# -*- encoding: utf-8; frozen_string_literal: true -*- # #-- # This file is part of HexaPDF. # # HexaPDF - A Versatile PDF Creation and Manipulation Library For Ruby # Copyright (C) 2014-2019 Thomas Leitner # # HexaPDF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as # published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the # following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): # FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY # THOMAS LEITNER, THOMAS LEITNER DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY OF NON # INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. # # HexaPDF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public # License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with HexaPDF. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code # versions of HexaPDF must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required # under Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. # # In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public # License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that # is created or manipulated using HexaPDF. # # If the GNU Affero General Public License doesn't fit your need, # commercial licenses are available at <https://gettalong.at/hexapdf/>. #++ require 'hexapdf/font/invalid_glyph' require 'hexapdf/error' module HexaPDF # Manages both the global and document specific configuration options for HexaPDF. # # == Overview # # HexaPDF allows detailed control over many aspects of PDF manipulation. If there is a need to # use a certain default value somewhere, it is defined as configuration options so that it can # easily be changed. # # Some options are defined as global options because they are needed on the class level - see # HexaPDF::GlobalConfiguration. Other options can be configured for individual documents as they # allow to fine-tune some behavior - see HexaPDF::DefaultDocumentConfiguration. # # A configuration option name is dot-separted to provide a hierarchy of option names. For # example, io.chunk_size. class Configuration # Creates a new document specific Configuration object by merging the values into the default # configuration object. def self.with_defaults(values = {}) DefaultDocumentConfiguration.merge(values) end # Creates a new Configuration object using the provided hash argument. def initialize(options = {}) @options = options end # Returns +true+ if the given option exists. def key?(name) options.key?(name) end alias option? key? # Returns the value for the configuration option +name+. def [](name) options[name] end # Uses +value+ as the value for the configuration option +name+. def []=(name, value) options[name] = value end # Returns a new Configuration object containing the options from the given configuration # object (or hash) and this configuration object. # # If a key already has a value in this object, its value is overwritten by the one from # +config+. However, hash values are merged instead of being overwritten. Array values are # duplicated. def merge(config) config = (config.kind_of?(self.class) ? config.options : config) merged_config = options.each_with_object({}) do |(key, old), conf| new = config[key] conf[key] = if old.kind_of?(Hash) && new.kind_of?(Hash) old.merge(new) elsif new.kind_of?(Array) || old.kind_of?(Array) (new || old).dup elsif config.key?(key) new else old end end self.class.new(merged_config) end # :call-seq: # config.constantize(name, *keys) -> constant # config.constantize(name, *keys) {|name| block} -> obj # # Returns the constant the option +name+ is referring to. If +keys+ are provided and the value # of the option +name+ responds to \#dig, the constant to which the keys refer is returned. # # If no constant can be found and no block is provided, an error is raised. If a block is # provided it is called with the option name and its result will be returned. # # config.constantize('encryption.aes') #=> HexaPDF::Encryption::FastAES # config.constantize('filter.map', :Fl) #=> HexaPDF::Filter::FlateDecode def constantize(name, *keys) data = self[name] data = data.dig(*keys) if data.respond_to?(:dig) (data = ::Object.const_get(data) rescue nil) if data.kind_of?(String) if data.nil? && block_given? data = yield(name) elsif data.nil? raise HexaPDF::Error, "Error getting constant for configuration option '#{name}'" + (keys.empty? ? "" : " and keys '#{keys.join(', ')}'") end data end protected # Returns the hash with the configuration options. attr_reader :options end # The default document specific configuration object. # # Modify this object if you want to globally change document specific options or if you want to # introduce new document specific options. # # The following options are provided: # # document.auto_decrypt:: # A boolean determining whether the document should be decrypted automatically when parsed. # # If this is set to +false+ and the PDF document should later be decrypted, the method # Encryption::SecurityHandler.set_up_decryption(document, decryption_opts) has to be called to # set and retrieve the needed security handler. Note, however, that already loaded indirect # objects have to be decrypted manually! # # In nearly all cases this option should not be changed from its default setting! # # encryption.aes:: # The class that should be used for AES encryption. If the value is a String, it should # contain the name of a constant to such a class. # # See HexaPDF::Encryption::AES for the general interface such a class must conform to and # HexaPDF::Encryption::RubyAES as well as HexaPDF::Encryption::FastAES for implementations. # # encryption.arc4:: # The class that should be used for ARC4 encryption. If the value is a String, it should # contain the name of a constant to such a class. # # See HexaPDF::Encryption::ARC4 for the general interface such a class must conform to and # HexaPDF::Encryption::RubyARC4 as well as HexaPDF::Encryption::FastARC4 for implementations. # # encryption.filter_map:: # A mapping from a PDF name (a Symbol) to a security handler class (see # Encryption::SecurityHandler). If the value is a String, it should contain the name of a # constant to such a class. # # PDF defines a standard security handler that is implemented # (HexaPDF::Encryption::StandardSecurityHandler) and assigned the :Standard name. # # encryption.sub_filter_map:: # A mapping from a PDF name (a Symbol) to a security handler class (see # HexaPDF::Encryption::SecurityHandler). If the value is a String, it should contain the name # of a constant to such a class. # # The sub filter map is used when the security handler defined by the encryption dictionary # is not available, but a compatible implementation is. # # filter.map:: # A mapping from a PDF name (a Symbol) to a filter object (see Filter). If the value is a # String, it should contain the name of a constant that contains a filter object. # # The most often used filters are implemented and readily available. # # See PDF1.7 s7.4.1, ADB sH.3 3.3 # # font.map:: # Defines a mapping from font names and variants to font files. # # The value needs to be a hash of the form: # {"font_name": {variant: file_name, variant2: file_name2, ...}, ...} # # Once a font is registered in this way, the font name together with a variant name can be used # with the HexaPDF::Document::Fonts#add method to load the font. # # For best compatibility, the following variant names should be used: # # [none] For the normal variant of the font # [bold] For the bold variant of the font # [italic] For the italic or oblique variant of the font # [bold_italic] For the bold and italic/oblique variant of the font # # font.on_missing_glyph:: # Callback hook when an UTF-8 character cannot be mapped to a glyph of a font. # # The value needs to be an object that responds to \#call(character, font_type, font) where # +character+ is the Unicode character for the missing glyph and returns a substitute glyph to # be used instead. # # The default implementation returns an object of class HexaPDF::Font::InvalidGlyph which, when # not removed before encoding, will raise an error. # # font.on_missing_unicode_mapping:: # Callback hook when a character code point cannot be converted to a Unicode character. # # The value needs to be an object that responds to \#call(code, font_dict) where +code+ is the # decoded code point and +font_dict+ is the font dictionary which was used for the conversion. # The returned value is used as the Unicode character and should be a string. # # The default implementation raises an error. # # font_loader:: # An array with font loader implementations. When a font should be loaded, the array is # iterated in sequence and the first valid font returned by a font loader is used. # # If a value is a String, it should contain the name of a constant that is a font loader # object. # # See the HexaPDF::FontLoader module for information on how to implement a font loader object. # # graphic_object.map:: # A mapping from graphic object names to graphic object factories. # # See HexaPDF::Content::GraphicObject for more information. # # graphic_object.arc.max_curves:: # The maximum number of curves used for approximating a complete ellipse using Bezier curves. # # The default value is 6, higher values result in better approximations but also take longer # to compute. It should not be set to values lower than 4, otherwise the approximation of a # complete ellipse is visibly false. # # image_loader:: # An array with image loader implementations. When an image should be loaded, the array is # iterated in sequence to find a suitable image loader. # # If a value is a String, it should contain the name of a constant that is an image loader # object. # # See the HexaPDF::ImageLoader module for information on how to implement an image loader # object. # # image_loader.pdf.use_stringio:: # A boolean determining whether images specified via file names should be read into memory # all at once using a StringIO object. # # Since loading a PDF as image entails having the IO object from the image PDF around until # the PDF document where it is used is written, there is the choice whether memory should be # used to load the image PDF all at once or whether a File object is used that needs to be # manually closed. # # To avoid leaking file descriptors, using the StringIO is the default setting. If you set # this option to +false+, it is strongly advised to use ObjectSpace.each_object(File) (or # +IO+ instead of +File) to traverse the list of open file descriptors and close the ones # that have been used for PDF images. # # io.chunk_size:: # The size of the chunks that are used when reading IO data. # # This can be used to limit the memory needed for reading or writing PDF files with huge # stream objects. # # page.default_media_box:: # The media box that is used for new pages that don't define a media box. Default value is # A4. See HexaPDF::Type::Page::PAPER_SIZE for a list of predefined paper sizes. # # The value can either be a rectangle defining the paper size or a Symbol referencing one of # the predefined paper sizes. # # page.default_media_orientation:: # The page orientation that is used for new pages that don't define a media box. It is only # used if 'page.default_media_box' references a predefined paper size. Default value is # :portrait. The other possible value is :landscape. # # parser.on_correctable_error:: # Callback hook when the parser encounters an error that can be corrected. # # The value needs to be an object that responds to \#call(document, message, position) and # returns +true+ if an error should be raised. # # sorted_tree.max_leaf_node_size:: # The maximum number of nodes that should be in a leaf node of a node tree. # # style.layers_map:: # A mapping from style layer names to layer objects. # # See HexaPDF::Layout::Style::Layers for more information. # # task.map:: # A mapping from task names to callable task objects. See HexaPDF::Task for more information. DefaultDocumentConfiguration = Configuration.new('document.auto_decrypt' => true, 'encryption.aes' => 'HexaPDF::Encryption::FastAES', 'encryption.arc4' => 'HexaPDF::Encryption::FastARC4', 'encryption.filter_map' => { Standard: 'HexaPDF::Encryption::StandardSecurityHandler', }, 'encryption.sub_filter_map' => { }, 'filter.map' => { ASCIIHexDecode: 'HexaPDF::Filter::ASCIIHexDecode', AHx: 'HexaPDF::Filter::ASCIIHexDecode', ASCII85Decode: 'HexaPDF::Filter::ASCII85Decode', A85: 'HexaPDF::Filter::ASCII85Decode', LZWDecode: 'HexaPDF::Filter::LZWDecode', LZW: 'HexaPDF::Filter::LZWDecode', FlateDecode: 'HexaPDF::Filter::FlateDecode', Fl: 'HexaPDF::Filter::FlateDecode', RunLengthDecode: 'HexaPDF::Filter::RunLengthDecode', RL: 'HexaPDF::Filter::RunLengthDecode', CCITTFaxDecode: nil, CCF: nil, JBIG2Decode: nil, DCTDecode: 'HexaPDF::Filter::DCTDecode', DCT: 'HexaPDF::Filter::DCTDecode', JPXDecode: 'HexaPDF::Filter::JPXDecode', Crypt: nil, Encryption: 'HexaPDF::Filter::Encryption', }, 'font.map' => {}, 'font.on_missing_glyph' => proc do |char, _type, font| HexaPDF::Font::InvalidGlyph.new(font, char) end, 'font.on_missing_unicode_mapping' => proc do |code_point, font| raise HexaPDF::Error, "No Unicode mapping for code point #{code_point} " \ "in font #{font[:BaseFont]}" end, 'font_loader' => [ 'HexaPDF::FontLoader::Standard14', 'HexaPDF::FontLoader::FromConfiguration', 'HexaPDF::FontLoader::FromFile', ], 'graphic_object.map' => { arc: 'HexaPDF::Content::GraphicObject::Arc', endpoint_arc: 'HexaPDF::Content::GraphicObject::EndpointArc', solid_arc: 'HexaPDF::Content::GraphicObject::SolidArc', geom2d: 'HexaPDF::Content::GraphicObject::Geom2D', }, 'graphic_object.arc.max_curves' => 6, 'image_loader' => [ 'HexaPDF::ImageLoader::JPEG', 'HexaPDF::ImageLoader::PNG', 'HexaPDF::ImageLoader::PDF', ], 'image_loader.pdf.use_stringio' => true, 'io.chunk_size' => 2**16, 'page.default_media_box' => :A4, 'page.default_media_orientation' => :portrait, 'parser.on_correctable_error' => proc { false }, 'sorted_tree.max_leaf_node_size' => 64, 'style.layers_map' => { link: 'HexaPDF::Layout::Style::LinkLayer', }, 'task.map' => { optimize: 'HexaPDF::Task::Optimize', dereference: 'HexaPDF::Task::Dereference', }) # The global configuration object, providing the following options: # # color_space.map:: # A mapping from a PDF name (a Symbol) to a color space class (see # HexaPDF::Content::ColorSpace). If the value is a String, it should contain the name of a # constant that contains a color space class. # # Classes for the most often used color space families are implemented and readily available. # # See PDF1.7 s8.6 # # filter.flate_compression:: # Specifies the compression level that should be used with the FlateDecode filter. The level # can range from 0 (no compression), 1 (best speed) to 9 (best compression, default). # # filter.flate_memory:: # Specifies the memory level that should be used with the FlateDecode filter. The level can # range from 1 (minimum memory usage; slow, reduces compression) to 9 (maximum memory usage). # # The HexaPDF default value of 6 has been found in tests to be nearly equivalent to the Zlib # default of 8 in terms of speed and compression level but uses less memory. # # filter.predictor.strict:: # Specifies whether the predictor algorithm used by LZWDecode and FlateDecode should operate in # strict mode, i.e. adhering to the PDF specification without correcting for common deficiences # of PDF writer libraries. # # object.type_map:: # A mapping from a PDF name (a Symbol) to PDF object classes which is based on the /Type # field. If the value is a String, it should contain the name of a constant that contains a # PDF object class. # # This mapping is used to provide automatic wrapping of objects in the HexaPDF::Document#wrap # method. # # object.subtype_map:: # A mapping from a PDF name (a Symbol) to PDF object classes which is based on the /Subtype # field. If the value is a String, it should contain the name of a constant that contains a # PDF object class. # # This mapping is used to provide automatic wrapping of objects in the HexaPDF::Document#wrap # method. GlobalConfiguration = Configuration.new('filter.flate_compression' => 9, 'filter.flate_memory' => 6, 'filter.predictor.strict' => false, 'color_space.map' => { DeviceRGB: 'HexaPDF::Content::ColorSpace::DeviceRGB', DeviceCMYK: 'HexaPDF::Content::ColorSpace::DeviceCMYK', DeviceGray: 'HexaPDF::Content::ColorSpace::DeviceGray', }, 'object.type_map' => { XRef: 'HexaPDF::Type::XRefStream', ObjStm: 'HexaPDF::Type::ObjectStream', Catalog: 'HexaPDF::Type::Catalog', Pages: 'HexaPDF::Type::PageTreeNode', Page: 'HexaPDF::Type::Page', Filespec: 'HexaPDF::Type::FileSpecification', EmbeddedFile: 'HexaPDF::Type::EmbeddedFile', ExtGState: 'HexaPDF::Type::GraphicsStateParameter', Font: 'HexaPDF::Type::Font', FontDescriptor: 'HexaPDF::Type::FontDescriptor', XXEmbeddedFileParameters: 'HexaPDF::Type::EmbeddedFile::Parameters', XXEmbeddedFileParametersMacInfo: 'HexaPDF::Type::EmbeddedFile::MacInfo', XXFilespecEFDictionary: 'HexaPDF::Type::FileSpecification::EFDictionary', XXInfo: 'HexaPDF::Type::Info', XXNames: 'HexaPDF::Type::Names', XXResources: 'HexaPDF::Type::Resources', XXTrailer: 'HexaPDF::Type::Trailer', XXViewerPreferences: 'HexaPDF::Type::ViewerPreferences', Action: 'HexaPDF::Type::Action', XXLaunchActionWinParameters: 'HexaPDF::Type::Actions::Launch::WinParameters', Annot: 'HexaPDF::Type::Annotation', XXAppearanceCharacteristics: 'HexaPDF::Type::Annotations::Widget::AppearanceCharacteristics', XXIconFit: 'HexaPDF::Type::IconFit', XXAcroForm: 'HexaPDF::Type::AcroForm::Form', XXAcroFormField: 'HexaPDF::Type::AcroForm::Field', }, 'object.subtype_map' => { nil => { Image: 'HexaPDF::Type::Image', Form: 'HexaPDF::Type::Form', Type0: 'HexaPDF::Type::FontType0', Type1: 'HexaPDF::Type::FontType1', TrueType: 'HexaPDF::Type::FontTrueType', CIDFontType0: 'HexaPDF::Type::CIDFont', CIDFontType2: 'HexaPDF::Type::CIDFont', GoTo: 'HexaPDF::Type::Actions::GoTo', GoToR: 'HexaPDF::Type::Actions::GoToR', Launch: 'HexaPDF::Type::Actions::Launch', URI: 'HexaPDF::Type::Actions::URI', Text: 'HexaPDF::Type::Annotations::Text', Link: 'HexaPDF::Type::Annotations::Link', Widget: 'HexaPDF::Type::Annotations::Widget', }, XObject: { Image: 'HexaPDF::Type::Image', Form: 'HexaPDF::Type::Form', }, Font: { Type0: 'HexaPDF::Type::FontType0', Type1: 'HexaPDF::Type::FontType1', Type3: 'HexaPDF::Type::FontType3', TrueType: 'HexaPDF::Type::FontTrueType', CIDFontType0: 'HexaPDF::Type::CIDFont', CIDFontType2: 'HexaPDF::Type::CIDFont', }, Action: { GoTo: 'HexaPDF::Type::Actions::GoTo', GoToR: 'HexaPDF::Type::Actions::GoToR', Launch: 'HexaPDF::Type::Actions::Launch', URI: 'HexaPDF::Type::Actions::URI', }, Annot: { Text: 'HexaPDF::Type::Annotations::Text', Link: 'HexaPDF::Type::Annotations::Link', Widget: 'HexaPDF::Type::Annotations::Widget', }, }) end