module Puppet class Resource class Status include Puppet::Util::Tagging include Puppet::Util::Logging attr_accessor :resource, :node, :file, :line, :current_values, :status, :evaluation_time STATES = [:skipped, :failed, :failed_to_restart, :restarted, :changed, :out_of_sync, :scheduled] attr_accessor *STATES attr_reader :source_description, :default_log_level, :time, :resource attr_reader :change_count, :out_of_sync_count, :resource_type, :title YAML_ATTRIBUTES = %w{@resource @file @line @evaluation_time @change_count @out_of_sync_count @tags @time @events @out_of_sync @changed @resource_type @title @skipped @failed}. map(&:to_sym) # Provide a boolean method for each of the states. STATES.each do |attr| define_method("#{attr}?") do !! send(attr) end end def <<(event) add_event(event) self end def add_event(event) @events << event if event.status == 'failure' self.failed = true elsif event.status == 'success' @change_count += 1 @changed = true end if event.status != 'audit' @out_of_sync_count += 1 @out_of_sync = true end end def events @events end def initialize(resource) @source_description = resource.path @resource = resource.to_s @change_count = 0 @out_of_sync_count = 0 @changed = false @out_of_sync = false @skipped = false @failed = false @file = resource.file @line = resource.line tag(*resource.tags) @time = @events = [] @resource_type = resource.type.to_s.capitalize @title = resource.title end def to_yaml_properties YAML_ATTRIBUTES & instance_variables end private def log_source source_description end end end end