module Ultrasphinx class Search module Internals # These methods are kept stateless to ease debugging private def build_request_with_options opts request = request.SetServer( Ultrasphinx::CLIENT_SETTINGS['server_host'], Ultrasphinx::CLIENT_SETTINGS['server_port'] ) # Force extended query mode request.SetMatchMode(Sphinx::Client::SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED) offset, limit = opts['per_page'] * (opts['page'] - 1), opts['per_page'] request.SetLimits offset, limit, [offset + limit, MAX_MATCHES].min request.SetSortMode SPHINX_CLIENT_PARAMS['sort_mode'][opts['sort_mode']], opts['sort_by'].to_s if weights = opts['weight'] # Order the weights hash according to the field order for Sphinx, and set the missing fields to 1.0 request.SetWeights({|n,t| t == 'text'}.map(&:first).sort.inject([]) do |array, field| array << (weights[field] || 1.0) end) end unless opts['class_name'].compact.empty? request.SetFilter 'class_id', opts['class_name'].map{|m| MODELS_TO_IDS[m.to_s]} end # Extract ranged raw filters # Some of this mangling might not be necessary opts['filter'].each do |field, value| begin case value when Fixnum, Float, BigDecimal, NilClass, Array request.SetFilter field, Array(value) when Range min, max = [value.begin, value.end].map do |x| x._to_numeric end raise NoMethodError unless min <=> max and max <=> min min, max = max, min if min > max request.SetFilterRange field, min, max when String opts['parsed_query'] << " @#{field} #{value}" else raise NoMethodError end rescue NoMethodError => e raise Sphinx::SphinxArgumentError, "filter: #{field.inspect}:#{value.inspect} is invalid" end end request end def get_subtotals(original_request, query) request = original_request._deep_dup request.instance_eval { @filters.delete_if {|f| f['attr'] == 'class_id'} } facets = get_facets(request, query, 'class_id') # Not using the standard facet caching here Hash[*( do |klass, id| [klass, facets[id] || 0] end.flatten)] end def get_facets(original_request, query, original_facet) request, facet = original_request._deep_dup, original_facet facet += "_facet" if Fields.instance.types[original_facet] == 'text' raise UsageError, "Field #{original_facet} does not exist or was not configured for faceting" unless Fields.instance.types[facet] # Set the facet query parameter and modify per-page setting so we snag all the facets request.SetGroupBy(facet, Sphinx::Client::SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, '@count desc') limit = self.class.client_options['max_facets'] request.SetLimits 0, limit, [limit, MAX_MATCHES].min # Run the query matches = request.Query(query)['matches'] # Map the facets back to something sane facets = {} matches.each do |match| match = match.last['attrs'] # :( raise ResponseError if facets[match['@groupby']] facets[match['@groupby']] = match['@count'] end # Invert crc's, if we have them reverse_map_facets(facets, original_facet) end def reverse_map_facets(facets, facet) facets = facets.dup if Fields.instance.types[facet] == 'text' unless FACET_CACHE[facet] # Cache the reverse CRC map for the textual facet if it hasn't been done yet # XXX not necessarily optimal since it requires a direct DB hit once per mongrel Ultrasphinx.say "caching crc reverse map for text facet #{facet}" Fields.instance.classes[facet].each do |klass| # you can only use a facet from your own self right now; no includes allowed field = (MODEL_CONFIGURATION[]['fields'].detect do |field_hash| field_hash['as'] == facet end)['field'] klass.connection.execute("SELECT #{field} AS value, CRC32(#{field}) AS crc FROM #{klass.table_name} GROUP BY #{field}").each_hash do |hash| (FACET_CACHE[facet] ||= {})[hash['crc'].to_i] = hash['value'] end end end # Apply the map facets = Hash[*( do |crc, value| [FACET_CACHE[facet][crc], value] end.flatten)] end facets end def reify_results(sphinx_ids) # Order by position and then toss the rest of the data sphinx_ids = sphinx_ids.sort_by do |key, value| value['index'] or raise ConfigurationError, "Your Sphinx client is not properly patched." # Inverse-modulus map the sphinx ids to the table-specific ids ids =[]) sphinx_ids.each do |id| ids[MODELS_TO_IDS.invert[id % MODELS_TO_IDS.size]] += [id / MODELS_TO_IDS.size] # yay math end raise Sphinx::SphinxResponseError, "impossible document id in query result" unless ids.values.flatten.size == sphinx_ids.size # Fetch them for real results = [] ids.each do |model, id_set| klass = model.constantize finder = self.class.client_options['finder_methods'].detect do |method_name| klass.respond_to? method_name end logger.debug "** ultrasphinx: using #{}.#{finder} as finder method" begin # XXX Does not use Memcached's multiget results += case instances = { |id| klass.send(finder, id) } when Hash instances.values when Array instances else Array(instances) end rescue ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError => e raise Sphinx::SphinxResponseError, e.inspect end end # Put them back in order results.sort_by do |r| raise Sphinx::SphinxResponseError, "Bogus ActiveRecord id for #{r.class}:#{}" unless index = (sphinx_ids.index(sphinx_id = * MODELS_TO_IDS.size + MODELS_TO_IDS[])) raise Sphinx::SphinxResponseError, "Bogus reverse id for #{r.class}:#{} (Sphinx:#{sphinx_id})" unless index index / sphinx_ids.size.to_f end # Add an accessor for absolute search rank for each record results.each_with_index do |r, index| i = per_page * (current_page - 1) + index r._metaclass.send('define_method', 'result_index') { i } end results end def strip_bogus_characters(s) # Used to remove some garbage before highlighting s.gsub(/<.*?>|\.\.\.|\342\200\246|\n|\r/, " ").gsub(/http.*?( |$)/, ' ') if s end def strip_query_commands(s) # XXX Hack for query commands, since sphinx doesn't intelligently parse the query in excerpt mode # Also removes apostrophes in the middle of words so that they don't get split in two. s.gsub(/(^|\s)(AND|OR|NOT|\@\w+)(\s|$)/i, "").gsub(/(\w)\'(\w)/, '\1\2') end end end end