# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' module Punchblock module Translator class Asterisk module Component describe Input do include HasMockCallbackConnection let(:ami_client) { double('AMI') } let(:translator) { Punchblock::Translator::Asterisk.new ami_client, connection } let(:call) { Punchblock::Translator::Asterisk::Call.new 'foo', translator, ami_client, connection } let(:original_command_options) { {} } let :original_command do Punchblock::Component::Input.new original_command_options end let :grammar do RubySpeech::GRXML.draw :mode => 'dtmf', :root => 'pin' do rule id: 'digit' do one_of do 0.upto(9) { |d| item { d.to_s } } end end rule id: 'pin', scope: 'public' do item repeat: '2' do ruleref uri: '#digit' end end end end subject { Input.new original_command, call } describe '#execute' do before { original_command.request! } it "calls send_progress on the call" do expect(call).to receive(:send_progress) subject.execute end before { allow(call).to receive :send_progress } let(:original_command_opts) { {} } let :original_command_options do { :mode => :dtmf, :grammar => { :value => grammar } }.merge(original_command_opts) end let (:ast13mode) { false } def ami_event_for_dtmf(digit, position) if ast13mode RubyAMI::Event.new 'DTMF' + (position == :start ? 'Begin' : '') + (position == :end ? 'End' : ''), 'Digit' => digit.to_s else RubyAMI::Event.new 'DTMF', 'Digit' => digit.to_s, 'Start' => position == :start ? 'Yes' : 'No', 'End' => position == :end ? 'Yes' : 'No' end end def send_ami_events_for_dtmf(digit) call.process_ami_event ami_event_for_dtmf(digit, :start) call.process_ami_event ami_event_for_dtmf(digit, :end) end let(:reason) { original_command.complete_event(5).reason } describe "receiving DTMF events" do before do subject.execute expected_event end context "when a match is found" do before do send_ami_events_for_dtmf 1 send_ami_events_for_dtmf 2 end let :expected_nlsml do RubySpeech::NLSML.draw do interpretation confidence: 1 do instance "dtmf-1 dtmf-2" input "12", mode: :dtmf end end end let :expected_event do Punchblock::Component::Input::Complete::Match.new nlsml: expected_nlsml end it "should send a success complete event with the relevant data" do expect(reason).to eq(expected_event) end it "should not process further dtmf events" do expect(subject).to receive(:process_dtmf).never send_ami_events_for_dtmf 3 end it "should not leave the recognizer running" do expect(Celluloid::Actor.all.any? { |a| a.class == Punchblock::Translator::DTMFRecognizer rescue false }).to eq(false) end context 'with an Asterisk 13 DTMFEnd event' do let(:ast13mode) { true } it "should send a success complete event with the relevant data" do expect(reason).to eq(expected_event) end end end context "when the match is invalid" do before do send_ami_events_for_dtmf 1 send_ami_events_for_dtmf '#' end let :expected_event do Punchblock::Component::Input::Complete::NoMatch.new end it "should send a nomatch complete event" do expect(reason).to eq(expected_event) end context 'with an Asterisk 13 DTMFEnd event' do let(:ast13mode) { true } it "should send a nomatch complete event" do expect(reason).to eq(expected_event) end end end context "dtmf event received after recognizer has terminated" do before do send_ami_events_for_dtmf 1 send_ami_events_for_dtmf '#' subject.execute end let :expected_event do Punchblock::Component::Input::Complete::NoMatch.new end it "should not crash the translator if the recognizer is dead" do expect(Celluloid::Actor.all.map { |a| a.class }).to include(Punchblock::Translator::DTMFRecognizer) recognizer = Celluloid::Actor.all.find { |a| a.class == Punchblock::Translator::DTMFRecognizer } recognizer.terminate if recognizer expect(Celluloid::Actor.all.map { |a| a.class }).not_to include(Punchblock::Translator::DTMFRecognizer) subject.process_dtmf 1 # trigger failure expect(Celluloid::Actor.all.map { |a| a.class }).to include(translator.class) end end end describe 'grammar' do context 'unset' do let(:original_command_opts) { { :grammar => nil } } it "should return an error and not execute any actions" do subject.execute error = ProtocolError.new.setup 'option error', 'A grammar document is required.' expect(original_command.response(0.1)).to eq(error) end end context 'with a builtin grammar' do let(:original_command_opts) { { grammar: { url: 'builtin:dtmf/boolean' } } } before do subject.execute expected_event send_ami_events_for_dtmf 1 end let :expected_nlsml do RubySpeech::NLSML.draw do interpretation confidence: 1 do instance "true" input "1", mode: :dtmf end end end let :expected_event do Punchblock::Component::Input::Complete::Match.new nlsml: expected_nlsml end it "should use RubySpeech builtin grammar" do expect(reason).to eq(expected_event) end end context 'with a parameterized builtin grammar' do let(:original_command_opts) { { grammar: { url: 'builtin:dtmf/boolean?n=3;y=4' } } } before do subject.execute expected_event send_ami_events_for_dtmf 4 end let :expected_nlsml do RubySpeech::NLSML.draw do interpretation confidence: 1 do instance "true" input "4", mode: :dtmf end end end let :expected_event do Punchblock::Component::Input::Complete::Match.new nlsml: expected_nlsml end it "should use RubySpeech builtin grammar" do expect(reason).to eq(expected_event) end end context 'with multiple grammars' do let(:original_command_opts) { { :grammars => [{:value => grammar}, {:value => grammar}] } } it "should return an error and not execute any actions" do subject.execute error = ProtocolError.new.setup 'option error', 'Only a single grammar is supported.' expect(original_command.response(0.1)).to eq(error) end end end describe 'mode' do context 'unset' do let(:original_command_opts) { { :mode => nil } } it "should return an error and not execute any actions" do subject.execute error = ProtocolError.new.setup 'option error', 'A mode value other than DTMF is unsupported.' expect(original_command.response(0.1)).to eq(error) end end context 'any' do let(:original_command_opts) { { :mode => :any } } it "should return an error and not execute any actions" do subject.execute error = ProtocolError.new.setup 'option error', 'A mode value other than DTMF is unsupported.' expect(original_command.response(0.1)).to eq(error) end end context 'voice' do let(:original_command_opts) { { :mode => :voice } } it "should return an error and not execute any actions" do subject.execute error = ProtocolError.new.setup 'option error', 'A mode value other than DTMF is unsupported.' expect(original_command.response(0.1)).to eq(error) end end end describe 'terminator' do context 'set' do let(:original_command_opts) { { terminator: '#' } } before do subject.execute expected_event end let :grammar do RubySpeech::GRXML.draw mode: 'dtmf', root: 'digits' do rule id: 'digits' do item repeat: '2-5' do one_of do 0.upto(9) { |d| item { d.to_s } } end end end end end let :expected_nlsml do RubySpeech::NLSML.draw do interpretation confidence: 1 do instance "dtmf-1 dtmf-2" input "12", mode: :dtmf end end end let :expected_event do Punchblock::Component::Input::Complete::Match.new nlsml: expected_nlsml end context "when encountered with a match" do before do send_ami_events_for_dtmf 1 send_ami_events_for_dtmf 2 send_ami_events_for_dtmf '#' end it "should send a match complete event with the relevant data" do expect(reason).to eq(expected_event) end it "should not process further dtmf events" do expect(subject).to receive(:process_dtmf).never send_ami_events_for_dtmf 3 end end context "when encountered with a NoMatch" do before do send_ami_events_for_dtmf '#' end let :expected_event do Punchblock::Component::Input::Complete::NoMatch.new end it "should send a nomatch complete event with the relevant data" do expect(reason).to eq(expected_event) end end context "when encountered with a PotentialMatch" do before do send_ami_events_for_dtmf 1 send_ami_events_for_dtmf '#' end let :expected_event do Punchblock::Component::Input::Complete::NoMatch.new end it "should send a nomatch complete event with the relevant data" do expect(reason).to eq(expected_event) end end end end describe 'recognizer' do pending end describe 'initial-timeout' do context 'a positive number' do let(:original_command_opts) { { :initial_timeout => 1000 } } it "should not cause a NoInput if first input is received in time" do subject.execute send_ami_events_for_dtmf 1 sleep 1.5 send_ami_events_for_dtmf 2 expect(reason).to be_a Punchblock::Component::Input::Complete::Match end it "should cause a NoInput complete event to be sent after the timeout" do subject.execute sleep 1.5 send_ami_events_for_dtmf 1 send_ami_events_for_dtmf 2 expect(reason).to be_a Punchblock::Component::Input::Complete::NoInput end end context '-1' do let(:original_command_opts) { { :initial_timeout => -1 } } it "should not start a timer" do expect(subject).to receive(:begin_initial_timer).never subject.execute end end context 'unset' do let(:original_command_opts) { { :initial_timeout => nil } } it "should not start a timer" do expect(subject).to receive(:begin_initial_timer).never subject.execute end end context 'a negative number other than -1' do let(:original_command_opts) { { :initial_timeout => -1000 } } it "should return an error and not execute any actions" do subject.execute error = ProtocolError.new.setup 'option error', 'An initial timeout value that is negative (and not -1) is invalid.' expect(original_command.response(0.1)).to eq(error) end end end describe 'inter-digit-timeout' do context 'a positive number' do let(:original_command_opts) { { :inter_digit_timeout => 1000 } } it "should not prevent a Match if input is received in time" do subject.execute sleep 1.5 send_ami_events_for_dtmf 1 sleep 0.5 send_ami_events_for_dtmf 2 expect(reason).to be_a Punchblock::Component::Input::Complete::Match end it "should cause a NoMatch complete event to be sent after the timeout" do subject.execute sleep 1.5 send_ami_events_for_dtmf 1 sleep 1.5 send_ami_events_for_dtmf 2 expect(reason).to be_a Punchblock::Component::Input::Complete::NoMatch end context "with a trailing range repeat" do let :grammar do RubySpeech::GRXML.draw mode: 'dtmf', root: 'digits' do rule id: 'digits', scope: 'public' do item repeat: '2-5' do '1' end end end end context "when the buffer potentially matches the grammar" do it "should cause a NoMatch complete event to be sent after the timeout" do subject.execute sleep 1.5 send_ami_events_for_dtmf 1 sleep 1.5 expect(reason).to be_a Punchblock::Component::Input::Complete::NoMatch end end context "when the buffer matches the grammar" do let :expected_nlsml do RubySpeech::NLSML.draw do interpretation confidence: 1 do instance "dtmf-1 dtmf-1" input '11', mode: :dtmf end end end it "should fire a match on timeout" do subject.execute sleep 1.5 send_ami_events_for_dtmf 1 sleep 0.5 send_ami_events_for_dtmf 1 sleep 1.5 expect(reason).to be_a Punchblock::Component::Input::Complete::Match expect(reason.nlsml).to eq(expected_nlsml) end context "on the first keypress" do let :grammar do RubySpeech::GRXML.draw mode: 'dtmf', root: 'digits' do rule id: 'digits', scope: 'public' do item repeat: '1-5' do '1' end end end end it "should fire a match on timeout" do subject.execute sleep 1.5 send_ami_events_for_dtmf 1 sleep 0.5 send_ami_events_for_dtmf 1 sleep 1.5 expect(reason).to be_a Punchblock::Component::Input::Complete::Match expect(reason.nlsml).to eq(expected_nlsml) end end end end end context '-1' do let(:original_command_opts) { { :inter_digit_timeout => -1 } } it "should not start a timer" do expect(subject).to receive(:begin_inter_digit_timer).never subject.execute end end context 'unset' do let(:original_command_opts) { { :inter_digit_timeout => nil } } it "should not start a timer" do expect(subject).to receive(:begin_inter_digit_timer).never subject.execute end end context 'a negative number other than -1' do let(:original_command_opts) { { :inter_digit_timeout => -1000 } } it "should return an error and not execute any actions" do subject.execute error = ProtocolError.new.setup 'option error', 'An inter-digit timeout value that is negative (and not -1) is invalid.' expect(original_command.response(0.1)).to eq(error) end end end describe 'sensitivity' do pending end describe 'min-confidence' do pending end describe 'max-silence' do pending end end describe "#execute_command" do context "with a command it does not understand" do let(:command) { Punchblock::Component::Output::Pause.new } before { command.request! } it "returns a ProtocolError response" do subject.execute_command command expect(command.response(0.1)).to be_a ProtocolError end end context "with a Stop command" do let(:command) { Punchblock::Component::Stop.new } let(:reason) { original_command.complete_event(5).reason } before do command.request! original_command.request! original_command.execute! end it "sets the command response to true" do subject.execute_command command expect(command.response(0.1)).to eq(true) expect(reason).to be_a Punchblock::Event::Complete::Stop end end end end end end end end