module Roro class CLI < Thor no_commands do def confirm_directory_not_empty confirm_dependency({ system_query: "ls -A", warning: "This is an empty directory. You can generate a new and fully dockerized Rails app using the 'greenfield' command here here but if you want to containerize an existing app -- which is what the 'rollon' command is for -- you'll need to navigate to a directory with an app we can roll onto.", suggestion: "$ roro greenfield", conditional: "!Dir.glob('*').empty?" }) end def confirm_directory_empty confirm = confirm_dependency({ system_query: "ls -A", warning: "this is not an empty directory. Roro will not greenfield a new Rails app unless either a) the current directory is empty or b) you run greenfield with the --force flag", suggestion: "$ roro greenfield --force", conditional: "Dir.glob('*').empty?" }) confirm || true end def remove_roro_artifacts appname = Dir.pwd.split('/').last check_for_clashes = "docker ps --filter name=#{appname}* -aq" no_artifact_containers = IO.popen(check_for_clashes).count.eql?(0) no_artifact_volumes = IO.popen("docker volume ls --filter name=greenfield*").count > (1) unless (no_artifact_containers && no_artifact_volumes) remove_clashes = ["docker ps --filter name=#{appname}* -aq | xargs docker stop | xargs docker rm"] volumes = %w(db_data app) volumes.each {|v| remove_clashes << "docker volume rm #{appname}_#{v}"} question = [ "\n\nWe found some container and volume artifacts which may clash", "with RoRo moving forward. You can verify their existence in a ", "separate terminal with:", "\n\t$ #{check_for_clashes}'\n", "You can remove these artifacts with something like:\n" ] remove_clashes.each { |c| question << "\t$ #{c}"} question << "\nWould you like RoRo to attempt to remove them for you?" question = question.join("\n") prompt = [question] choices = {'y' => 'Yes', 'n' => 'No'} choices.each { |k,v| prompt << "(#{k}) #{v.to_s}" } answer = ask((prompt.join("\n\n") + "\n\n"), default: 'y', limited_to: choices.keys) remove_clashes.each {|c| system c } end end def confirm_dependency(options) msg = [] msg << "" msg << delineator msg << "It looks like #{options[:warning]}. The following bash command returns false:" msg << "\t$ #{options[:system_query]}" msg << "Please try these instructions:" msg << ("\t" + options[:suggestion]) msg << delineator conditional = options[:conditional] ? eval(options[:conditional]) : system(options[:system_query]) if conditional == false raise("\n\n"))) else true end end def confirm_dependencies dependencies = [ { system_query: "which docker", warning: "Docker isn't installed", suggestion: "" }, { system_query: "which docker-compose", warning: "Docker Compose isn't installed", suggestion: "" }, { system_query: "docker info", warning: "the Docker daemon isn't running", suggestion: "" } ] dependencies.each do |dependency| confirm_dependency(dependency) end end end end end