require "spec_helper" describe Imap::Backup::Configuration::Account do class MockHighlineMenu attr_reader :choices attr_accessor :header def initialize @choices = {} end def choice(name, &block) choices[name] = block end def hidden(name, &block) choices[name] = block end end context "#initialize" do let(:store) { "store" } let(:account) { "account" } let(:highline) { "highline" } subject {, account, highline) } [:store, :account, :highline].each do |param| it "expects #{param}" do expect(subject.send(param)).to eq(send(param)) end end end context "#run" do let(:highline) { double("Highline") } let(:menu) { } let(:store) do double("Imap::Backup::Configuration::Store", accounts: accounts) end let(:accounts) { [account, account1] } let(:account) do { username: existing_email, server: existing_server, local_path: "/backup/path", folders: [{name: "my_folder"}], password: existing_password, } end let(:account1) do { username: other_email, local_path: other_existing_path, } end let(:existing_email) { "" } let(:new_email) { "" } let(:existing_server) { "" } let(:existing_password) { "password" } let(:other_email) { "" } let(:other_existing_path) { "/other/existing/path" } before do allow(subject).to receive(:system).and_return(nil) allow(subject).to receive(:puts).and_return(nil) allow(highline).to receive(:choose) do |&block| throw :done end end subject {, account, highline) } context "preparation" do before { } it "clears the screen" do expect(subject).to have_received(:system).with("clear") end context "menu" do it "shows the menu" do expect(highline).to have_received(:choose) end end end context "menu" do [ "modify email", "modify password", "modify server", "modify backup path", "choose backup folders", "test connection", "delete", "return to main menu", "quit", # TODO: quit is hidden ].each do |item| before { } it "has a '#{item}' item" do expect(menu.choices).to include(item) end end end context "account details" do [ ["email", /email:\], ["server", /server:\], ["password", /password:\s+x+/], ["path", %r(path:\s+/backup/path)], ["folders", /folders:\s+my_folder/] ].each do |attribute, value| before { } it "shows the #{attribute}" do expect(menu.header).to match(value) end end context "with no password" do let(:existing_password) { "" } before { } it "indicates that a password is not set" do expect(menu.header).to include("password: (unset)") end end end context "email" do before do allow(Imap::Backup::Configuration::Asker). to receive(:email) { new_email } menu.choices["modify email"].call end context "if the server is blank" do [ ["GMail", "", ""], ["Fastmail", "", ""] ].each do |service, email, expected| context service do let(:new_email) { email } context "with nil" do let(:existing_server) { nil } it "sets a default server" do expect(account[:server]).to eq(expected) end end context "with an empty string" do let(:existing_server) { "" } it "sets a default server" do expect(account[:server]).to eq(expected) end end end end end context "the email is new" do it "modifies the email address" do expect(account[:username]).to eq(new_email) end include_examples "it flags the account as modified" end context "the email already exists" do let(:new_email) { other_email } it "indicates the error" do expect(subject).to have_received(:puts). with("There is already an account set up with that email address") end it "doesn't set the email" do expect(account[:username]).to eq(existing_email) end include_examples "it doesn't flag the account as modified" end end context "password" do let(:new_password) { "new_password" } before do allow(Imap::Backup::Configuration::Asker). to receive(:password) { new_password } menu.choices["modify password"].call end context "if the user enters a password" do it "updates the password" do expect(account[:password]).to eq(new_password) end include_examples "it flags the account as modified" end context "if the user cancels" do let(:new_password) { nil } it "does nothing" do expect(account[:password]).to eq(existing_password) end include_examples "it doesn't flag the account as modified" end end context "server" do let(:server) { "server" } before do allow(highline).to receive(:ask).with("server: ").and_return(server) end before do menu.choices["modify server"].call end it "updates the server" do expect(account[:server]).to eq(server) end include_examples "it flags the account as modified" end context "backup_path" do let(:new_backup_path) { "/new/path" } before do @validator = nil allow( Imap::Backup::Configuration::Asker ).to receive(:backup_path) do |path, validator| @validator = validator new_backup_path end menu.choices["modify backup path"].call end it "updates the path" do expect(account[:local_path]).to eq(new_backup_path) end it "validates that the path is not used by other backups" do expect( be_falsey end include_examples "it flags the account as modified" end context "folders" do let(:chooser) { double(run: nil) } before do allow(Imap::Backup::Configuration::FolderChooser). to receive(:new) { chooser } menu.choices["choose backup folders"].call end it "edits folders" do expect(chooser).to have_received(:run) end end context "connection test" do before do allow(Imap::Backup::Configuration::ConnectionTester). to receive(:test).and_return("All fine") allow(highline).to receive(:ask) menu.choices["test connection"].call end it "tests the connection" do expect(Imap::Backup::Configuration::ConnectionTester). to have_received(:test).with(account) end end context "deletion" do let(:confirmed) { true } before do allow(highline).to receive(:agree).and_return(confirmed) catch :done do menu.choices["delete"].call end end it "asks for confirmation" do expect(highline).to have_received(:agree) end context "when the user confirms deletion" do include_examples "it flags the account to be deleted" end context "without confirmation" do let(:confirmed) { false } include_examples "it doesn't flag the account to be deleted" end end end end