module Democritus # Responsible for building a class based on the customization's applied # through the #customize method. # # @see ./spec/lib/democritus/class_builder_spec.rb # # :reek:UnusedPrivateMethod: { exclude: [ !ruby/regexp /(method_missing|respond_to_missing)/ ] } class ClassBuilder # @param command_namespaces [Array] the sequential list of namespaces you want to check for each registered command. def initialize(command_namespaces: default_command_namespaces) self.customization_module = self.generation_module = self.class_operations = [] self.instance_operations = [] self.command_namespaces = command_namespaces end private # The module that receives customized method definitions. # # @example # do |builder| # builder.a_command # def a_customization # end # end # # The above #a_customization method is captured in the customization_module and applied as an instance method # to the generated class. attr_accessor :customization_module attr_accessor :generation_module # Command operations to be applied as class methods of the generated_class. attr_accessor :class_operations def default_command_namespaces [Democritus::ClassBuilder::Commands] end # The command namespaces that you want to use. Note, order is important attr_reader :command_namespaces def command_namespaces=(input) @command_namespaces = Array(input) end # Command operations to be applied as instance methods of the generated_class. attr_accessor :instance_operations public # @api public # # Responsible for executing the customization block against the # customization module with the builder class as a parameter. # # @yield [Democritus::ClassBuilder] the means to build your custom class. # # @example # do |builder| # builder.command('paramter') # def to_s; 'parameter'; end # end # # @return nil # @see ./spec/lib/democritus/class_builder_spec.rb def customize(&customization_block) return unless customization_block customization_module.module_exec(self, &customization_block) return nil end # @api public # # Responsible for generating a Class object based on the customizations # applied via a customize block. # # @example # dynamic_class = # an_instance_of_the_dynamic_class = # # @return Class object # # rubocop:disable MethodLength # :reek:TooManyStatements: { exclude: [ 'Democritus::ClassBuilder#generate_class' ] } def generate_class generation_mod = generation_module # get a local binding customization_mod = customization_module # get a local binding apply_operations(instance_operations, generation_mod) generated_class = do const_set :GeneratedMethods, generation_mod const_set :Customizations, customization_mod include DemocritusObjectTag include generation_mod include customization_mod end generated_class end # rubocop:enable MethodLength def defer(options = {}, &deferred_operation) if options[:prepend] instance_operations.unshift(deferred_operation) else instance_operations << deferred_operation end end private # :reek:UtilityFunction: { exclude: [ 'Democritus::ClassBuilder#apply_operations' ] } def apply_operations(operations, module_or_class) operations.each do |operation| end end # @!group Method Missing private # @api public def method_missing(method_name, *args, **kargs, &block) command_name = self.class.command_name_for_method(method_name) command_namespace = command_namespace_for(command_name) if command_namespace command_class = command_namespace.const_get(command_name)*args, **kargs.merge(builder: self), &block).call else super end end # @api public def respond_to_missing?(method_name, *args) respond_to_definition(method_name, :respond_to_missing?, *args) end # @api public def respond_to_definition(method_name, *) command_name = self.class.command_name_for_method(method_name) command_namespace_for(command_name) end # @api private def command_namespace_for(command_name) command_namespaces.detect { |cs| cs.const_defined?(command_name) } end # @!endgroup class << self # @api public # # Convert the given :method_name into a "constantized" method name. # # @example # Democritus::ClassBuilder.command_name_for_method(:test_command) == 'TestCommand' # # @param method_name [#to_s] # @return String def command_name_for_method(method_name) method_name.to_s.gsub(/(?:^|_)([a-z])/) { Regexp.last_match[1].upcase } end end end end