require "logstash/outputs/amazon_es" require "cabin" require "base64" require "elasticsearch" require_relative "aws_transport" module LogStash::Outputs::AES class HttpClient attr_reader :client, :options, :client_options DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :port => 80 } def initialize(options={}) @logger = Cabin::Channel.get @options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(options) @client = build_client(@options) end def template_install(name, template, force=false) if template_exists?(name) && !force @logger.debug("Found existing Elasticsearch template. Skipping template management", :name => name) return end template_put(name, template) end def bulk(actions) bulk_body = actions.collect do |action, args, source| if action == 'update' if args[:_id] source = { 'doc' => source } if @options[:doc_as_upsert] source['doc_as_upsert'] = true else source['upsert'] = args[:_upsert] if args[:_upsert] end else raise(LogStash::ConfigurationError, "Specifying action => 'update' without a document '_id' is not supported.") end end args.delete(:_upsert) if source next [ { action => args }, source ] else next { action => args } end end.flatten bulk_response = @client.bulk(:body => bulk_body) self.class.normalize_bulk_response(bulk_response) end private def build_client(options) hosts = options[:hosts] port = options[:port] client_settings = options[:client_settings] || {} uris = do |host| "http://#{host}:#{port}#{client_settings[:path]}".gsub(/[\/]+$/,'') end @client_options = { :hosts => uris, :region => options[:region], :aws_access_key_id => options[:aws_access_key_id], :aws_secret_access_key => options[:aws_secret_access_key], :transport_options => { :request => {:open_timeout => 0, :timeout => 60}, # ELB timeouts are set at 60 :proxy => client_settings[:proxy], }, :transport_class => Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::HTTP::AWS } if options[:user] && options[:password] then token = Base64.strict_encode64(options[:user] + ":" + options[:password]) @client_options[:headers] = { "Authorization" => "Basic #{token}" } end end def self.normalize_bulk_response(bulk_response) if bulk_response["errors"] # The structure of the response from the REST Bulk API is follows: # {"took"=>74, "errors"=>true, "items"=>[{"create"=>{"_index"=>"logstash-2014.11.17", # "_type"=>"logs", # "_id"=>"AUxTS2C55Jrgi-hC6rQF", # "_version"=>1, # "status"=>400, # "error"=>"MapperParsingException[failed to parse]..."}}]} # where each `item` is a hash of {OPTYPE => Hash[]}. calling first, will retrieve # this hash as a single array with two elements, where the value is the second element (i.first[1]) # then the status of that item is retrieved. {"errors" => true, "statuses" => bulk_response["items"].map { |i| i.first[1]['status'] }} else {"errors" => false} end end def template_exists?(name) @client.indices.get_template(:name => name) return true rescue Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::NotFound return false end def template_put(name, template) @client.indices.put_template(:name => name, :body => template) end end end