require 'tmpdir' require File.expand_path('../spec_helper.rb', __FILE__) load File.expand_path('../../lib/jruby-launcher.rb', __FILE__) describe "JRuby native launcher" do it "should run org.jruby.Main" do jruby_launcher_args("").last.should == "org/jruby/Main" end it "should pass unrecognized arguments to JRuby" do jruby_launcher_args("-J-Dsome.option -v --help")[-3..-1].should == ["org/jruby/Main", "-v", "--help"] end it "should print help message" do args = jruby_launcher_args("-Xhelp 2>&1") {|l| l =~ /JRuby Launcher usage/}.should_not be_empty args.should include("-X") args = jruby_launcher_args("-X 2>&1") args.detect {|l| l =~ /JRuby Launcher usage/}.should_not be_empty args.should include("-X") end it "should use $JAVACMD when JAVACMD is specified" do javacmd_path = File.join("path", "to", "jato") with_environment "JAVACMD" => javacmd_path do if windows? jruby_launcher_args("-v 2>&1").join.should =~ /#{javacmd_path}/ else jruby_launcher_args("-v").first.should == javacmd_path end end end it "should use $JAVA_HOME/bin/java when JAVA_HOME is specified" do with_environment "JAVA_HOME" => File.join("some", "java", "home") do if windows? jruby_launcher_args("-v 2>&1").join.should =~ %r{some/java/home} else jruby_launcher_args("-v").first.should == File.join("some", "java", "home", "bin", "java") end end end it "should use -Xjdkhome argument above JAVA_HOME" do with_environment "JAVA_HOME" => File.join("env", "java", "home") do if windows? jruby_launcher_args("-Xjdkhome some/java/home 2>&1").join.should =~ %r{some/java/home} else jruby_launcher_args("-Xjdkhome some/java/home").first.should == File.join("some", "java", "home", "bin", "java") end end end it "should drop the backslashes at the end of JAVA_HOME" do with_environment "JAVA_HOME" => File.join("some", "java", "home\\\\") do if windows? jruby_launcher_args("").join.should =~ %r{some/java/home} else jruby_launcher_args("").first.should == File.join("some", "java", "home", "bin", "java") end end end it "should complain about a missing log argument" do jruby_launcher("-Xtrace 2>&1").should =~ /Argument is missing for "-Xtrace"/ jruby_launcher("-Xtrace -- 2>&1").should =~ /Argument is missing for "-Xtrace"/ end it "should complain about a missing jdkhome argument" do jruby_launcher("-Xjdkhome 2>&1").should =~ /Argument is missing/ jruby_launcher("-Xjdkhome -- 2>&1").should =~ /Argument is missing/ end it "should complain about a missing classpath append argument" do jruby_launcher("-Xcp:a 2>&1").should =~ /Argument is missing/ jruby_launcher("-Xcp:a -- 2>&1").should =~ /Argument is missing/ end it "should run nailgun server with --ng-server option" do jruby_launcher_args("--ng-server").last.should == "com/martiansoftware/nailgun/NGServer" end it "should run nailgun client with --ng option" do jruby_launcher_args('--ng -e "puts 1"').should == ["org.jruby.util.NailMain", "-e", "puts 1"] end it "should handle -J JVM options" do jruby_launcher_args("-J-Darg1=value1 -J-Darg2=value2").should include("-Darg1=value1", "-Darg2=value2") end it "should pass -Xprop.erty=value as -J-Djruby.prop.erty=value" do jruby_launcher_args("-Xprop.erty=value").should include("-Djruby.prop.erty=value") end it "should pass -Xproperties as --properties" do jruby_launcher_args("-Xproperties").should include("--properties") end it "should allow max heap to be overridden" do jruby_launcher_args("-J-Xmx256m").should include("-Xmx256m") end it "should default to 2048k max stack" do jruby_launcher_args("").should include("-Xss2048k") end it "should allow max stack to be overridden" do jruby_launcher_args("-J-Xss512k").should include("-Xss512k") end it "should add the contents of the CLASSPATH environment variable" do with_environment "CLASSPATH" => "some.jar" do classpath_arg(jruby_launcher_args("")).should =~ /some.jar/ end end it "should add the classpath elements in proper order" do s = File::PATH_SEPARATOR with_environment "CLASSPATH" => "some-env.jar" do args = jruby_launcher_args("-Xcp:a some-other.jar -Xcp:p some.jar") classpath_arg(args).should =~ /some.jar.*#{s}some-env.jar#{s}some-other.jar/ end end it "should use the --server compiler" do jruby_launcher_args("--server").should include("-server") end it "should use the --client compiler" do jruby_launcher_args("--client").should include("-client") end it "should set the JMX settings when --manage is present" do jruby_launcher_args("--manage").should include("", "") end it "should set the headless flag when --headless is present" do jruby_launcher_args("--headless").should include("-Djava.awt.headless=true") end it "should pass -Xprof when --sample is present" do jruby_launcher_args("--sample").should include("-Xprof") end it "should stop argument processing when a -- is seen" do jruby_launcher_args("-- -Xhelp -Xtrace --headless").should include("-Xhelp", "-Xtrace", "--headless") end # JRUBY-4151 it "should properly handle single quotes" do jruby_launcher_args("-e 'ABC DEF'").should include("ABC DEF") end # JRUBY-4581 it "should prepend JRUBY_OPTS to the start of the argument list to process" do with_environment "JRUBY_OPTS" => "--server -J-Dsome.key=val -rubygems" do jruby_launcher_args("-e 'ABC DEF'").should include("-server", "-Dsome.key=val", "-rubygems", "-e", "ABC DEF") end end # JRUBY-4611 it "stops argument processing on first non-option argument" do jruby_launcher_args("foo.rb --sample")[-2..-1].should == ["foo.rb", "--sample"] end # JRUBY-4608 if RbConfig::CONFIG['target_os'] =~ /darwin/i it "includes file.encoding=UTF-8 on Mac if JAVA_ENCODING is not set" do jruby_launcher_args("-e true").should include("-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8") with_environment "JAVA_ENCODING" => "MacRoman" do jruby_launcher_args("-e true").should_not include("-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8") end end end it "does not crash on empty args" do jruby_launcher_args("-e ''").should include("-e") jruby_launcher("-Xtrace '' 2>&1").should =~ /-Xtrace/ jruby_launcher("-Xjdkhome '' 2>&1").should =~ /-Xjdkhome/ end # JRUBY-4706 it "should put JRuby on regular classpath when -Xnobootclasspath is used" do # Java 9+ do not like bootclasspath so we do not use it skip if ENV_JAVA['java.specification.version'].to_i >= 9 args = jruby_launcher_args("-e true") args.grep(/Xbootclasspath/).should_not be_empty args = jruby_launcher_args("-Xnobootclasspath -e true") args.grep(/Xbootclasspath/).should be_empty end it "should put JRuby on regular classpath when VERIFY_JRUBY is set" do with_environment "VERIFY_JRUBY" => "true" do args = jruby_launcher_args("-e true") args.grep(/Xbootclasspath/).should be_empty end end # JRUBY-4709 it "should include a bare : or ; at the end of the classpath, to include PWD in the path" do classpath_arg(jruby_launcher_args("-Xnobootclasspath -e true")).should =~ if windows? /;$/ else /:$/ end end # JRUBY-6016 it "should honor JAVA_MEM" do with_environment "JAVA_MEM" => "-Xmx768m" do jruby_launcher_args("").should include("-Xmx768m") end end it "should honor JAVA_STACK" do with_environment "JAVA_STACK" => "-Xss3072k" do jruby_launcher_args("").should include("-Xss3072k") end end it "should honor JRUBY_HOME" do with_environment "JRUBY_HOME" => "/tmp" do jruby_launcher_args("").should include("-Djruby.home=/tmp") end end context "JRUBY_HOME set and JRUBY_HOME/lib/jruby.jar exists" do let(:jruby_home) do require 'tempfile' t ="jruby_home") t.path.tap { t.close! } end before do FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(jruby_home, "lib")) FileUtils.touch(File.join(jruby_home, "lib", "jruby.jar")) end after { FileUtils.rm_rf jruby_home } it "should add jruby.jar to the bootclasspath" do # Java 9+ do not like bootclasspath so we do not use it skip if ENV_JAVA['java.specification.version'].to_i >= 9 with_environment "JRUBY_HOME" => jruby_home do jruby_launcher_args("").should include("-Xbootclasspath/a:#{jruby_home}/lib/jruby.jar") end end end it "should place user-supplied options after default options" do args = jruby_launcher_args("-J-Djruby.home=/tmp") home_args = {|x| x =~ /^-Djruby\.home/ } home_args.length.should == 2 home_args.last.should == "-Djruby.home=/tmp" end it "should print the version" do jruby_launcher("-Xversion 2>&1").should =~ /Launcher Version #{JRubyLauncher::VERSION}/ end it "should not crash on format-strings" do jruby_launcher_args("-e %s%s%s%s%s 2>&1").should include('-e', '%s%s%s%s%s') end it "should use --module-path on java9+ jruby 9.2.1+" do # versions prior to 9.2.1 do not set a predictable module name skip unless (JRUBY_VERSION.split('.') <=> ['9', '2', '1']) >= 0 Dir.mktmpdir do |java_home| FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(java_home, 'lib/modules')) with_environment 'JAVA_HOME' => java_home do jruby_launcher_args('').grep(/^--module-path=.*jruby.jar/).should_not be_empty end end end it "should not treat CLASSPATH entries as modules on java9+" do Dir.mktmpdir do |java_home| Dir.mkdir(File.join(java_home, 'jmods')) with_environment 'JAVA_HOME' => java_home, 'CLASSPATH' => '/some/lib.jar' do jruby_launcher_args('').grep(/^--module-path=.*\/some\/lib.jar/).should be_empty classpath_arg(jruby_launcher_args('')).should =~ /\/some\/lib.jar/ end end end end