module Exemplor class ExampleEnv class << self alias_method :helpers, :class_eval attr_accessor :setup_block def setup(&blk) self.setup_block = blk end # runs the block in the example environment, returns triple: # [status, result, stderr] def run(&code) env = stderr = fake_stderr! status, result = begin env.instance_eval(&self.setup_block) if self.setup_block value = env.instance_eval(&code) if env._checks.empty? [:info, render_value(value)] else # :infos or :success [env._status, render_checks(env._checks)] end rescue Check::Failure => failure [:failure, render_checks(env._checks)] rescue Object => error [:error, render_error(error)] ensure restore_stderr! end [status, result, stderr.rewind &&] end # tests are run with a fake stderr so warnings output can be assoicated # with the specific test. this is still a little hokey and hard to test # properly def fake_stderr! fake = @real_stderr = $stderr $stderr = fake end def restore_stderr! $stderr = @real_stderr end # -- these "render" methods could probably be factored away # yaml doesn't want to print a class def render_value(value) value.kind_of?(Class) ? value.inspect : value end def render_checks(checks) failure = nil out = [] checks.each do |check| failure = check if check.failure? break if failure out << OrderedHash do |o| o['name'] = o['status'] = check.status.to_s o['result'] = render_value check.value end end if failure out << OrderedHash do |o| o['name'] = o['status'] = failure.status.to_s o['expected'] = failure.expectation o['actual'] = render_value failure.value end end out end def render_error(error) OrderedHash do |o| o['class'] = o['message'] = error.message o['backtrace'] = error.backtrace end end end attr_accessor :_checks def initialize @_checks = [] end def Check(value) file, line_number = caller.first.match(/^(.+):(\d+)/).captures line = File.readlines(file)[line_number.to_i - 1].strip name = line[/Check\((.+?)\)\s*($|#|\[|\.is.+)/,1] check =, value) _checks << check check end def _status (:success if _checks.all? { |c| c.success? }) || :infos end end def environment ExampleEnv end end