module Asciidoctor module Epub3 class SpineItemProcessor < Extensions::IncludeProcessor def initialize document @document = document end # NOTE only fires for includes in spine document if registered directly on the instance of the spine document def process doc, reader, target, attributes spine_doc = doc unless ::File.exist?(include_file = (spine_doc.normalize_system_path target, reader.dir, nil, target_name: 'include file')) warn %(asciidoctor: WARNING: #{reader.line_info}: include file not found: #{include_file}) return end inherited_attributes = spine_doc.attributes.dup %w(spine doctitle docfile docdir docname).each {|key| inherited_attributes.delete key } # parse header to get author information spine_item_doc_meta = ::Asciidoctor.load_file include_file, safe:, backend: 'epub3-xhtml5', doctype: :article, parse_header_only: true # blank out author information if present in sub-document # FIXME this is a huge hack...we need a cleaner way to do this; perhaps an API method that retrieves all the author attribute names if spine_item_doc_meta.attr? 'author' %w(author firstname lastname email authorinitials authors authorcount).each {|key| inherited_attributes.delete key } idx = 1 while inherited_attributes.key? %(author_#{idx}) %W(author_#{idx} firstname_#{idx} lastname_#{idx} email_#{idx} authorinitials_#{idx}).each {|key| inherited_attributes.delete key } idx += 1 end end # REVIEW reaching into converter to resolve document id feels like a hack; should happen in Asciidoctor parser # also, strange that "id" doesn't work here inherited_attributes['css-signature'] = DocumentIdGenerator.generate_id spine_item_doc_meta inherited_attributes['docreldir'] = ::File.dirname target # NOTE can't assign spine document as parent since there's too many assumptions in the Asciidoctor processor spine_item_doc = ::Asciidoctor.load_file include_file, # setting base_dir breaks if outdir is not a subdirectory of spine_doc.base_dir #base_dir: spine_doc.base_dir, # NOTE won't write to correct directory if safe mode is :secure safe:, backend: 'epub3-xhtml5', doctype: :article, header_footer: true, attributes: inherited_attributes # restore attributes to those defined in the document header spine_item_doc.restore_attributes (spine_doc.references[:spine_items] ||= []) << spine_item_doc # NOTE if there are attribute assignments between the include directives, # then this ordered list is not continguous, so bailing on the idea #reader.replace_line %(. link:#{::File.basename(spine_item_doc.attr 'outfile')}[#{spine_item_doc.doctitle}]) end # handles? should get the attributes on include directive as the second argument def handles? target (@document.attr? 'spine') && (ASCIIDOC_EXTENSIONS.include? ::File.extname(target)) end # FIXME this method shouldn't be required def update_config config (@config ||= {}).update config end end end end