require "observer" require "tempfile" require 'nokogiri' module Stella class Client include Gibbler::Complex include Observable attr_reader :client_id attr_accessor :base_uri attr_accessor :proxy attr_reader :stats def initialize(base_uri=nil, client_id=1) @base_uri, @client_id = base_uri, client_id @cookie_file ='stella-cookie') @stats ="Client #{@client_id}") @proxy = end def execute(usecase) http_client = create_http_client container = counter = 0 usecase.requests.each do |req| counter += 1 update(:prepare_request, usecase, req, counter) uri_obj = URI.parse(req.uri) params = prepare_params(usecase, req.params) headers = prepare_headers(usecase, req.headers) uri = build_request_uri uri_obj, params, container raise NoHostDefined, uri_obj if || unique_id = [req, params, headers, counter].gibbler req_id = req.gibbler meth = req.http_method.to_s.downcase Stella.ld "#{req.http_method}: " << "#{uri_obj.to_s} " << params.inspect begin send_request http_client, usecase, meth, uri, req, params, headers, container rescue => ex update(:request_error, usecase, uri, req, params, ex) next end #probe_header_size(container.response) #probe_body_size(container.response) ret = execute_response_handler container, req Stella.lflush # TODO: consider throw/catch case ret.class.to_s when "Stella::Client::Repeat" Stella.ld "REPETITION: #{counter} of #{ret.times+1}" redo if counter <= ret.times when "Stella::Client::Quit" Stella.ld "QUIT USECASE: #{ret.message}" break end counter = 0 # reset run_sleeper(req.wait) if req.wait && !benchmark? end end def enable_benchmark_mode; @bm = true; end def disable_benchmark_mode; @bm = false; end def benchmark?; @bm == true; end private def send_request(http_client, usecase, meth, uri, req, params, headers, container) update(:send_request, usecase, uri, req, params, container) container.response = http_client.send(meth, uri, params, headers) # booya! update(:receive_response, usecase, uri, req, params, container) end def update(kind, *args) changed and notify_observers(kind, @client_id, *args) end def run_sleeper(wait) if wait.is_a?(Range) ms = rand(wait.last * 1000).to_f ms = wait.first if ms < wait.first else ms = wait * 1000 end sleep ms / 1000 end def create_http_client opts = { :proxy => @proxy.uri || nil, # a tautology for clarity :agent_name => "Stella/#{Stella::VERSION}", :from => nil } http_client = opts http_client.set_proxy_auth(@proxy.user, @proxy.pass) if @proxy.user http_client.debug_dev = STDOUT if Stella.debug? && Stella.loglev > 3 http_client.set_cookie_store @cookie_file.to_s #http_client.redirect_uri_callback = ?? http_client end def prepare_params(usecase, params) newparams = {} params.each_pair do |n,v| Stella.ld "PREPARE PARAM: #{n}" v = usecase.instance_eval &v if v.is_a?(Proc) newparams[n] = v end newparams end def prepare_headers(usecase, headers) Stella.ld "PREPARE HEADERS: #{headers}" headers = usecase.instance_eval &headers if headers.is_a?(Proc) headers end # Testplan URIs can be relative or absolute. Either one can # contain variables in the form :varname, as in: # # # # This method creates a new URI object using the @base_uri # if necessary and replaces all variables with literal values. # If no replacement value can be found, the variable will remain. def build_request_uri(uri, params, container) uri ={:path => uri}) unless uri.is_a?(URI::Generic) uri.scheme = base_uri.scheme if uri.scheme.nil? = if uri.port = base_uri.port if uri.port.nil? uri.path ||= '' uri.path.gsub! /\/$/, '' # Don't double up on the first slash # We call req.uri again because we need # to modify request_uri inside the loop. uri.path.clone.scan(/:([a-z_]+)/i) do |instances| instances.each do |varname| val = find_replacement_value(varname, params, container) #Stella.ld "FOUND: #{val}" uri.path.gsub! /:#{varname}/, val.to_s unless val.nil? end end uri end # Testplan URIs can contain variables in the form :varname. # This method looks at the request parameters and then at the # usecase's resource hash for a replacement value. # If not found, returns nil. def find_replacement_value(name, params, container) value = nil #Stella.ld "REPLACE: #{name}" #Stella.ld "PARAMS: #{params.inspect}" #Stella.ld "IVARS: #{container.instance_variables}" value = params[name.to_sym] value = container.resource name.to_sym if value.nil? value end # Find the appropriate response handler by executing the # HTTP response status against the configured handlers. # If several match, the first one is used. def execute_response_handler(container, req) handler = nil req.response.each_pair do |regex,h| Stella.ld "HANDLER REGEX: #{regex.to_s} (#{container.status})" regex = /#{regex}/ unless regex.is_a? Regexp handler = h and break if container.status.to_s =~ regex end ret = nil unless handler.nil? begin ret = container.instance_eval &handler update(:execute_response_handler, req, container) rescue => ex update(:error_execute_response_handler, ex, req, container) Stella.ld ex.message, ex.backtrace end end ret end class ResponseError < Stella::Error def initialize(k, m=nil) @kind, @msg = k, m end def message msg = "#{@kind}" msg << ": #{@msg}" unless @msg.nil? msg end end class Container attr_accessor :usecase attr_accessor :response def initialize(usecase) @usecase = usecase end def self.const_missing(const, *args) end def doc # NOTE: It's important to parse the document on every # request because this container is available for the # entire life of a usecase. case @response.header['Content-Type'] when ['text/html'] Nokogiri::HTML(body) when ['text/yaml'] YAML.load(body) end end def body; @response.body.content; end def headers; @response.header; end alias_method :header, :headers def status; @response.status; end def set(n, v); usecase.resource n, v; end def resource(n); usecase.resource n; end def wait(t); sleep t; end def quit(msg=nil);; end def repeat(t=1);; end end class ResponseModifier; end class Repeat < ResponseModifier; attr_accessor :times def initialize(times) @times = times end end class Quit < ResponseModifier; attr_accessor :message def initialize(msg=nil) @message = msg end end end end