--- BS: alpha2: BS alpha3: BHS continent: North America country_code: '1' currency_code: BSD gec: BF geo: latitude: 25.03428 longitude: -77.39627999999999 max_latitude: 27.263412 max_longitude: -72.70975390000001 min_latitude: 20.9082735 min_longitude: -80.4775603 bounds: northeast: lat: 27.263412 lng: -72.70975390000001 southwest: lat: 20.9082735 lng: -80.4775603 international_prefix: '011' ioc: BAH iso_long_name: The Commonwealth of The Bahamas iso_short_name: Bahamas languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en nanp_prefix: '1242' national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' nationality: Bahamian number: '044' postal_code: false region: Americas start_of_week: monday subregion: Caribbean un_locode: BS unofficial_names: - Bahamas - バハマ - Bahama’s world_region: AMER