# dev-lxc A tool for creating Chef server clusters using LXC containers. Using [ruby-lxc](https://github.com/lxc/ruby-lxc) it builds a standalone server or tier cluster composed of a backend and multiple frontends with round-robin DNS resolution. The dev-lxc tool is well suited as a tool for support related work, customized cluster builds for demo purposes, as well as general experimentation and exploration. ### Features 1. LXC 1.0 Containers - Resource efficient servers with fast start/stop times and standard init 2. Btrfs - Efficient storage backend provides fast, lightweight container cloning 3. Dnsmasq - DHCP networking and DNS resolution 4. Base containers - Containers that are built to resemble a traditional server 5. ruby-lxc - Ruby bindings for liblxc 6. YAML - Simple, customizable definition of clusters; No more setting ENV variables 7. Build process closely follows online installation documentation Its containers, standard init, networking and build process are designed to be similar to what you would build if you follow the online installation documentation so the end result is a cluster that is relatively similar to a more traditionally built cluster. The Btrfs backed clones provide a quick clean slate which is helpful especially for experimenting and troubleshooting. Or it can be used to build a customized cluster for demo purposes and be able to bring it up quickly and reliably. If you aren't familiar with using containers please read this introduction. [LXC 1.0 Introduction](https://www.stgraber.org/2013/12/20/lxc-1-0-blog-post-series/) ## Requirements * dev-lxc-platform The `dev-lxc` tool is designed to be used in a platform built by [dev-lxc-platform](https://github.com/jeremiahsnapp/dev-lxc-platform). Please follow the dev-lxc-platform usage instructions to create a suitable platform. The dev-lxc-platform will automatically install this `dev-lxc` tool. * Use root user Once you login to the Vagrant VM platform you should run `sudo -i` to login as the root user. Consider using `byobu` or `tmux` for a terminal multiplexer as [dev-lxc-platform README describes](https://github.com/jeremiahsnapp/dev-lxc-platform#use-a-terminal-multiplexer). * Setup Mounts and Packages As [described below](https://github.com/jeremiahsnapp/dev-lxc#cluster-config-files) `dev-lxc` uses a `dev-lxc.yml` config file for each cluster. Be sure that you configure the `mounts` and `packages` lists in `dev-lxc.yml` to match your particular environment. ## Update dev-lxc gem Run `gem update dev-lxc` inside the Vagrant VM platform to ensure you have the latest version. ## Usage ### Shorter Commands are Faster (to type that is :) The dev-lxc-platform's root user's `~/.bashrc` file has aliased `dl` to `dev-lxc` for ease of use but for most instructions in this README I will use `dev-lxc` for clarity. You only have to type enough of a `dev-lxc` subcommand to make it unique. The following commands are equivalent: ``` dev-lxc cluster init standalone > dev-lxc.yml dl cl i standalone > dev-lxc.yml ``` ``` dev-lxc cluster start dl cl start ``` ``` dev-lxc cluster status dl cl stat ``` ``` dev-lxc cluster destroy dl cl d ``` ### Create and Manage a Cluster The following instructions will use a tier cluster for demonstration purposes. The size of this cluster uses about 3GB ram and takes a long time for the first build of the servers. Feel free to try the standalone config first. #### Define cluster The following command saves a predefined config to dev-lxc.yml. Be sure you configure the [mounts and packages entries](https://github.com/jeremiahsnapp/dev-lxc#cluster-config-files) appropriately. dev-lxc cluster init tier > dev-lxc.yml #### Start cluster Starting the cluster the first time takes awhile since it has a lot to build. The tool automatically creates snapshot clones at appropriate times so future creation of the cluster's servers is very quick. dev-lxc cluster start A test org, user, knife.rb and keys are automatically created in the bootstrap backend server in `/root/chef-repo/.chef` for testing purposes. The `knife-opc` plugin is installed in the embedded ruby environment of the Private Chef and Enterprise Chef server to facilitate the creation of the test org and user. #### Cluster status Run the following command to see the status of the cluster. dev-lxc cluster status This is an example of the output. Cluster is available at https://chef-tier.lxc be-tier.lxc running fe1-tier.lxc running [https://chef-tier.lxc](https://chef-tier.lxc) resolves to the frontend. #### Create chef-repo Create a local chef-repo with appropriate knife.rb and pem files. dev-lxc cluster chef-repo Now you can easily use knife to access the cluster. cd chef-repo knife ssl fetch knife client list #### Cheap cluster rebuilds Clones of the servers as they existed immediately after initial installation, configuration and test org and user creation are available so you can destroy the cluster and "rebuild" it within seconds effectively starting with a clean slate very easily. dev-lxc cluster destroy dev-lxc cluster start #### Stop and start the cluster dev-lxc cluster stop dev-lxc cluster start #### Backdoor access to each server's filesystem The abspath subcommand can be used to prepend each server's rootfs path to a particular file. For example, you can use the following command to edit each server's chef-server.rb file without logging into the containers. emacs $(dev-lxc cluster abspath /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb) #### Run arbitrary commands in each server After modifying the chef-server.rb you could use the run_command subcommand to tell each server to run `chef-server-ctl reconfigure`. dev-lxc cluster run_command 'chef-server-ctl reconfigure' #### Destroy cluster Use the following command to destroy the cluster's servers and also destroy their unique and shared base containers if you want to build them from scratch. dev-lxc cluster destroy -u -s #### Use commands against a specific server You can also run most of these commands against individual servers by using the server subcommand. dev-lxc server ... ### Using the dev-lxc library dev-lxc can also be used as a library. require 'yaml' require 'dev-lxc' cluster = DevLXC::ChefCluster.new(YAML.load(IO.read('dev-lxc.yml'))) cluster.start cluster.status cluster.run_command("uptime") server = DevLXC::ChefServer.new("fe1-tier.lxc", YAML.load(IO.read('dev-lxc.yml'))) server.stop server.start server.run_command("chef-server-ctl reconfigure") cluster.destroy ## Cluster Config Files dev-lxc uses a YAML configuration file named `dev-lxc.yml` to define a cluster. The following command generates sample config files for various cluster topologies. dev-lxc cluster init `dev-lxc cluster init tier > dev-lxc.yml` creates a `dev-lxc.yml` file with the following content: platform_container: p-ubuntu-1404 topology: tier api_fqdn: chef-tier.lxc mounts: - /dev-shared dev-shared packages: server: /dev-shared/chef-packages/cs/chef-server-core_12.0.3-1_amd64.deb # reporting: /dev-shared/chef-packages/reporting/opscode-reporting_1.2.3-1_amd64.deb # push-jobs-server: /dev-shared/chef-packages/push-jobs-server/opscode-push-jobs-server_1.1.6-1_amd64.deb # manage: /dev-shared/chef-packages/manage/opscode-manage_1.9.0-1_amd64.deb servers: be-tier.lxc: role: backend ipaddress: bootstrap: true fe1-tier.lxc: role: frontend ipaddress: # fe2-tier.lxc: # role: frontend # ipaddress: This config defines a tier cluster consisting of a single backend and a single frontend. A second frontend is commented out to conserve resources. If you uncomment the second frontend then both frontends will be created and dnsmasq will resolve the `api_fqdn` [chef-tier.lxc](chef-tier.lxc) to both frontends using a round-robin policy. The config file is very customizable. You can add or remove mounts, packages or servers, change ip addresses, change server names, change the base_platform and more. The `mounts` list describes what directories get mounted from the Vagrant VM platform into each container. You need to make sure that you configure the mount entries to be appropriate for your environment. The same is true for the `packages` list. The paths that are provided in the default configs are just examples. You need to make sure that you have each package you want to use downloaded to appropriate directories that will be available to the container when it is started. I recommend downloading the packages to a directory on your workstation. Then configure the [dev-lxc-platform's .kitchen.yml](https://github.com/jeremiahsnapp/dev-lxc-platform#description) to mount that directory in the Vagrant VM platform. Then configure the cluster's mount entries in `dev-lxc.yml` to mount the Vagrant VM platform's directory into each container. Make sure the mounts and packages represent actual paths that are available in your environment. ### Managing Multiple Clusters By default, `dev-lxc` looks for a `dev-lxc.yml` file in the present working directory. You can also specify a particular config file as an option for most dev-lxc commands. The following is an example of managing multiple clusters while still avoiding specifying each cluster's config file. mkdir -p ~/clusters/{clusterA,clusterB} dev-lxc cluster init tier > ~/clusters/clusterA/dev-lxc.yml dev-lxc cluster init standalone > ~/clusters/clusterB/dev-lxc.yml cd ~/clusters/clusterA && dev-lxc cluster start # starts clusterA cd ~/clusters/clusterB && dev-lxc cluster start # starts clusterB ### Maintain Uniqueness Across Multiple Clusters The default cluster configs are already designed to be unique from each other but as you build more clusters you have to maintain uniqueness across the YAML config files for the following items. * Server names and `api_fqdn` Server names should really be unique across all clusters. Even when cluster A is shutdown, if cluster B uses the same server names when it is created it will use the already existing servers from cluster A. `api_fqdn` uniqueness only matters when clusters with the same `api_fqdn` are running. If cluster B is started with the same `api_fqdn` as an already running cluster A, then cluster B will overwrite cluster A's DNS resolution of `api_fqdn`. It is easy to provide uniqueness. For example, you can use the following command to replace `-tier` with `-1234` in a tier cluster's config. sed -i 's/-tier/-1234/' dev-lxc.yml * IP Addresses IP addresses uniqueness only matters when clusters with the same IP's are running. If cluster B is started with the same IP's as an already running cluster A, then cluster B will overwrite cluster A's DHCP reservation of the IP's but dnsmasq will still refuse to assign the IP's to cluster B because they already in use by cluster A. dnsmasq then assigns random IP's from the DHCP pool to cluster B leaving it in an unexpected state. The `dev-lxc-platform` creates the IP range - 254 for DHCP reserved IP's. Use unique IP's from that range when configuring clusters. ## Base Containers One of the key things this tool uses is the concept of "base" containers. `dev-lxc` creates base containers with a "p-", "s-" or "u-" prefix on the name to distinguish it as a "platform", "shared" or "unique" base container. Base containers are then snapshot cloned using the btrfs filesystem to very quickly provide a lightweight duplicate of the base container. This clone is either used to build another base container or a container that will actually be run. During a cluster build process the base containers that get created fall into three categories. 1. Platform The platform base container is the first to get created and is identified by the "p-" prefix on the container name. `DevLXC#create_base_platform` controls the creation of a platform base container. This container provides the chosen OS platform and version (e.g. p-ubuntu-1404). A typical LXC container has minimal packages installed so `dev-lxc` makes sure that the same packages used in Chef's [bento boxes](https://github.com/opscode/bento) are installed to provide a more typical server environment. A few additional packages are also installed. *Once this platform base container is created there is rarely a need to delete it.* 2. Shared The shared base container is the second to get created and is identified by the "s-" prefix on the container name. `DevLXC::ChefServer#create_base_server` controls the creation of a shared base container. Chef packages that are common to all servers in a Chef cluster, such as Chef server, opscode-reporting and opscode-push-jobs-server are installed using `dpkg` or `rpm`. Note the manage package will not be installed at this point since it is not common to all servers (i.e. it does not get installed on backend servers). The name of this base container is built from the names and versions of the Chef packages that get installed which makes this base container easy to be reused by another cluster that is configured to use the same Chef packages. *Since no configuration actually happens yet there is rarely a need to delete this container.* 3. Unique The unique base container is the last to get created and is identified by the "u-" prefix on the container name. `DevLXC::ChefServer#create` controls the creation of a unique base container. Each unique Chef server (e.g. standalone, backend or frontend) is created. * The specified hostname is assigned. * dnsmasq is configured to reserve the specified IP address for the container's MAC address. * A DNS entry is created in dnsmasq if appropriate. * All installed Chef packages are configured. * Test users and orgs are created. * The opscode-manage package is installed and configured if specified. After each server is fully configured a snapshot clone of it is made resulting in the server's unique base container. These unique base containers make it very easy to quickly recreate a Chef cluster from a clean starting point. ### Destroying Base Containers When using `dev-lxc cluster destroy` to destroy an entire Chef cluster or `dev-lxc server destroy [NAME]` to destroy a single Chef server you have the option to also destroy any or all of the three types of base containers associated with the cluster or server. Either of the following commands will list the options available. dev-lxc cluster help destroy dev-lxc server help destroy Of course, you can also just use the standard LXC commands to destroy any container. lxc-destroy -n [NAME] ### Manually Create a Platform Base Container Platform base containers can be used for purposes other than building clusters. For example, they can be used as Chef nodes for testing purposes. You can see a menu of platform base containers this tool can create by using the following command. dev-lxc create The initial creation of platform base containers can take awhile so let's go ahead and start creating an Ubuntu 12.04 base container now. dev-lxc create p-ubuntu-1404 ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request