describe 'Utility' describe 'fail()' it 'should fail the current spec' fail('I failed!') end end describe 'pass()' it 'should pass the current spec' pass('yay') pass('wahoo') end end describe 'stubbing' before_each Object.prototype.stubby = function() { return 'Not stubbed' } object = { toString : function() { return '<Im an object>' }} stub(object, 'stubby').and_return('Im stubbed') stub(object, 'toString').and_return('<No im not>') end after_each delete Object.prototype.stubby end describe 'stub()' it 'should stub :)' object.stubby().should.eql 'Im stubbed' object.toString().should.eql '<No im not>' end it 'should allow being called as a core prototype method' foo = { bar : function(){ return 'baz' }} foo.stub('bar').and_return('something else') 'something else' foo.destub() 'baz' end it 'should stub methods starting with an underscore' object._foo = function(){ return 'bar' } object.stub('_foo').and_return('something else') object._foo().should.eql 'something else' object.destub() object._foo().should.eql 'bar' end it 'should stub methods with whitespace' object['foo bar'] = function(){ return 'rawr' } object.stub('foo bar').and_return('baz') object['foo bar']().should.eql 'baz' object.destub() object['foo bar']().should.eql 'rawr' end it 'should stub with arbitrary method when no return value is set' object.stub(' super cool ') object[' super cool '].should.be_a Function destub(object) object[' super cool '].should.be_null end it 'should stub sub properties using the JSpec grammar' object = { foo : { bar : {}}}'kitten').and_return('meow') 'meow''kitten') end it 'should allow functions to be passed as a method' stub(object, 'post').and_return(function(url, callback){ if (url == '') callback('is awesome') })'', function(text){ text.should_eql 'is awesome' }) end end describe 'destub()' it 'should restore old methods' destub(object, 'toString') destub(object, 'stubby') object.toString().should.eql '<Im an object>' object.stubby().should.eql 'Not stubbed' end it 'should restore prototypal methods' Object.prototype.stubby = function() { return 'Oh no im new' } destub(object, 'stubby') object.stubby().should.eql 'Oh no im new' end it 'should destub all methods stubbed related to the object passed when no method is given' destub(object) object.toString().should.eql '<Im an object>' object.stubby().should.eql 'Not stubbed' end describe 'should restore after each spec' before a = { toString : function(){ return 'Wahoo' }} b = { toString : function(){ return 'Wahhhhhooo' }} end it 'should stub' stub(a, 'toString').and_return('Oh no') stub(b, 'toString').and_return('Oh noooo') a.toString().should.eql 'Oh no' b.toString().should.eql 'Oh noooo' end it 'should restore' a.toString().should.eql 'Wahoo' b.toString().should.eql 'Wahhhhhooo' end end end end describe 'query()' it 'should return a pairs value' query('suite', '?suite=Positive%20specs').should.equal 'Positive specs' end it 'should return null when key is not present' query('foo', '?suite=Positive%20specs').should.be_null end end describe 'strip()' it 'should strip whitespace by default' strip(" foo \n\n").should.equal 'foo' end it 'should strip the characters passed' strip('[foo]', '\\[\\]').should.equal 'foo' end end describe 'each()' it 'should iterate an array' result = [] each([1,2,3], function(value){ result.push(value) }) result.should.eql [1,2,3] end it 'should iterate words in a string' result = [] each('some foo bar', function(value){ result.push(value) }) result.should.eql ['some', 'foo', 'bar'] end end describe 'map()' it 'should return an array of mapped values' result = map([1,2,3], function(value){ return value * 2 }) result.should.eql [2,4,6] end it 'should inherit the ability to iterate words in a string' result = map('some foo bar', function(i, value){ return i + '-' + value }) result.should.eql ['0-some', '1-foo', '2-bar'] end end describe 'inject()' it 'should provide a memo object while iterating, not expecting returning of memo for composits' result = inject([1,2,3], [], function(memo, value){ memo.push(value) }) result.should.eql [1,2,3] end it 'should require returning of memo for scalar variables' result = inject([1,2,3], false, function(memo, value){ return memo ? memo : value == 2 }) result.should.be_true end end describe 'any()' it 'should return null when no matches are found' result = any('some foo bar', function(value){ return value.length > 5 }) result.should.be_null end it 'should return the value of the first matching expression' result = any('foo some bar', function(value){ return value.length > 3 }) result.should.eql 'some' end describe 'haveStopped' it 'should check if "stop" has been returned by a callback hook' any([true, 'stop'], haveStopped).should.eql 'stop' any([true, true], haveStopped).should.be_null any([true, null], haveStopped).should.be_null end end end describe 'select()' it 'should return an array of values when the callback evaluates to true' result = select('some foo bar baz stuff', function(value){ return value.length > 3 }) result.should.eql ['some', 'stuff'] end end describe 'last()' it 'should return the last element in an array' last(['foo', 'bar']).should.eql 'bar' end end describe 'argumentsToArray()' it 'should return an array of arguments' func = function(){ return argumentsToArray(arguments) } func('foo', 'bar').should.eql ['foo', 'bar'] end it 'should return the offset of an arguments array' func = function(){ return argumentsToArray(arguments, 2) } func('foo', 'bar', 'baz').should.eql ['baz'] end end describe 'does()' it 'should assert without reporting' does('foo', 'eql', 'foo') JSpec.currentSpec.assertions.should.have_length 0 end end describe 'contentsOf()' it 'should return a function body' JSpec.contentsOf(-{ return 'foo' }).should.include 'return', 'foo' end end end