RSpec.describe WorkerKiller do let(:logger){ } let(:config) do do |c| c.quit_attempts = 2 c.kill_attempts = 2 end end before do WorkerKiller.instance_variable_set('@kill_attempts', nil) end describe '#randomize' do [1, 5, 25, 125, 5000, 10_000].each do |max| it "randomize(#{max})" do 1000.times do rnd = WorkerKiller.randomize(max) expect(rnd).to be >= 0 expect(rnd).to be < max end end end end describe '#kill_by_signal' do [:QUIT, :TERM, :KILL].each do |sig| it "must send #{sig} signal" do pid = rand(1000) expect(Process).to receive(:kill).with(sig, pid) WorkerKiller.kill_by_signal(logger, 11111, sig, pid) end end end describe '#kill_by_passenger' do it "must run passenger-config" do pid = rand(1000) path = "passenger-config-#{rand(1000)}" expect(Kernel).to receive(:system).with("#{path} detach-process #{pid}").and_return(true) thread = WorkerKiller.kill_by_passenger(logger, 11111, path, pid) thread.join end end describe '#kill_self' do context 'with use_quit TRUE' do around do |example| prev = WorkerKiller.configuration config.use_quit = true WorkerKiller.configuration = config ensure WorkerKiller.configuration = prev end it 'expect right signal order' do expect(WorkerKiller).to receive(:kill_by_signal).with(logger, anything, :QUIT, anything).exactly(2).times expect(WorkerKiller).to receive(:kill_by_signal).with(logger, anything, :TERM, anything).exactly(2).times expect(WorkerKiller).to receive(:kill_by_signal).with(logger, anything, :KILL, anything).exactly(5).times 2.times { WorkerKiller.kill_self(logger, } # 2 QUIT 2.times { WorkerKiller.kill_self(logger, } # 2 TERM 5.times { WorkerKiller.kill_self(logger, } # other - KILL end end context 'with use_quit FALSE' do around do |example| prev = WorkerKiller.configuration config.use_quit = false WorkerKiller.configuration = config ensure WorkerKiller.configuration = prev end it 'expect right signal order' do expect(WorkerKiller).to receive(:kill_by_signal).with(logger, anything, :TERM, anything).exactly(2).times expect(WorkerKiller).to receive(:kill_by_signal).with(logger, anything, :KILL, anything).exactly(5).times 2.times { WorkerKiller.kill_self(logger, } # 2 TERM 5.times { WorkerKiller.kill_self(logger, } # other - KILL end end end end