'use strict'; Spree.ready(function(){ flatpickr.localize({ weekdays: { shorthand: Spree.t('abbr_day_names') }, months: { longhand: Spree.t('month_names') } }); $('.datepicker').flatpickr({ allowInput: true, dateFormat: Spree.t('date_picker.js_format') }); // Handle range dates if ($('.date-range-filter .datepicker-from, .date-range-filter .datepicker-to').length) { // Returns a callback for flatpickr onChange event which updates the // respective range extremity flatpickr instance in order to have // the left range extremity lower or equal to the right range extremity. // This is accomplished swapping the range extremities when they are in the // wrong order. var swapDates = function($other, otherInstance, compareDates) { return function(selectedDates, dateStr, instance) { var date = instance.parseDate(dateStr); var otherDateStr = $other.val(); var otherDate = instance.parseDate(otherDateStr); if (date && otherDate && compareDates(date, otherDate)) { instance.setDate(otherDate); otherInstance.setDate(date); } } } var $left = $('.date-range-filter .datepicker-from'); var $right = $('.date-range-filter .datepicker-to'); var leftInstance = $left[0]._flatpickr; var rightInstance = $right[0]._flatpickr; var leftSwapDates = swapDates($right, rightInstance, function(date, otherDate) { return date > otherDate }) var rightSwapDates = swapDates($left, leftInstance, function(date, otherDate) { return date < otherDate }) leftInstance.config.onChange.push(leftSwapDates); rightInstance.config.onChange.push(rightSwapDates); // Execute swap dates check in order to correct possible wrong order at page // load leftSwapDates(null, $left.val(), leftInstance); } });