# this code is totally extracted from shoulda-matchers gem. module Mongoid module Matchers class AllowMassAssignmentOfMatcher # :nodoc: attr_reader :failure_message, :negative_failure_message alias :failure_message_when_negated :negative_failure_message def initialize(attribute) @attribute = attribute.to_s @options = {} end def as(role) if active_model_less_than_3_1? raise "You can specify role only in Rails 3.1 or greater" end @options[:role] = role self end def matches?(klass) @klass = klass if attr_mass_assignable? if whitelisting? @negative_failure_message = "#{@attribute} was made accessible" else if protected_attributes.empty? @negative_failure_message = "no attributes were protected" else @negative_failure_message = "#{class_name} is protecting " << "#{protected_attributes.to_a.to_sentence}, " << "but not #{@attribute}." end end true else if whitelisting? @failure_message = "Expected #{@attribute} to be accessible" else @failure_message = "Did not expect #{@attribute} to be protected" end false end end def description "allow mass assignment of #{@attribute}" end private def role @options[:role] || :default end def protected_attributes @protected_attributes ||= (@klass.class.protected_attributes || []) end def accessible_attributes @accessible_attributes ||= (@klass.class.accessible_attributes || []) end def whitelisting? authorizer.kind_of?(::ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity::WhiteList) end def attr_mass_assignable? !authorizer.deny?(@attribute) end def authorizer if active_model_less_than_3_1? @klass.class.active_authorizer else @klass.class.active_authorizer[role] end end def class_name @klass.class.name end def active_model_less_than_3_1? ::ActiveModel::VERSION::STRING.to_f < 3.1 end end # Ensures that the attribute can be set on mass update. # # it { should_not allow_mass_assignment_of(:password) } # it { should allow_mass_assignment_of(:first_name) } # # In Rails 3.1 you can check role as well: # # it { should allow_mass_assignment_of(:first_name).as(:admin) } # def allow_mass_assignment_of(value) AllowMassAssignmentOfMatcher.new(value) end end end