# Copyright, 2018, by Samuel G. D. Williams. # Copyrigh, 2013, by Ilya Grigorik. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. require_relative 'huffman' module Protocol # Implementation of header compression for HTTP 2.0 (HPACK) format adapted # to efficiently represent HTTP headers in the context of HTTP 2.0. # # - http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-header-compression-10 module HPACK # Header representation as defined by the spec. HEADER_REPRESENTATION = { indexed: {prefix: 7, pattern: 0x80}, incremental: {prefix: 6, pattern: 0x40}, no_index: {prefix: 4, pattern: 0x00}, never_indexed: {prefix: 4, pattern: 0x10}, change_table_size: {prefix: 5, pattern: 0x20}, } # To decompress header blocks, a decoder only needs to maintain a # dynamic table as a decoding context. # No other state information is needed. class Context # @private # Static table # - http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-header-compression-10#appendix-A STATIC_TABLE = [ [':authority', ''], [':method', 'GET'], [':method', 'POST'], [':path', '/'], [':path', '/index.html'], [':scheme', 'http'], [':scheme', 'https'], [':status', '200'], [':status', '204'], [':status', '206'], [':status', '304'], [':status', '400'], [':status', '404'], [':status', '500'], ['accept-charset', ''], ['accept-encoding', 'gzip, deflate'], ['accept-language', ''], ['accept-ranges', ''], ['accept', ''], ['access-control-allow-origin', ''], ['age', ''], ['allow', ''], ['authorization', ''], ['cache-control', ''], ['content-disposition', ''], ['content-encoding', ''], ['content-language', ''], ['content-length', ''], ['content-location', ''], ['content-range', ''], ['content-type', ''], ['cookie', ''], ['date', ''], ['etag', ''], ['expect', ''], ['expires', ''], ['from', ''], ['host', ''], ['if-match', ''], ['if-modified-since', ''], ['if-none-match', ''], ['if-range', ''], ['if-unmodified-since', ''], ['last-modified', ''], ['link', ''], ['location', ''], ['max-forwards', ''], ['proxy-authenticate', ''], ['proxy-authorization', ''], ['range', ''], ['referer', ''], ['refresh', ''], ['retry-after', ''], ['server', ''], ['set-cookie', ''], ['strict-transport-security', ''], ['transfer-encoding', ''], ['user-agent', ''], ['vary', ''], ['via', ''], ['www-authenticate', ''], ].each {|pair| pair.each(&:freeze).freeze}.freeze # Initializes compression context with appropriate client/server defaults and maximum size of the dynamic table. # # @param table [Array] Table of header key-value pairs. # @option huffman [Symbol] One of `:always`, `:never`, `:shorter`. Controls use of compression. # @option index [Symbol] One of `:all`, `:static`, `:never`. Controls use of static/dynamic tables. # @option table_size [Integer] The current maximum dynamic table size. def initialize(table = nil, huffman: :shorter, index: :all, table_size: 4096) @huffman = huffman @index = index @table_size = table_size @table = (table&.dup) || [] end def initialize_copy(other) super # This is the only mutable state: @table = @table.dup end # Current table of header key-value pairs. attr :table attr :huffman attr :index attr :table_size # Finds an entry in current dynamic table by index. # Note that index is zero-based in this module. # # If the index is greater than the last index in the static table, # an entry in the dynamic table is dereferenced. # # If the index is greater than the last header index, an error is raised. # # @param index [Integer] zero-based index in the dynamic table. # @return [Array] +[key, value]+ def dereference(index) # NOTE: index is zero-based in this module. value = STATIC_TABLE[index] || @table[index - STATIC_TABLE.size] if value.nil? raise CompressionError, "Index #{index} too large!" end return value end # Header Block Processing # - http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-header-compression-10#section-4.1 # # @param command [Hash] {type:, name:, value:, index:} # @return [Array] +[name, value]+ header field that is added to the decoded header list def decode(command) emit = nil case command[:type] when :change_table_size self.table_size = command[:value] when :indexed # Indexed Representation # An _indexed representation_ entails the following actions: # o The header field corresponding to the referenced entry in either # the static table or dynamic table is added to the decoded header # list. idx = command[:name] k, v = dereference(idx) emit = [k, v] when :incremental, :no_index, :never_indexed # A _literal representation_ that is _not added_ to the dynamic table # entails the following action: # o The header field is added to the decoded header list. # A _literal representation_ that is _added_ to the dynamic table # entails the following actions: # o The header field is added to the decoded header list. # o The header field is inserted at the beginning of the dynamic table. if command[:name].is_a? Integer k, v = dereference(command[:name]) command = command.dup command[:index] ||= command[:name] command[:value] ||= v command[:name] = k end emit = [command[:name], command[:value]] add_to_table(emit) if command[:type] == :incremental else raise CompressionError, "Invalid type: #{command[:type]}" end return emit end # Plan header compression according to +@index+ # :never Do not use dynamic table or static table reference at all. # :static Use static table only. # :all Use all of them. # # @param headers [Array] +[[name, value], ...]+ # @return [Array] array of commands def encode(headers) commands = [] # Literals commands are marked with :no_index when index is not used no_index = [:static, :never].include?(@index) headers.each do |field, value| command = add_command(field, value) command[:type] = :no_index if no_index && command[:type] == :incremental commands << command decode(command) end return commands end # Emits command for a header. # Prefer static table over dynamic table. # Prefer exact match over name-only match. # # +@index+ controls whether to use the dynamic table, # static table, or both. # :never Do not use dynamic table or static table reference at all. # :static Use static table only. # :all Use all of them. # # @param header [Array] +[name, value]+ # @return [Hash] command def add_command(*header) exact = nil name_only = nil if [:all, :static].include?(@index) STATIC_TABLE.each_index do |i| if STATIC_TABLE[i] == header exact ||= i break elsif STATIC_TABLE[i].first == header.first name_only ||= i end end end if [:all].include?(@index) && !exact @table.each_index do |i| if @table[i] == header exact ||= i + STATIC_TABLE.size break elsif @table[i].first == header.first name_only ||= i + STATIC_TABLE.size end end end if exact {name: exact, type: :indexed} elsif name_only {name: name_only, value: header.last, type: :incremental} else {name: header.first, value: header.last, type: :incremental} end end # Alter dynamic table size. # When the size is reduced, some headers might be evicted. def table_size= size @table_size = size size_check(nil) end def change_table_size(size) self.table_size = size # The command to resize the table: return {type: :change_table_size, value: size} end # Returns current table size in octets # @return [Integer] def current_table_size @table.inject(0) {|r, (k, v)| r + k.bytesize + v.bytesize + 32} end private # Add a name-value pair to the dynamic table. # Older entries might have been evicted so that # the new entry fits in the dynamic table. # # @param command [Array] +[name, value]+ def add_to_table(command) return unless size_check(command) @table.unshift(command) end # To keep the dynamic table size lower than or equal to @table_size, # remove one or more entries at the end of the dynamic table. # # @param command [Hash] # @return [Boolean] whether +command+ fits in the dynamic table. def size_check(command) cursize = current_table_size cmdsize = command.nil? ? 0 : command[0].bytesize + command[1].bytesize + 32 while cursize + cmdsize > @table_size break if @table.empty? e = @table.pop cursize -= e[0].bytesize + e[1].bytesize + 32 end cmdsize <= @table_size end end end end