require 'logger' require 'minitest/autorun' require 'minitest/hooks/default' require 'minitest/autorun' require 'uri' require_relative '../lib/grpc/orin3/provider' require 'json' $logger = $logger.formatter = proc do |severity, datetime, progname, msg| "[#{datetime}] #{severity}: #{msg}\n" end module ORiN3 include Grpc::Client::ORiN3 include Grpc::Client::ORiN3::Provider end class ORiN3ProviderTest < Minitest::Test include Minitest::Hooks def before_all puts "......................." $ "* before_all called." @controllers = {} @variables = {} $ "* wakeup mock provider." id = "643D12C8-DCFC-476C-AA15-E8CA004F48E8" @version = "[1.0.0,2.0.0)" channel ="localhost:7103", nil, :this_channel_is_insecure) remote_engine = result = remote_engine.wakeup_provider(id, @version, "", 0) $ "* wakeup mock provider done. [uri=#{result.provider_information.endpoints[0].uri}]" uri = URI.parse(result.provider_information.endpoints[0].uri) provider_channerl ="#{}:#{uri.port}", nil, :this_channel_is_insecure) @root = ORiN3::ORiN3RootObject.attach(provider_channerl) $ "* attached to mock provider." $ " #{}" $ "Root.type_name: #{@root.type_name}" $ "Root.option: #{@root.option}" $ "Root.created_datetime: #{@root.created_datetime.getlocal}" $ "Root.orin3_object_type: #{@root.orin3_object_type}" $ " #{}" $ "* before_all finished." end def after_all puts "......................." $ "* after_all called." after_all_core $ "* after_all finished." end def setup puts "......................." $ "* setup called." end def teardown $ "* teardown called." end def self.get_constant_name(value, namespace) namespace.constants.each do |const_name| return const_name if namespace.const_get(const_name) == value end nil # 見つからなければ nil を返す end def after_all_core @root.shutdown end def create_or_get_controller(name) if @controllers.key?(name) return @controllers[name] end controller = @root.create_controller(name, "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Controller.GeneralPurposeController, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock", "{ \"@Version\":\"1.0.0\" }") $ "Controller created. [name=#{}]" @controllers[name] = controller return controller end def create_or_get_variable(parent, name, option, value_type) if @variables.key?(name) return @variables[name] end option_string = "{ \"@Version\":\"1.0.0\" }" if !option.nil? parsed_data = JSON.parse(option_string) # 動的に要素を追加 option.each do |key, value| parsed_data[key] = value end option_string = JSON.generate(parsed_data) end hash = {} hash[:ORIN3_BOOL] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.BoolVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_UINT8] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.UInt8Variable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_UINT16] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.UInt16Variable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_UINT32] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.UInt32Variable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_UINT64] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.UInt64Variable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_INT8] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.Int8Variable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_INT16] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.Int16Variable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_INT32] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.Int32Variable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_INT64] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.Int64Variable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_FLOAT] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.FloatVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_DOUBLE] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.DoubleVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_STRING] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.StringVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_DATETIME] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.DateTimeVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_NULLABLE_BOOL] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.NullableBoolVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT8] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.NullableUInt8Variable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT16] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.NullableUInt16Variable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT32] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.NullableUInt32Variable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT64] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.NullableUInt64Variable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT8] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.NullableInt8Variable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT16] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.NullableInt16Variable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT32] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.NullableInt32Variable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.NullableInt64Variable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_NULLABLE_FLOAT] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.NullableFloatVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_NULLABLE_DOUBLE] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.NullableDoubleVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_NULLABLE_DATETIME] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.NullableDateTimeVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_BOOL_ARRAY] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.BoolArrayVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_UINT8_ARRAY] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.UInt8ArrayVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_UINT16_ARRAY] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.UInt16ArrayVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_UINT32_ARRAY] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.UInt32ArrayVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_UINT64_ARRAY] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.UInt64ArrayVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_INT8_ARRAY] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.Int8ArrayVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_INT16_ARRAY] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.Int16ArrayVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_INT32_ARRAY] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.Int32ArrayVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_INT64_ARRAY] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.Int64ArrayVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_FLOAT_ARRAY] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.FloatArrayVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_DOUBLE_ARRAY] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.DoubleArrayVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_STRING_ARRAY] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.StringArrayVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_DATETIME_ARRAY] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.DateTimeArrayVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_NULLABLE_BOOL_ARRAY] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.NullableBoolArrayVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT8_ARRAY] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.NullableUInt8ArrayVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT16_ARRAY] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.NullableUInt16ArrayVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT32_ARRAY] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.NullableUInt32ArrayVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT64_ARRAY] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.NullableUInt64ArrayVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT8_ARRAY] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.NullableInt8ArrayVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT16_ARRAY] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.NullableInt16ArrayVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT32_ARRAY] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.NullableInt32ArrayVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64_ARRAY] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.NullableInt64ArrayVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_NULLABLE_FLOAT_ARRAY] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.NullableFloatArrayVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_NULLABLE_DOUBLE_ARRAY] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.NullableDoubleArrayVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" hash[:ORIN3_NULLABLE_DATETIME_ARRAY] = "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Variable.NullableDateTimeArrayVariable, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock" variable = parent.create_variable(name, hash[value_type], option_string, value_type) $ "Variable created. [name=#{}]" @variables[name] = variable $ " #{}" $ "Variable.type_name: #{variable.type_name}" $ "Variable.option: #{variable.option}" $ "Variable.created_datetime: #{variable.created_datetime.getlocal}" $ "Variable.orin3_object_type: #{variable.orin3_object_type}" $ "Variable.value_type: #{variable.value_type}" $ " #{}" return variable end UINT8_MIN = 0 UINT8_MAX = 255 UINT16_MIN = 0 UINT16_MAX = 65535 UINT32_MIN = 0 UINT32_MAX = 4_294_967_295 UINT64_MIN = 0 UINT64_MAX = 18_446_744_073_709_551_615 INT8_MIN = -128 INT8_MAX = 127 INT16_MIN = -32768 INT16_MAX = 32767 INT32_MIN = -2_147_483_648 INT32_MAX = 2_147_483_647 INT64_MIN = -9_223_372_036_854_775_808 INT64_MAX = 9_223_372_036_854_775_807 FLOAT_MIN = -3.40282347E+38 FLOAT_MAX = 3.40282347E+38 DOUBLE_MIN = -1.7976931348623157e+308 DOUBLE_MAX = 1.7976931348623157e+308 TAG_TEST_DATA = [ { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Nil, value: { nil: nil } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Bool, value: { true: false, false: true } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt8, value: { min: UINT8_MIN, common: 1, max: UINT8_MAX } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt16, value: { min: UINT16_MIN, common: 1, max: UINT16_MAX } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt32, value: { min: UINT32_MIN, common: 1, max: UINT32_MAX } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt64, value: { min: UINT64_MIN, common: 1, max: UINT64_MAX } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int8, value: { min: INT8_MIN, common: 1, max: INT8_MAX } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int16, value: { min: INT16_MIN, common: 1, max: INT16_MAX } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int32, value: { min: INT32_MIN, common: 1, max: INT32_MAX } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int64, value: { min: INT64_MIN, common: 1, max: INT32_MAX } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Float, value: { common1: 0.0, common: 1.0 } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Double, value: { min: DOUBLE_MIN, common: 1.0, max: DOUBLE_MAX } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::DateTime, value: { common: Time.utc(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), common2: Time.utc(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::String, value: { common: "abc𩸽123", empty: "" } }, # Array { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::BoolArray, value: { common: [ false, true ] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::BoolArray, value: { common: [] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt8Array, value: { common: [ UINT8_MIN, 1, UINT8_MAX ] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt8Array, value: { common: [] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt16Array, value: { common: [ UINT16_MIN, 1, UINT16_MAX ] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt16Array, value: { common: [] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt32Array, value: { common: [ UINT32_MIN, 1, UINT32_MAX ] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt32Array, value: { common: [] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt64Array, value: { common: [ UINT64_MIN, 1, UINT64_MAX ] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt64Array, value: { common: [] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int8Array, value: { common: [ INT8_MIN, 0, INT8_MAX ] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int8Array, value: { common: [] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int16Array, value: { common: [ INT16_MIN, 0, INT16_MAX ] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int16Array, value: { common: [] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int32Array, value: { common: [ INT32_MIN, 0, INT32_MAX ] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int32Array, value: { common: [] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int64Array, value: { common: [ INT64_MIN, 0, INT32_MAX ] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int64Array, value: { common: [] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::FloatArray, value: { common: [ 0.0, 1.0 ] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::FloatArray, value: { common: [] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::DoubleArray, value: { common: [ DOUBLE_MIN, 0.0, DOUBLE_MAX ] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::DoubleArray, value: { common: [] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::DateTimeArray, value: { common: [ Time.utc(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), Time.utc(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) ] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::DateTimeArray, value: { common: [] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::StringArray, value: { common: [ "abc", "𩸽" ] } }, #{ name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::StringArray, value: { common: [ "abc", "𩸽", nil ] } }, # stringのnullの扱いに問題あり { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::StringArray, value: { common: [] } }, # NullableArray { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_NULLABLE_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableBoolArray, value: { common: [ false, nil, true ] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_NULLABLE_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableBoolArray, value: { common: [] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_NULLABLE_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableUInt8Array, value: { common: [ UINT8_MIN, 1, nil, UINT8_MAX ] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_NULLABLE_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableUInt8Array, value: { common: [] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_NULLABLE_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableUInt16Array, value: { common: [ UINT16_MIN, 1, nil, UINT16_MAX ] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_NULLABLE_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableUInt16Array, value: { common: [] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_NULLABLE_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableUInt32Array, value: { common: [ UINT32_MIN, 1, nil, UINT32_MAX ] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_NULLABLE_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableUInt32Array, value: { common: [] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_NULLABLE_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableUInt64Array, value: { common: [ UINT64_MIN, 1, nil, UINT64_MAX ] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_NULLABLE_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableUInt64Array, value: { common: [] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_NULLABLE_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableInt8Array, value: { common: [ INT8_MIN, 0, nil, INT8_MAX ] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_NULLABLE_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableInt8Array, value: { common: [] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_NULLABLE_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableInt16Array, value: { common: [ INT16_MIN, 0, nil, INT16_MAX ] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_NULLABLE_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableInt16Array, value: { common: [] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_NULLABLE_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableInt32Array, value: { common: [ INT32_MIN, 0, nil, INT32_MAX ] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_NULLABLE_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableInt32Array, value: { common: [] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_NULLABLE_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableInt64Array, value: { common: [ INT64_MIN, 0, nil, INT32_MAX ] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_NULLABLE_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableInt64Array, value: { common: [] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_NULLABLE_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableFloatArray, value: { common: [ 0.0, nil, 1.0 ] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_NULLABLE_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableFloatArray, value: { common: [] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_NULLABLE_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableDoubleArray, value: { common: [ DOUBLE_MIN, 0.0, nil, DOUBLE_MAX ] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_NULLABLE_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableDoubleArray, value: { common: [] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_NULLABLE_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableDateTimeArray, value: { common: [ Time.utc(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), nil, Time.utc(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) ] } }, { name: "TAG_TEST_DATA_NULLABLE_ARRAY", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableDateTimeArray, value: { common: [] } }, ] TAG_TEST_DATA.each do |data| name = get_constant_name(data[:type], ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType) define_method("test_tag_#{name}") do $ "* test_tag_#{name} called." controller = create_or_get_controller(data[:name]) data[:value].each do |key, value| tag_name ="#{name}_#{key}" controller.set_tag(tag_name, value, data[:type]) tag = controller.get_tag(tag_name) $ "name: #{tag_name}, data type: #{}, value: #{tag}" if value.nil? assert_nil tag else assert_equal value, tag end end end end TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA = [ { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Bool }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt8 }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt16 }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt32 }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt64 }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int8 }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int16 }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int32 }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int64 }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Float }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Double }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::DateTime }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::BoolArray }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt8Array }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt16Array }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt32Array }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt64Array }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int8Array }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int16Array }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int32Array }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int64Array }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::FloatArray }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::DoubleArray }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::DateTimeArray }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::StringArray }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableBoolArray }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableUInt8Array }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableUInt16Array }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableUInt32Array }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableUInt64Array }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableInt8Array }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableInt16Array }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableInt32Array }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableInt64Array }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableFloatArray }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableDoubleArray }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableDateTimeArray }, ] TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA.each do |data| name = get_constant_name(data[:type], ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType) define_method("test_tag_nil_#{name}") do $ "* test_tag_nil_#{name} called." controller = create_or_get_controller(data[:name]) exception = assert_raises(Grpc::Client::ORiN3::MessageClientError) do controller.set_tag("tag_name", nil, data[:type]) end $ "Exception message: #{exception.message}" assert_includes exception.message, "Value is nil." end end TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA2 = [ { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA2", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::BoolArray }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA2", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt8Array }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA2", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt16Array }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA2", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt32Array }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA2", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt64Array }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA2", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int8Array }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA2", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int16Array }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA2", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int32Array }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA2", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int64Array }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA2", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::FloatArray }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA2", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::DoubleArray }, { name: "TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA2", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::DateTimeArray }, ] TAG_NIL_TEST_DATA2.each do |data| name = get_constant_name(data[:type], ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType) define_method("test_tag_nil2_#{name}") do $ "* test_tag_nil2_#{name} called." controller = create_or_get_controller(data[:name]) exception = assert_raises(Grpc::Client::ORiN3::MessageClientError) do controller.set_tag("tag_name", [ nil ], data[:type]) end $ "Exception message: #{exception.message}" assert_includes exception.message, "Value is nil." end end TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA = [ { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Bool, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt8, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt16, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt32, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt64, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int8, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int16, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int32, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int64, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Float, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Double, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::DateTime, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::String, ruby_type: Time }, ] TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA.each do |data| name = get_constant_name(data[:type], ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType) define_method("test_tag_ruby_type_#{name}") do $ "* test_tag_ruby_type_#{name} called." controller = create_or_get_controller(data[:name]) exception = assert_raises(Grpc::Client::ORiN3::MessageClientError) do controller.set_tag("tag_name", data[:ruby_type].new, data[:type]) end $ "Exception message: #{exception.message}" assert_includes exception.message, "Value is not" end end TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA2 = [ { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::BoolArray, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt8Array, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt16Array, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt32Array, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt64Array, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int8Array, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int16Array, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int32Array, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int64Array, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::FloatArray, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::DoubleArray, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::DateTimeArray, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::StringArray, ruby_type: Time }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableBoolArray, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableUInt8Array, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableUInt16Array, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableUInt32Array, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableUInt64Array, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableInt8Array, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableInt16Array, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableInt32Array, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableInt64Array, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableFloatArray, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableDoubleArray, ruby_type: String }, { name: "TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableDateTimeArray, ruby_type: String }, ] TAG_RUBY_TYPE_TEST_DATA2.each do |data| name = get_constant_name(data[:type], ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType) define_method("test_tag_ruby_type2_#{name}") do $ "* test_tag_ruby_type2_#{name} called." controller = create_or_get_controller(data[:name]) exception = assert_raises(Grpc::Client::ORiN3::MessageClientError) do controller.set_tag("tag_name", [ data[:ruby_type].new ], data[:type]) end $ "Exception message: #{exception.message}" assert_includes exception.message, "Value is not" end end TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA = [ { name: "TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt8, values: [ UINT8_MIN - 1, UINT8_MAX + 1 ] }, { name: "TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt16, values: [ UINT16_MIN - 1, UINT16_MAX + 1 ] }, { name: "TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt32, values: [ UINT32_MIN - 1, UINT32_MAX + 1 ] }, { name: "TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt64, values: [ UINT64_MIN - 1, UINT64_MAX + 1 ] }, { name: "TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int8, values: [ INT8_MIN - 1, INT8_MAX + 1 ] }, { name: "TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int16, values: [ INT16_MIN - 1, INT16_MAX + 1 ] }, { name: "TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int32, values: [ INT32_MIN - 1, INT32_MAX + 1 ] }, { name: "TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int64, values: [ INT64_MIN - 1, INT64_MAX + 1 ] }, { name: "TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt8Array, values: [ [ UINT8_MIN - 1 ], [ UINT8_MAX + 1 ] ] }, { name: "TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt16Array, values: [ [ UINT16_MIN - 1 ], [ UINT16_MAX + 1 ] ] }, { name: "TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt32Array, values: [ [ UINT32_MIN - 1 ], [ UINT32_MAX + 1 ] ] }, { name: "TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::UInt64Array, values: [ [ UINT64_MIN - 1 ], [ UINT64_MAX + 1 ] ] }, { name: "TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int8Array, values: [ [ INT8_MIN - 1, INT8_MAX + 1 ] ] }, { name: "TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int16Array, values: [ [ INT16_MIN - 1, INT16_MAX + 1 ] ] }, { name: "TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int32Array, values: [ [ INT32_MIN - 1, INT32_MAX + 1 ] ] }, { name: "TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int64Array, values: [ [ INT64_MIN - 1, INT64_MAX + 1 ] ] }, { name: "TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableUInt8Array, values: [ [ UINT8_MIN - 1 ], [ UINT8_MAX + 1 ] ] }, { name: "TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableUInt16Array, values: [ [ UINT16_MIN - 1 ], [ UINT16_MAX + 1 ] ] }, { name: "TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableUInt32Array, values: [ [ UINT32_MIN - 1 ], [ UINT32_MAX + 1 ] ] }, { name: "TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableUInt64Array, values: [ [ UINT64_MIN - 1 ], [ UINT64_MAX + 1 ] ] }, { name: "TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableInt8Array, values: [ [ INT8_MIN - 1, INT8_MAX + 1 ] ] }, { name: "TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableInt16Array, values: [ [ INT16_MIN - 1, INT16_MAX + 1 ] ] }, { name: "TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableInt32Array, values: [ [ INT32_MIN - 1, INT32_MAX + 1 ] ] }, { name: "TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA", type: ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::NullableInt64Array, values: [ [ INT64_MIN - 1, INT64_MAX + 1 ] ] }, ] TAG_RANGE_TEST_DATA.each do |data| name = get_constant_name(data[:type], ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType) define_method("test_tag_range_#{name}") do $ "* test_tag_range_#{name} called." controller = create_or_get_controller(data[:name]) data[:values].each do |value| exception = assert_raises(Grpc::Client::ORiN3::MessageClientError) do controller.set_tag("tag_name", value, data[:type]) end $ "Exception message: #{exception.message}" assert_includes exception.message, "out of range" end end end TAG_WITHOUT_TYPE_TEST_DATA = [ { name: "TAG_WITHOUT_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: "Nil", value: { nil: nil } }, { name: "TAG_WITHOUT_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: "Bool", value: { true: false, false: true } }, { name: "TAG_WITHOUT_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: "Integer", value: { min: -9_223_372_036_854_775_808, common: 0, max: 9_223_372_036_854_775_807 } }, { name: "TAG_WITHOUT_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: "String", value: { common: "あいうえお𩸽abc" } }, { name: "TAG_WITHOUT_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: "BoolArray", value: { common: [ false, true ] } }, { name: "TAG_WITHOUT_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: "NullableBoolArray", value: { common: [ false, nil, true ] } }, { name: "TAG_WITHOUT_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: "IntegerArray", value: { common: [ -9_223_372_036_854_775_808, 0, 9_223_372_036_854_775_807 ] } }, { name: "TAG_WITHOUT_TYPE_TEST_DATA", type: "NullableIntegerArray", value: { common: [ -9_223_372_036_854_775_808, 0, nil, 9_223_372_036_854_775_807 ] } }, ] TAG_WITHOUT_TYPE_TEST_DATA.each do |data| name = data[:type] define_method("test_tag_without_type_#{name}") do $ "* test_tag_without_type_#{name} called." controller = create_or_get_controller(data[:name]) data[:value].each do |key, value| tag_name ="#{name}_#{key}" controller.set_tag(tag_name, value) tag = controller.get_tag(tag_name) $ "name: #{tag_name}, data type: #{}, value: #{tag}" if value.nil? assert_nil tag else assert_equal value, tag end end end end def test_tag_management $ "* test_tag_management called." controller = create_or_get_controller("test_tag_management") keys = controller.get_tag_keys assert_equal 0, keys.length controller.set_tag("hoge", 1) keys = controller.get_tag_keys assert_equal 1, keys.length assert_equal "hoge", keys[0] controller.set_tag("fuga", 2) keys = controller.get_tag_keys assert_equal 2, keys.length assert_equal true, keys.include?("hoge") assert_equal true, keys.include?("fuga") assert_equal 1, controller.get_tag("hoge") assert_equal 2, controller.get_tag("fuga") controller.remove_tag("hoge") keys = controller.get_tag_keys assert_equal 1, keys.length assert_equal true, keys.include?("fuga") assert_equal 2, controller.get_tag("fuga") controller.set_tag("fuga", 10) keys = controller.get_tag_keys assert_equal 1, keys.length assert_equal true, keys.include?("fuga") assert_equal 10, controller.get_tag("fuga") controller.set_tag("fuga", "abc") keys = controller.get_tag_keys assert_equal 1, keys.length assert_equal true, keys.include?("fuga") assert_equal "abc", controller.get_tag("fuga") controller.remove_tag("fuga") keys = controller.get_tag_keys assert_equal 0, keys.length end VARIABLE_TEST_DATA = [ { name: "ORIN3_BOOL", type: :ORIN3_BOOL, value: [ true, false, true ] }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT8", type: :ORIN3_UINT8, value: [ UINT8_MIN, 1, UINT8_MAX ] }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT16", type: :ORIN3_UINT16, value: [ UINT16_MIN, 1, UINT16_MAX ] }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT32", type: :ORIN3_UINT32, value: [ UINT32_MIN, 1, UINT32_MAX ] }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT64", type: :ORIN3_UINT64, value: [ UINT64_MIN, 1, UINT64_MAX ] }, { name: "ORIN3_INT8", type: :ORIN3_INT8, value: [ INT8_MIN, 1, INT8_MAX ] }, { name: "ORIN3_INT16", type: :ORIN3_INT16, value: [ INT16_MIN, 1, INT16_MAX ] }, { name: "ORIN3_INT32", type: :ORIN3_INT32, value: [ INT32_MIN, 1, INT32_MAX ] }, { name: "ORIN3_INT64", type: :ORIN3_INT64, value: [ INT64_MIN, 1, INT64_MAX ] }, { name: "ORIN3_FLOAT", type: :ORIN3_FLOAT, value: [ 0.0, 1.0 ] }, { name: "ORIN3_DOUBLE", type: :ORIN3_DOUBLE, value: [ DOUBLE_MIN, 1.0, DOUBLE_MAX ] }, { name: "ORIN3_DATETIME", type: :ORIN3_DATETIME, value: [ Time.utc(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), Time.utc(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) ] }, { name: "ORIN3_STRING", type: :ORIN3_STRING, value: [ "123456", nil, "abc𩸽123" ] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_BOOL", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_BOOL, value: [ nil, false, true ] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT8", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT8, value: [ UINT8_MIN, 1, nil, UINT8_MAX ] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT16", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT16, value: [ UINT16_MIN, 1, nil, UINT16_MAX ] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT32", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT32, value: [ UINT32_MIN, 1, nil, UINT32_MAX ] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT64", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT64, value: [ UINT64_MIN, 1, nil, UINT64_MAX ] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT8", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT8, value: [ INT8_MIN, 1, nil, INT8_MAX ] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT16", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT16, value: [ INT16_MIN, 1, nil, INT16_MAX ] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT32", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT32, value: [ INT32_MIN, 1, nil, INT32_MAX ] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64, value: [ INT64_MIN, 1, nil, INT64_MAX ] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_FLOAT", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_FLOAT, value: [ 0.0, nil, 1.0 ] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_DOUBLE", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_DOUBLE, value: [ DOUBLE_MIN, 1.0, nil, DOUBLE_MAX ] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_DATETIME", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_DATETIME, value: [ Time.utc(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), nil, Time.utc(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) ] }, { name: "ORIN3_BOOL_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_BOOL_ARRAY, value: [[ true, false, true ], [ false, true, false ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT8_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_UINT8_ARRAY, value: [[ UINT8_MIN, 1, UINT8_MAX ], [ UINT8_MAX, UINT8_MIN, 1 ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT16_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_UINT16_ARRAY, value: [[ UINT16_MIN, 1, UINT16_MAX ], [ UINT16_MAX, UINT16_MIN, 1 ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT32_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_UINT32_ARRAY, value: [[ UINT32_MIN, 1, UINT32_MAX ], [ UINT32_MAX, UINT32_MIN, 1 ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT64_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_UINT64_ARRAY, value: [[ UINT64_MIN, 1, UINT64_MAX ], [ UINT64_MAX, UINT64_MIN, 1 ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_INT8_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_INT8_ARRAY, value: [[ INT8_MIN, 1, INT8_MAX ], [ INT8_MAX, INT8_MIN, 1 ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_INT16_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_INT16_ARRAY, value: [[ INT16_MIN, 1, INT16_MAX ], [ INT16_MAX, INT16_MIN, 1 ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_INT32_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_INT32_ARRAY, value: [[ INT32_MIN, 1, INT32_MAX ], [ INT32_MAX, INT32_MIN, 1 ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_INT64_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_INT64_ARRAY, value: [[ INT64_MIN, 1, INT64_MAX ], [ INT64_MAX, INT64_MIN, 1 ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_FLOAT_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_FLOAT_ARRAY, value: [[ 0.0, 1.0 ], [ 2.0, 3.0 ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_DOUBLE_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_DOUBLE_ARRAY, value: [[ DOUBLE_MIN, 1.0, DOUBLE_MAX ], [ DOUBLE_MAX, DOUBLE_MIN, 1.0 ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_DATETIME_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_DATETIME_ARRAY, value: [[ Time.utc(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), Time.utc(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) ], [ Time.utc(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59), Time.utc(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_STRING_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_STRING_ARRAY, value: [[ "123456", nil, "abc𩸽123" ], [ "abc𩸽123", "123456", nil ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_BOOL_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_BOOL_ARRAY, value: [[ true, false, true ], [ nil, nil, nil ], [ false, nil, false ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT8_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT8_ARRAY, value: [[ UINT8_MIN, 1, UINT8_MAX ], [ nil, nil, nil ], [ UINT8_MAX, UINT8_MIN, nil ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT16_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT16_ARRAY, value: [[ UINT16_MIN, 1, UINT16_MAX ], [ nil, nil, nil ], [ UINT16_MAX, UINT16_MIN, nil ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT32_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT32_ARRAY, value: [[ UINT32_MIN, 1, UINT32_MAX ], [ nil, nil, nil ], [ UINT32_MAX, UINT32_MIN, nil ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT64_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT64_ARRAY, value: [[ UINT64_MIN, 1, UINT64_MAX ], [ nil, nil, nil ], [ UINT64_MAX, UINT64_MIN, nil ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT8_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT8_ARRAY, value: [[ INT8_MIN, 1, INT8_MAX ], [ nil, nil, nil] , [ INT8_MAX, INT8_MIN, nil ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT16_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT16_ARRAY, value: [[ INT16_MIN, 1, INT16_MAX ], [ nil, nil, nil ], [ INT16_MAX, INT16_MIN, nil ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT32_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT32_ARRAY, value: [[ INT32_MIN, 1, INT32_MAX ], [ nil, nil, nil ], [ INT32_MAX, INT32_MIN, nil ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64_ARRAY, value: [[ INT64_MIN, 1, INT64_MAX ], [ nil, nil, nil ], [ INT64_MAX, INT64_MIN, nil ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_FLOAT_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_FLOAT_ARRAY, value: [[ 0.0, 1.0 ], [ nil, nil ], [ 2.0, nil ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_DOUBLE_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_DOUBLE_ARRAY, value: [[ DOUBLE_MIN, 1.0, DOUBLE_MAX ], [ nil, nil, nil ], [ DOUBLE_MAX, DOUBLE_MIN, nil ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_DATETIME_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_DATETIME_ARRAY, value: [[ Time.utc(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), Time.utc(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) ], [ nil, nil ], [ Time.utc(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59), nil ]] }, ] VARIABLE_TEST_DATA.each do |data| name = data[:name] define_method("test_variable_#{name}") do $ "* test_variable_#{name} called." parent = create_or_get_controller("test_variable") if two_dimensional_array?(data[:value]) length = data[:value][0].length option = {} option["Element Count"] = length variable = create_or_get_variable(parent, "test_variable_#{name}", option, data[:type]) else variable = create_or_get_variable(parent, "test_variable_#{name}", nil, data[:type]) end data[:value].each do |it| variable.set_value(it) if it.nil? assert_nil variable.get_value else assert_equal it, variable.get_value end end end end VARIABLE_RANGE_TEST_DATA = [ { name: "ORIN3_UINT8", type: :ORIN3_UINT8, value: [ UINT8_MIN - 1, UINT8_MAX + 1 ] }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT16", type: :ORIN3_UINT16, value: [ UINT16_MIN - 1, UINT16_MAX + 1 ] }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT32", type: :ORIN3_UINT32, value: [ UINT32_MIN - 1, UINT32_MAX + 1 ] }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT64", type: :ORIN3_UINT64, value: [ UINT64_MIN - 1, UINT64_MAX + 1 ] }, { name: "ORIN3_INT8", type: :ORIN3_INT8, value: [ INT8_MIN - 1, INT8_MAX + 1 ] }, { name: "ORIN3_INT16", type: :ORIN3_INT16, value: [ INT16_MIN - 1, INT16_MAX + 1 ] }, { name: "ORIN3_INT32", type: :ORIN3_INT32, value: [ INT32_MIN - 1, INT32_MAX + 1 ] }, { name: "ORIN3_INT64", type: :ORIN3_INT64, value: [ INT64_MIN - 1, INT64_MAX + 1 ] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT8", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT8, value: [ UINT8_MIN - 1, UINT8_MAX + 1 ] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT16", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT16, value: [ UINT16_MIN - 1, UINT16_MAX + 1 ] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT32", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT32, value: [ UINT32_MIN - 1, UINT32_MAX + 1 ] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT64", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT64, value: [ UINT64_MIN - 1, UINT64_MAX + 1 ] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT8", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT8, value: [ INT8_MIN - 1, INT8_MAX + 1 ] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT16", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT16, value: [ INT16_MIN - 1, INT16_MAX + 1 ] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT32", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT32, value: [ INT32_MIN - 1, INT32_MAX + 1 ] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64, value: [ INT64_MIN - 1, INT64_MAX + 1 ] }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT8_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_UINT8_ARRAY, value: [[ UINT8_MIN - 1 ], [ UINT8_MAX + 1 ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT16_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_UINT16_ARRAY, value: [[ UINT16_MIN - 1 ], [ UINT16_MAX + 1 ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT32_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_UINT32_ARRAY, value: [[ UINT32_MIN - 1 ], [ UINT32_MAX + 1 ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT64_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_UINT64_ARRAY, value: [[ UINT64_MIN - 1 ], [ UINT64_MAX + 1 ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_INT8_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_INT8_ARRAY, value: [[ INT8_MIN - 1 ], [ INT8_MAX + 1 ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_INT16_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_INT16_ARRAY, value: [[ INT16_MIN - 1 ], [ INT16_MAX + 1 ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_INT32_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_INT32_ARRAY, value: [[ INT32_MIN - 1 ], [ INT32_MAX + 1 ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_INT64_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_INT64_ARRAY, value: [[ INT64_MIN - 1 ], [ INT64_MAX + 1 ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT8_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT8_ARRAY, value: [[ UINT8_MIN - 1 ], [ UINT8_MAX + 1 ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT16_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT16_ARRAY, value: [[ UINT16_MIN - 1 ], [ UINT16_MAX + 1 ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT32_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT32_ARRAY, value: [[ UINT32_MIN - 1 ], [ UINT32_MAX + 1 ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT64_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT64_ARRAY, value: [[ UINT64_MIN - 1 ], [ UINT64_MAX + 1 ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT8_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT8_ARRAY, value: [[ INT8_MIN - 1 ], [ INT8_MAX + 1 ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT16_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT16_ARRAY, value: [[ INT16_MIN - 1 ], [ INT16_MAX + 1 ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT32_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT32_ARRAY, value: [[ INT32_MIN - 1 ], [ INT32_MAX + 1 ]] }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64_ARRAY, value: [[ INT64_MIN - 1 ], [ INT64_MAX + 1 ]] }, ] VARIABLE_RANGE_TEST_DATA.each do |data| name = data[:name] define_method("test_variable_range_#{name}") do $ "* test_variable_range_#{name} called." parent = create_or_get_controller("test_variable_range") if two_dimensional_array?(data[:value]) length = data[:value][0].length option = {} option["Element Count"] = length variable = create_or_get_variable(parent, "test_variable_range_#{name}", option, data[:type]) else variable = create_or_get_variable(parent, "test_variable_range_#{name}", nil, data[:type]) end data[:value].each do |it| exception = assert_raises(Grpc::Client::ORiN3::MessageClientError) do variable.set_value(it) end $ "Exception message: #{exception.message}" assert_includes exception.message, "out of range" end end end VARIABLE_DATA_TYPE_TEST_DATA = [ { name: "ORIN3_BOOL", type: :ORIN3_BOOL, is_array: false, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT8", type: :ORIN3_UINT8, is_array: false, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT16", type: :ORIN3_UINT16, is_array: false, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT32", type: :ORIN3_UINT32, is_array: false, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT64", type: :ORIN3_UINT64, is_array: false, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_INT8", type: :ORIN3_INT8, is_array: false, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_INT16", type: :ORIN3_INT16, is_array: false, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_INT32", type: :ORIN3_INT32, is_array: false, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_INT64", type: :ORIN3_INT64, is_array: false, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_FLOAT", type: :ORIN3_FLOAT, is_array: false, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_DOUBLE", type: :ORIN3_DOUBLE, is_array: false, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_DATETIME", type: :ORIN3_DATETIME, is_array: false, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_STRING", type: :ORIN3_STRING, is_array: false, ruby_type: Time }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_BOOL", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_BOOL, is_array: false, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT8", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT8, is_array: false, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT16", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT16, is_array: false, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT32", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT32, is_array: false, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT64", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT64, is_array: false, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT8", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT8, is_array: false, ruby_type: String}, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT16", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT16, is_array: false, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT32", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT32, is_array: false, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64, is_array: false, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_FLOAT", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_FLOAT, is_array: false, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_DOUBLE", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_DOUBLE, is_array: false, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_DATETIME", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_DATETIME, is_array: false, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_BOOL_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_BOOL_ARRAY, is_array: true, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT8_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_UINT8_ARRAY, is_array: true, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT16_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_UINT16_ARRAY, is_array: true, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT32_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_UINT32_ARRAY, is_array: true, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT64_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_UINT64_ARRAY, is_array: true, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_INT8_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_INT8_ARRAY, is_array: true, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_INT16_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_INT16_ARRAY, is_array: true, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_INT32_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_INT32_ARRAY, is_array: true, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_INT64_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_INT64_ARRAY, is_array: true, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_FLOAT_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_FLOAT_ARRAY, is_array: true, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_DOUBLE_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_DOUBLE_ARRAY, is_array: true, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_DATETIME_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_DATETIME_ARRAY, is_array: true, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_STRING_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_STRING_ARRAY, is_array: true, ruby_type: Time}, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_BOOL_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_BOOL_ARRAY, is_array: true, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT8_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT8_ARRAY, is_array: true, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT16_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT16_ARRAY, is_array: true, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT32_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT32_ARRAY, is_array: true, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT64_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT64_ARRAY, is_array: true, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT8_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT8_ARRAY, is_array: true, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT16_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT16_ARRAY, is_array: true, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT32_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT32_ARRAY, is_array: true, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64_ARRAY, is_array: true, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_FLOAT_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64_ARRAY, is_array: true, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_DOUBLE_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64_ARRAY, is_array: true, ruby_type: String }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_DATETIME_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64_ARRAY, is_array: true, ruby_type: String }, ] VARIABLE_DATA_TYPE_TEST_DATA.each do |data| name = data[:name] define_method("test_variable_data_type_#{name}") do $ "* test_variable_data_type_#{name} called." parent = create_or_get_controller("test_variable_data_type") variable = create_or_get_variable(parent, "test_variable_data_type_#{name}", nil, data[:type]) exception = assert_raises(Grpc::Client::ORiN3::MessageClientError) do if data[:is_array] variable.set_value([data[:ruby_type].new]) else variable.set_value(data[:ruby_type].new) end end $ "Exception message: #{exception.message}" assert_includes exception.message, "Value is not" end end VARIABLE_NIL_TEST_DATA = [ { name: "ORIN3_BOOL", type: :ORIN3_BOOL }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT8", type: :ORIN3_UINT8 }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT16", type: :ORIN3_UINT16 }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT32", type: :ORIN3_UINT32 }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT64", type: :ORIN3_UINT64 }, { name: "ORIN3_INT8", type: :ORIN3_INT8 }, { name: "ORIN3_INT16", type: :ORIN3_INT16 }, { name: "ORIN3_INT32", type: :ORIN3_INT32 }, { name: "ORIN3_INT64", type: :ORIN3_INT64 }, { name: "ORIN3_FLOAT", type: :ORIN3_FLOAT }, { name: "ORIN3_DOUBLE", type: :ORIN3_DOUBLE }, { name: "ORIN3_DATETIME", type: :ORIN3_DATETIME }, { name: "ORIN3_BOOL_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_BOOL_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT8_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_UINT8_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT16_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_UINT16_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT32_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_UINT32_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT64_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_UINT64_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_INT8_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_INT8_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_INT16_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_INT16_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_INT32_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_INT32_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_INT64_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_INT64_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_FLOAT_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_FLOAT_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_DOUBLE_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_DOUBLE_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_DATETIME_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_DATETIME_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_STRING_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_STRING_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_BOOL_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_BOOL_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT8_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT8_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT16_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT16_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT32_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT32_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT64_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT64_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT8_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT8_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT16_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT16_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT32_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT32_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_FLOAT_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_DOUBLE_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_DATETIME_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_STRING_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64_ARRAY }, ] VARIABLE_NIL_TEST_DATA.each do |data| name = data[:name] define_method("test_variable_nil_#{name}") do $ "* test_variable_nil_#{name} called." parent = create_or_get_controller("test_variable_nil_data") variable = create_or_get_variable(parent, "test_variable_nil_#{name}", nil, data[:type]) exception = assert_raises(Grpc::Client::ORiN3::MessageClientError) do variable.set_value(nil) end $ "Exception message: #{exception.message}" assert_includes exception.message, "Value is nil" end end VARIABLE_NIL2_TEST_DATA = [ { name: "ORIN3_BOOL_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_BOOL_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT8_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_UINT8_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT16_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_UINT16_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT32_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_UINT32_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT64_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_UINT64_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_INT8_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_INT8_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_INT16_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_INT16_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_INT32_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_INT32_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_INT64_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_INT64_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_FLOAT_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_FLOAT_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_DOUBLE_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_DOUBLE_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_DATETIME_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_DATETIME_ARRAY }, ] VARIABLE_NIL2_TEST_DATA.each do |data| name = data[:name] define_method("test_variable_nil2_#{name}") do $ "* test_variable_nil2_#{name} called." parent = create_or_get_controller("test_variable_nil2_data") variable = create_or_get_variable(parent, "test_variable_nil2_#{name}", nil, data[:type]) exception = assert_raises(Grpc::Client::ORiN3::MessageClientError) do variable.set_value([ nil ]) end $ "Exception message: #{exception.message}" assert_includes exception.message, "Value contains nil." end end VARIABLE_ARRAY_TEST_DATA = [ { name: "ORIN3_BOOL_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_BOOL_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT8_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_UINT8_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT16_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_UINT16_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT32_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_UINT32_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_UINT64_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_UINT64_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_INT8_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_INT8_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_INT16_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_INT16_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_INT32_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_INT32_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_INT64_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_INT64_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_FLOAT_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_FLOAT_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_DOUBLE_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_DOUBLE_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_DATETIME_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_DATETIME_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_STRING_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_STRING_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_BOOL_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_BOOL_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT8_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT8_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT16_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT16_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT32_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT32_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT64_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_UINT64_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT8_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT8_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT16_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT16_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT32_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT32_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_FLOAT_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_DOUBLE_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_DATETIME_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64_ARRAY }, { name: "ORIN3_NULLABLE_STRING_ARRAY", type: :ORIN3_NULLABLE_INT64_ARRAY }, ] VARIABLE_ARRAY_TEST_DATA.each do |data| name = data[:name] define_method("test_variable_array_#{name}") do $ "* test_variable_array_#{name} called." parent = create_or_get_controller("test_variable_array_data") variable = create_or_get_variable(parent, "test_variable_array_#{name}", nil, data[:type]) exception = assert_raises(Grpc::Client::ORiN3::MessageClientError) do variable.set_value(0) end $ "Exception message: #{exception.message}" assert_includes exception.message, "Value is not Array." end end def test_dictionary $ "* test_dictionary called." controller = create_or_get_controller("test_dictionary") controller.connect job = controller.create_job("job", "ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock.O3Object.Job.DataRegenerationJob, ORiN3.Provider.ORiNConsortium.Mock", "{ \"@Version\":\"1.0.0\", \"Interval\":500 }") job.start({ "RepeatCount" => ORiN3BinaryConverter.serialize(3, ORiN3BinaryConverter::DataType::Int32) }) puts job.get_standard_output puts job.get_standard_error job.stop puts job.get_result end def two_dimensional_array?(target) target.is_a?(Array) && target.all? { |e| e.is_a?(Array) } end end