module Symbiont module Enclosers # Provides a context for an action that must succeed within a given time period. # The logic here is simply that the result of the action will be true (meaning # the action was carried out) or false, which means the action did not succeed # in the time allotted. # # @param [Integer] timeout the amount of time in seconds to wait # @param [String] message the text to return if the action did not occur in time # @param [Proc] block the code that calls the desired action # # @example # @page.wait_for(5, 'page with expected title not found') do # @page.title.should == "Test App" # end def wait_for(timeout=Symbiont.page_level_wait, message=nil, &block) platform.wait_for(timeout, message, &block) end # Used to identify a web object or action on a web object as existing # within an enclosing window object. The window can be referenced using # either the title attribute of the window or a direct URL. The URL does # not have to be the entire URL; it can just be a page name. # # @param [Hash] locator the :title or :url of the window # @param [Proc; optional] block any code that should be executed as an # action on or within the window # # @example # page.within_window(title: "Report Page") # page.within_window(url: report.html) def within_window(locator, &block) platform.within_window(locator, &block) end # Used to identify a web object as existing within an enclosing object # like a frame or an iframe. It is possible to nest by passing in parent # enclosers as the second parameter. # # @param [String] locator how an encloser will be referenced; the # only valid locators here are :id, :index, and :name # @param encloser a parent encloser that is passed from a previous call # @param [optional] block that contains calls to web objects within the # encloser # # @example # within_frame(id: "loginSection") do |encloser| # text_field :username, id: "userName", frame: encloser # button :login, id: "btnSubmit", frame: encloser # end def within_frame(locator, encloser=nil, &block) platform.within_frame(locator, encloser, &block) end # Used to identify a web object as existing within an enclosing object # like a modal dialog box. What this does is override the normal call to # showModalDialog and opens a window instead. In order to use this new # window, you have to attach to it. def within_modal(&block) convert_modal_to_window = %Q{ window.showModalDialog = function(sURL, vArguments, sFeatures) { window.dialogArguments = vArguments; modalWin =, 'modal', sFeatures); return modalWin; } } @browser.execute_script(convert_modal_to_window) yield if block_given? end # Provides a context for an action that will generate a JavaScript alert # message box. The alert invocation will be overridden by the platform. # # @param [Proc] block the code that generates the alert # @return [String] the message contained in the alert message box # # @example # response = @page.will_alert do # @page.submitForm # end def will_alert(encloser=nil, &block) platform.will_alert(encloser, &block) end # Provides a context for an action that will generate a JavaScript # confirmation message box. The confirmation invocation will be # overridden by the platform. # # @param [bool] response true to accept the confirmation, false to cancel it # @param [Proc] block the code that generates the confirmation # @return [String] the message contained in the confirmation message box # # @example # response = @page.will_confirm(true) do # @page.areYouSure # end def will_confirm(response, encloser=nil, &block) platform.will_confirm(response, encloser, &block) end # Provides a context for an action that will generate a JavaScript prompt # message box. The prompt invocation will be overridden by the platform. # # @param [String] response the value to be used in the prompt # @param [Proc] block the code that generates the prompt # @return [Hash] :message for the prompt message, :default_value for # the value that the prompt had before the response was applied # # @example # response = @page.will_prompt("use this") do # @page.useValue # end def will_prompt(response, encloser=nil, &block) platform.will_prompt(response, encloser, &block) end end # module: Enclosers end # module: Symbiont