Cannot open output file '{0}'.'Connection String: #Use Transaction: -Batch Sql Statements: #Batch Delimiter: #Delimiter Style: Fail On Error: )Source script file: Output file: IError while executing SQL statement.SQL Statement:SQL Error: Statement: ColumnName, ){0} records affected3Could not find file '{0}'Building typesafe collection classes for {0} files in the {1} language CSharpVB.cs.vbmFailed to generate collection classes for file : '{0}'1Invalid XSD schema '{0}.#Validating '{0}'./Invalid XML file '{0}'.%Document is valid.E{0} validation errors in document.SXML validation failed for document '{0}'.+Validation error: {0}/Validation warning: {0}VB6.EXESOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\6.0\Setup\Microsoft Visual BasicProductDir/Building project '{0}'. /make "{0}" /d {0} /outdir "{0}" /out "{0}" .VBG[Visual Basic group file '{0}' does not exist.E(?<key>\w+)\s*=\s*(?<value>.*)\s*$ valueStartupProjectProject]Output file '{0}' does not exist, recompiling.A{0} is out of date, recompiling.TypeLib\{{{0}}}{0}\{1} win32 Module FormUserControlPropertyPage ObjectReferenceExeName32_Visual Basic project file '{0}' does not exist.S(?<key>\w+)\s*=\s*(?<value>.*($^\.)*)\s*$m(Class|Module)\s*=\s*\w*;\s*(?<filename>.*($^\.)*)\s*$u(Object|Reference)\s*=\s*({|\*\\G{)(?<tlbguid>[0-9\-A-Fa-f]*($^\.)*)}\#(?<majorver>[0-9a-fA-F($^\.)]*)\.(?<minorver>[0-9a-fA-F($^\.)]*)\#(?<lcid>[0-9]($^\.)*)(;|\#)(?<tlbname>[^\#\n\r]*)filenametlbnamemajorverminorver lcidtlbguidqType library '{0}' version {1}.{2:x} could not be found.OType library file '{0}' does not exist.Exe OleExe OleDllbuild.number.version .major .minor.revision'Build number '{0}'.SUnable to read version number from "{0}".WInvalid version string "{0}" in file "{1}".QUnable to write version number to "{0}".{"startdate" must be set when the"MonthDay" algorithm is used.GStart date cannot be in the future.BuildTypeRevisionTypebuildnumber /server  /l:"{0}" /n:"{0}"! /protocol:"{0}"! /username:"{0}"! /password:"{0}" /domain:"{0}"1 /appsettingurlkey:"{0}"1 appsettingbaseurl:"{0}"datasetEither the 'xdr', 'xmldoc', 'assembly' or 'schema' attribute of <{0} ... /> should be specified.YGenerating XML Schema from XDR Schema '{0}'./o:"{0}"[Generating XML Schema for XML document '{0}'.SGenerating XML Schema for assembly '{0}'./t:"{0}"eCompiling XML Schema '{0}' into Microsoft.NET {1}./e:"{0}"/l:"{0}"/n:"{0}"/u:"{0}"9Error generating XML Schema.7Error compiling XML Schema. attype brtype eltype hltype lbtype trtype,Version=,Culture=!,PublicKeyToken=7Replacing {0}{1}{2} -> {3}.BUILD SUCCEEDEDBUILD FAILEDINTERNAL ERRORPlease send bug report to {0}:yTried to write to an invalid FileLogListener instance '{0}'!] .. 10331.0.0.0o* nH@FXz\V4 ]a   ?_ :ei   mm ((m q q  q(q(     u (  4 8 < @y }   } ,} } H H H(H( P P uP(P  (cleartool.exe 0 0 0(0    (       (  (    ( y     (  (Y@N     ]   a      y 0  0 0 00       P @ @y @ D D @ D D Hy    + (   ( ((](((a(             ((     t t(t      (    (                           8 8 8  q    (8mres ! ! ! @ %(!@ @ @(@( ( (((    ( D D  D (D < < < ) < < <  (<x x x(x-`15 1 1 5 5 (1(5 5  (  5 9 5 5 =(A EE E IEM  QE QUY ]E Uqq q YYaei] U Uq 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,=,=u,autoenablereceivelocationautoresumeorchestrationautostartsendports,=u,autodisablereceivelocation% autosuspendorchestrationinstance ,u,'"autoterminateorchestrationinstance btsresetHIM}}uUH action btssendportP+IMQ}=u=u=u=uuUPportTRequired btsunbindu 1IM}UIM}UIM}UIM},=U      receivepipelineTRequired sendpipelineTRequired btsundeploy uninstall cccatcs viewtag cccheckin viewpath comment commentfile nowarn preservetime keepcopy identical cccheckout reservedout nodata branch version cclock replace nusers obsolete pname objsel ccmkelemviewpathTRequired nocheckout checkin master eltype mkpath ccmklabeltypenameTRequired recursevob follow ccmklbtype global ordinary pbranch shared ccrmtype0 typekindTRequired ignore removeall ccuncheckout ccunlock ccupdate graphicallog overwrite rename currenttime grep }} M%outputTRequiredpatternTRequired fileset  Item  M%   M%  M%     u   Y!passwordTRequiredusernameTRequired mkscheckpointlabelTRequiredprojectTRequired recursiveTRequired descriptionTRequired 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