module ActiveFedora module FileManagement extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do include ActiveFedora::Relationships has_relationship "collection_members", :has_collection_member has_relationship "part_of", :is_part_of has_bidirectional_relationship "parts", :has_part, :is_part_of end # List the objects that assert isPartOf pointing at this object _plus_ all objects that this object asserts hasPart for # Note: Previous versions of ActiveFedora used hasCollectionMember to represent this type of relationship. # To accommodate this, until active-fedora-1.3, .file_assets will also return anything that this asserts hasCollectionMember for and will output a warning in the logs. # # @param [Hash] opts -- same options as auto-generated methods for relationships (ie. :response_format) # @return [Array of ActiveFedora objects, Array of PIDs, or Solr::Result] -- same options as auto-generated methods for relationships (ie. :response_format) def file_objects(opts={}) cm_array = collection_members(:response_format=>:id_array) if !cm_array.empty? logger.warn "This object has collection member assertions. hasCollectionMember will no longer be used to track file_object relationships after active_fedora 1.3. Use isPartOf assertions in the RELS-EXT of child objects instead." if opts[:response_format] == :solr || opts[:response_format] == :load_from_solr logger.warn ":solr and :load_from_solr response formats for file_objects search only uses parts relationships (usage of hasCollectionMember is no longer supported)" result = parts(opts) else cm_result = collection_members(opts) parts_result = parts(opts) ary = cm_result+parts_result result = ary.uniq end else result = parts(opts) end return result end # Add the given obj as a child to the current object using an inbound is_part_of relationship # # @param [ActiveFedora::Base,String] obj the object or the pid of the object to add # @return [Boolean] whether saving the child object was successful # @example This will add an is_part_of relationship to the child_object's RELS-EXT datastream pointing at parent_object # parent_object.file_objects_append(child_object) def file_objects_append(obj) # collection_members_append(obj) unless obj.kind_of? ActiveFedora::Base begin obj = ActiveFedora::Base.find(obj) rescue ActiveFedora::ObjectNotFoundError "You must provide either an ActiveFedora object or a valid pid to add it as a file object. You submitted #{obj.inspect}" end end obj.add_relationship(:is_part_of, self) end # Add the given obj as a collection member to the current object using an outbound has_collection_member relationship. # # @param [ActiveFedora::Base] obj the file to add # @return [ActiveFedora::Base] obj returns self # @example This will add a has_collection_member relationship to the parent_object's RELS-EXT datastream pointing at child_object # parent_object.collection_members_append(child_object) def collection_members_append(obj) add_relationship(:has_collection_member, obj) return self end def collection_members_remove() # will rely on SemanticNode.remove_relationship once it is implemented end end end