source '' gem 'multi_json', ">= 1.1" # Only necessary if you want to use Configliere::Prompt gem 'highline', ">= 1.5.2", :require => false gem 'jruby-openssl', :platform => [:jruby] if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ # Only gems that you want listed as development dependencies in the gemspec group :development do gem 'bundler', "~> 1.1" gem 'rake', :require => false gem 'yard', ">= 0.7", :require => false gem 'rspec', ">= 2.8", :require => false gem 'jeweler', ">= 1.6", :require => false end group :docs do gem 'RedCloth', ">= 4.2", :require => "redcloth" gem 'redcarpet', ">= 2.1", :platform => [:ruby] gem 'kramdown', :platform => [:jruby] end # Gems for testing and coverage group :test do gem 'simplecov', ">= 0.5", :platform => [:ruby_19], :require => false gem 'json' end # Gems you would use if hacking on this gem (rather than with it) group :support do gem 'pry' # gem 'guard', ">= 1.0", :platform => [:ruby_19] gem 'guard-rspec', ">= 0.6", :platform => [:ruby_19] gem 'guard-yard', :platform => [:ruby_19] if RUBY_PLATFORM.include?('darwin') gem 'rb-fsevent', ">= 0.9", :platform => [:ruby_19] end end