describe RSpotify::Artist do describe 'Artist::find receiving id as a string' do before(:each) do # Get Arctic Monkeys as a testing sample @artist = VCR.use_cassette('artist:find:7Ln80lUS6He07XvHI8qqHH') do RSpotify::Artist.find('7Ln80lUS6He07XvHI8qqHH') end end it 'should find artist with correct attributes' do expect(@artist.external_urls['spotify']) .to eq '' expect(@artist.followers['total']) .to be > 0 expect(@artist.genres) .to be_an Array expect(@artist.href) .to eq '' expect( .to eq '7Ln80lUS6He07XvHI8qqHH' expect(@artist.images) .to include ({'height' => 1333, 'width' => 1000, 'url' => ''}) expect( .to eq 'Arctic Monkeys' expect(@artist.popularity) .to be > 0 expect(@artist.type) .to eq 'artist' expect(@artist.uri) .to eq 'spotify:artist:7Ln80lUS6He07XvHI8qqHH' end it 'should find artist with correct albums' do albums = VCR.use_cassette('artist:7Ln80lUS6He07XvHI8qqHH:albums:limit:20:offset:0') do @artist.albums end expect(albums) .to be_an Array expect(albums.size) .to eq 20 expect(albums.first) .to be_an RSpotify::Album expect( .to include('AM', 'Suck It and See', 'Suck It and See Sampler' , 'Humbug') end it 'should find artist with correct top tracks' do top_tracks = VCR.use_cassette('artist:7Ln80lUS6He07XvHI8qqHH:top_tracks:US') do @artist.top_tracks(:US) end expect(top_tracks) .to be_an Array expect(top_tracks.size) .to eq 10 expect(top_tracks.first) .to be_an RSpotify::Track expect( .to include('Do I Wanna Know?', 'R U Mine?', 'Arabella', 'Knee Socks') end it 'should find artist with correct related artists' do related_artists = VCR.use_cassette('artist:7Ln80lUS6He07XvHI8qqHH:related_artists') do @artist.related_artists end expect(related_artists) .to be_an Array expect(related_artists.size) .to eq 20 expect(related_artists.first) .to be_an RSpotify::Artist expect( .to include('Miles Kane', 'We Are Scientists', 'Razorlight') end end describe 'Artist::find receiving array of ids' do it 'should find the right artists' do ids = ['0oSGxfWSnnOXhD2fKuz2Gy'] artists = VCR.use_cassette('artist:find:0oSGxfWSnnOXhD2fKuz2Gy') do RSpotify::Artist.find(ids) end expect(artists) .to be_an Array expect(artists.size) .to eq 1 expect( .to eq 'David Bowie' ids << '3dBVyJ7JuOMt4GE9607Qin' artists = VCR.use_cassette('artist:find:3dBVyJ7JuOMt4GE9607Qin') do RSpotify::Artist.find(ids) end expect(artists) .to be_an Array expect(artists.size) .to eq 2 expect( .to eq 'David Bowie' expect( .to eq 'T. Rex' end end describe 'Artist::search' do it 'should search for the right artists' do artists = VCR.use_cassette('artist:search:Arctic') do'Arctic') end expect(artists) .to be_an Array expect(artists.size) .to eq 20 expect( .to eq 127 expect(artists.first) .to be_an RSpotify::Artist expect( .to include('Arctic Monkeys', 'Arctic Lake') end it 'should accept additional options' do artists = VCR.use_cassette('artist:search:Arctic:limit:10') do'Arctic', limit: 10) end expect(artists.size) .to eq 10 expect( .to include('Arctic Monkeys', 'Arctic') artists = VCR.use_cassette('artist:search:Arctic:offset:10') do'Arctic', offset: 10) end expect(artists.size) .to eq 20 expect( .to include('Arctic Flame', 'Arctic Night') artists = VCR.use_cassette('artist:search:Arctic:offset:10:limit:10') do'Arctic', limit: 10, offset: 10) end expect(artists.size) .to eq 10 expect( .to include('Arctic') artists = VCR.use_cassette('artist:search:Arctic:market:ES') do'Arctic', market: 'ES') end expect(artists.size) .to eq 20 expect( .to include('Arctic Lake') end context 'when token is expired' do it 'should resend token with new token' do auth_response = {'access_token': 'token'}.to_json new_auth_response = {'access_token': 'new_token'}.to_json expect(RestClient).to receive(:post) .and_return(auth_response, new_auth_response) RSpotify.authenticate('client_id', 'client_secret') # When token is expired it returns 401 expect(RestClient).to receive(:send).and_raise(RestClient::Unauthorized) .with(anything, anything, {"Authorization" => "Bearer token"}) retry_response = { "artists" => { "items" => [] } }.to_json expect(RestClient).to receive(:send).and_return(retry_response) .with(anything, anything, {"Authorization" => "Bearer new_token"}) artists = VCR.use_cassette('artist:search:Arctic') do'Arctic') end end end end end