class Class def documents begin exceptions= %w[ Mongoid::Relations::Embedded::In Mongoid::Relations::Referenced::In ] return_array = self.relations.each do |model_name,module_propertys| if !exceptions.include?(module_propertys[:relation].to_s) return_array.push model_name end end return return_array rescue Exception return end end def relation_connection_type(to_model) begin return_none= "Mongoid::Relations::None" return_self= "Mongoid::Relations::Self" if to_model.nil? return return_none end if self.to_s == to_model.to_s return return_self end relation_type_data= self.reflect_on_association(to_model.convert_model_name) if relation_type_data.nil? return return_none else return relation_type_data[:relation].to_s end end end def reverse_relation_connection_type(to_model) begin return_none= "Mongoid::Relations::None" return_self= "Mongoid::Relations::Self" if to_model.nil? return return_none end if self.to_s == to_model.to_s return return_self end relation_type_data= to_model.reflect_on_association(self.convert_model_name) if relation_type_data.nil? return return_none else return relation_type_data[:relation].to_s end end end def properties hash_data = self.fields.each do |key,value| hash_data[]=value.options[:type] end return hash_data end def parents begin exceptions= %w[ Mongoid::Relations::Embedded::In ] return_array = self.relations.each do |model_name,module_propertys| if exceptions.include?(module_propertys[:relation].to_s) return_array.push model_name end end if return_array.empty? return nil end return return_array end end def references begin exceptions= %w[ Mongoid::Relations::Referenced::In Mongoid::Relations::Referenced::ManyToMany ] return_array = self.relations.each do |model_name,module_propertys| if exceptions.include?(module_propertys[:relation].to_s) return_array.push model_name end end if return_array.empty? return nil end return return_array end end def getPaths(*included) ### create defaults begin return_array= check_list= relations_hash = #chains= chains= end ### get parents for every participants begin models_to_check = self loop do tmp_array = break if models_to_check.empty? models_to_check.each do |one_models_element| begin one_models_element.parents.each do |one_parent_in_underscore| parent_model= one_parent_in_underscore.convert_model_name tmp_array.push parent_model if !relations_hash.keys.include?(parent_model) relations_hash[one_models_element] ||= relations_hash[one_models_element].push parent_model end rescue NoMethodError #next end end models_to_check= tmp_array end models_to_check.clear end ### make connections from relation pairs begin ### generate pre path chains ### minden egyes szulo,s szulo szulo elemen egyesevel menj vegig (csak elso elemet vizsgalva) es ahol tobb mint egy elem talalhato azt torold ### igy legkozelebb az mar nem lesz lehetseges utvonal, ahol pedig mindenhol csak 1 elem volt ott ellenorzid ### hogy mar megtalalt sorrol van e szo, s ha igen torold a relations_hash[self] ből ezt a szulot (2. elem a path ban) ### the goal is to get every 1 element from sub arrays begin available_paths= return nil if relations_hash[self].nil? loop do ### defaults begin next_element_to_find = self delete_element = one_chain = end ### chain element builder begin loop do if !relations_hash[next_element_to_find].nil? && relations_hash[next_element_to_find] != one_chain.push(relations_hash[next_element_to_find][0]) if relations_hash[next_element_to_find].count > 1 delete_element = delete_element[next_element_to_find]= relations_hash[next_element_to_find][0] end next_element_to_find= relations_hash[next_element_to_find][0] else break end end end ### remove already checked tree begin if delete_element != relations_hash[delete_element.keys[0]].delete_at( relations_hash[delete_element.keys[0]].index( delete_element[delete_element.keys[0]])) delete_element= end end ### add new element to chains begin unless chains.include? one_chain chains.push one_chain else break end end end end end ### after format and check params for contains begin ### pre chains trim begin tmp_array= chains.each do |one_element| if !one_element.contains?(included) tmp_array.push one_element end end tmp_array.each do |one_element_to_delete| chains.delete_at(chains.index(one_element_to_delete)) end end ### choose the shortest path begin chain_list_max_count= nil chains.each do |one_chain_list| counter= one_chain_list.count chain_list_max_count ||= (counter+1) if counter < chain_list_max_count return_array= one_chain_list counter= chain_list_max_count end end end ### reverse array begin return_array.reverse! end ### add new element as self for first begin return_array.push self end end return return_array end def __query_wrapper(*args) ### defaults begin return_data= nil ### params field field_hash= ### models models_container= ### mother model mother_model= nil ### method_to_use method_to_use= args.each do |one_argument| case one_argument.class.to_s.downcase when "string" begin field_hash['_id']= Moped::BSON::ObjectId.from_string(one_argument) rescue begin models_container.push one_argument.constantize rescue NameError #method_to_use= one_argument end end when "hash" begin one_argument.each do |key,value| if key.to_s == '_id' field_hash['_id']= Moped::BSON::ObjectId.from_string(value.to_s) else field_hash[key]=value end end end when "class" begin models_container.push one_argument end when "array" begin method_to_use= one_argument end end end end ### mother model find, and path generate begin full_path = self.getPaths(*models_container) || mother_model= full_path.shift full_path.count.times do |index| full_path[index]= full_path[index].convert_model_name end end ### path trim begin deep_level = (full_path.count) || 0 chains= full_path if full_path != && !full_path.nil? full_path= full_path.join('.')+'.' end if full_path == full_path= end end ### start query begin ### build app query args begin query_fields= field_hash.each do |key,value| query_fields["#{full_path}#{key}"]= value end end ### do query ask from db begin if method_to_use[1][:arguments?] query_data = mother_model.__send__( method_to_use[0].to_s, query_fields) else query_data = mother_model.__send__( method_to_use[0].to_s) end end ### return data begin if deep_level == 0 return_data=query_data else ### go down for embeds docs begin last_round = (chains.count-1) map_object = query_data return_array = chains.count.times do |deepness| begin children = if map_object.class == Array || map_object.class == Mongoid::Criteria map_object.each do |one_element_of_the_map_array| subclass_data = one_element_of_the_map_array.__send__(chains[deepness]) if subclass_data.class == Array || subclass_data.class == Mongoid::Criteria subclass_data.each do |one_element_of_tmp_children| if deepness < last_round children.push one_element_of_tmp_children else return_array.push one_element_of_tmp_children end end else if deepness < last_round children.push subclass_data else return_array.push subclass_data end end end else subclass_data = map_object.__send__(chains[deepness]) if subclass_data.class == Array || subclass_data.class == Mongoid::Criteria subclass_data.each do |one_element_of_tmp_children| if deepness < last_round children.push one_element_of_tmp_children else return_array.push one_element_of_tmp_children end end else if deepness < last_round children.push subclass_data else return_array.push subclass_data end end end map_object=children.uniq rescue NoMethodError => ex puts ex end end return_data= return_array end end end end return return_data end def _where(*args) self.__query_wrapper(['where',{:arguments? => true}],*args) end def _all(*args) self.__query_wrapper(['all',{:arguments? => false}],*args) end def _find(*args) ### pre validation begin if args[0].class != Moped::BSON::ObjectId && args[0].class != String raise ArgumentError, "id parameter must be id or ObjectId" end end ### Do the Gangnam style begin return_array = self._where('_id' => args[0]) end #### After validation #begin # if return_array.count > 1 # raise ArgumentError,"multiple finds, give more parameters" # end #end ### reformation begin return_array=return_array[0] end return return_array end def _find_by(*args) ### Do the Gangnam style begin return_array = self._where(*args).first end return return_array end alias :this_to_me :relation_connection_type alias :me_to_this :reverse_relation_connection_type end class Object def convert_model_name unless self.class == Class || self.class == String || self.class == NilClass raise ArgumentError, "invalid input, must be Class or String: => #{self.class} (#{self})" end case self.class.to_s.downcase when "class" begin return self.to_s.underscore.split('/').last end when "string" begin Mongoid::Document.classes.each do |one_model_name| if one_model_name.to_s.underscore.split('/').last == self.to_s return one_model_name.to_s.constantize end end end end end end