# open the class to add methods to size all HVAC equipment class OpenStudio::Model::Model # Load the helper libraries for require_relative 'Prototype.Fan' require_relative 'Prototype.FanConstantVolume' require_relative 'Prototype.FanVariableVolume' require_relative 'Prototype.FanOnOff' require_relative 'Prototype.FanZoneExhaust' require_relative 'Prototype.HeatExchangerAirToAirSensibleAndLatent' require_relative 'Prototype.ControllerWaterCoil' require_relative 'Prototype.Model.hvac' require_relative 'Prototype.Model.swh' require_relative '../standards/Standards.Model' require_relative 'Prototype.building_specific_methods' # Creates a DOE prototype building model and replaces # the current model with this model. # # @param building_type [String] the building type # @param template [String] the template # @param climate_zone [String] the climate zone # @param debug [Boolean] If true, will report out more detailed debugging output # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not # @example Create a Small Office, 90.1-2010, in ASHRAE Climate Zone 5A (Chicago) # model.create_prototype_building('SmallOffice', '90.1-2010', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-5A') def create_prototype_building(building_type, template, climate_zone, epw_file, sizing_run_dir = Dir.pwd, debug = false) osm_file_increment = 0 # There are no reference models for HighriseApartment at vintages Pre-1980 and 1980-2004, nor for NECB 2011. This is a quick check. if building_type == 'HighriseApartment' if template == 'DOE Ref Pre-1980' || template == 'DOE Ref 1980-2004' OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'Not available', "DOE Reference models for #{building_type} at template #{template} are not available, the measure is disabled for this specific type.") return false elsif template == 'NECB 2011' OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'Not available', "Reference model for #{building_type} at template #{template} is not available, the measure is disabled for this specific type.") return false end end lookup_building_type = get_lookup_name(building_type) # Retrieve the Prototype Inputs from JSON search_criteria = { 'template' => template, 'building_type' => building_type } prototype_input = find_object($os_standards['prototype_inputs'], search_criteria, nil) if prototype_input.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Could not find prototype inputs for #{search_criteria}, cannot create model.") return false end case template when 'NECB 2011' debug_incremental_changes = false load_building_type_methods(building_type, template, climate_zone) osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_load_building_type_methods.osm") if debug_incremental_changes load_geometry(building_type, template, climate_zone) osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_load_geometry.osm") if debug_incremental_changes getBuilding.setName("#{template}-#{building_type}-#{climate_zone}-#{epw_file} created: #{Time.new}") osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_set_name.osm") if debug_incremental_changes space_type_map = define_space_type_map(building_type, template, climate_zone) File.open("#{sizing_run_dir}/space_type_map.json", 'w') {|f| f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(space_type_map)) } assign_space_type_stubs('Space Function', template, space_type_map) # TO DO: add support for defining NECB 2011 archetype by building type (versus space function) osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_assign_space_type_stubs.osm") if debug_incremental_changes add_loads(template, climate_zone) osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_add_loads.osm") if debug_incremental_changes apply_infiltration_standard(template) osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_apply_infiltration.osm") if debug_incremental_changes modify_infiltration_coefficients(building_type, template, climate_zone) # does not apply to NECB 2011 but left here for consistency osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_modify_infiltation_coefficients.osm") if debug_incremental_changes modify_surface_convection_algorithm(template) osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_modify_surface_convection_algorithm.osm") if debug_incremental_changes add_constructions(building_type, template, climate_zone) osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_add_constructions.osm") if debug_incremental_changes create_thermal_zones(building_type, template, climate_zone) osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_create_thermal_zones.osm") if debug_incremental_changes add_design_days_and_weather_file(building_type, template, climate_zone, epw_file) osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_add_design_days_and_weather_file.osm") if debug_incremental_changes return false if runSizingRun("#{sizing_run_dir}/SR0") == false osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_sizing_run_0.osm") if debug_incremental_changes add_hvac(building_type, template, climate_zone, prototype_input, epw_file) osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_add_hvac.osm") if debug_incremental_changes osm_file_increment += 1 add_swh(building_type, template, climate_zone, prototype_input) osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_swh.osm") if debug_incremental_changes apply_sizing_parameters(building_type, template) osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_apply_sizing_paramaters.osm") if debug_incremental_changes yearDescription.get.setDayofWeekforStartDay('Sunday') osm_file_increment += 1 BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(self,"#{sizing_run_dir}/post_#{osm_file_increment}_setDayofWeekforStartDay.osm") if debug_incremental_changes else load_building_type_methods(building_type, template, climate_zone) load_geometry(building_type, template, climate_zone) getBuilding.setName("#{template}-#{building_type}-#{climate_zone} created: #{Time.new}") space_type_map = define_space_type_map(building_type, template, climate_zone) assign_space_type_stubs(lookup_building_type, template, space_type_map) add_loads(template, climate_zone) apply_infiltration_standard(template) modify_infiltration_coefficients(building_type, template, climate_zone) modify_surface_convection_algorithm(template) add_constructions(building_type, template, climate_zone) create_thermal_zones(building_type, template, climate_zone) add_hvac(building_type, template, climate_zone, prototype_input, epw_file) custom_hvac_tweaks(building_type, template, climate_zone, prototype_input, self) add_swh(building_type, template, climate_zone, prototype_input) custom_swh_tweaks(building_type, template, climate_zone, prototype_input, self) add_exterior_lights(building_type, template, climate_zone, prototype_input) add_occupancy_sensors(building_type, template, climate_zone) add_design_days_and_weather_file(building_type, template, climate_zone, epw_file) apply_sizing_parameters(building_type, template) yearDescription.get.setDayofWeekforStartDay('Sunday') end # set climate zone and building type getBuilding.setStandardsBuildingType(building_type) if climate_zone.include? 'ASHRAE 169-2006-' getClimateZones.setClimateZone('ASHRAE', climate_zone.gsub('ASHRAE 169-2006-', '')) end # For some building types, stories are defined explicitly if building_type == 'SmallHotel' building_story_map = PrototypeBuilding::SmallHotel.define_building_story_map(building_type, template, climate_zone) assign_building_story(building_type, template, climate_zone, building_story_map) end # Assign building stories to spaces in the building # where stories are not yet assigned. assign_spaces_to_stories # Perform a sizing run if runSizingRun("#{sizing_run_dir}/SR1") == false return false end # If there are any multizone systems, reset damper positions # to achieve a 60% ventilation effectiveness minimum for the system # following the ventilation rate procedure from 62.1 apply_multizone_vav_outdoor_air_sizing(template) # Apply the prototype HVAC assumptions # which include sizing the fan pressure rises based # on the flow rate of the system. apply_prototype_hvac_assumptions(building_type, template, climate_zone) # for 90.1-2010 Outpatient, AHU2 set minimum outdoor air flow rate as 0 # AHU1 doesn't have economizer if building_type == 'Outpatient' PrototypeBuilding::Outpatient.modify_oa_controller(template, self) # For operating room 1&2 in 2010 and 2013, VAV minimum air flow is set by schedule PrototypeBuilding::Outpatient.reset_or_room_vav_minimum_damper(prototype_input, template, self) end if building_type == 'Hospital' PrototypeBuilding::Hospital.modify_hospital_oa_controller(template, self) end # Apply the HVAC efficiency standard apply_hvac_efficiency_standard(template, climate_zone) # Add daylighting controls per standard # only four zones in large hotel have daylighting controls # todo: YXC to merge to the main function if building_type == 'LargeHotel' PrototypeBuilding::LargeHotel.large_hotel_add_daylighting_controls(template, self) elsif building_type == 'Hospital' PrototypeBuilding::Hospital.hospital_add_daylighting_controls(template, self) else add_daylighting_controls(template) end if building_type == 'QuickServiceRestaurant' PrototypeBuilding::QuickServiceRestaurant.update_exhaust_fan_efficiency(template, self) elsif building_type == 'FullServiceRestaurant' PrototypeBuilding::FullServiceRestaurant.update_exhaust_fan_efficiency(template, self) elsif building_type == 'Outpatient' PrototypeBuilding::Outpatient.update_exhaust_fan_efficiency(template, self) end if building_type == 'HighriseApartment' PrototypeBuilding::HighriseApartment.update_fan_efficiency(self) end # Add output variables for debugging if debug request_timeseries_outputs end # Finished model_status = 'final' save(OpenStudio::Path.new("#{sizing_run_dir}/#{model_status}.osm"), true) return true end # Get the name of the building type used in lookups # # @param building_type [String] the building type # @return [String] returns the lookup name as a string # @todo Unify the lookup names and eliminate this method def get_lookup_name(building_type) lookup_name = building_type case building_type when 'SmallOffice' lookup_name = 'Office' when 'MediumOffice' lookup_name = 'Office' when 'LargeOffice' lookup_name = 'Office' when 'RetailStandalone' lookup_name = 'Retail' when 'RetailStripmall' lookup_name = 'StripMall' when 'Office' lookup_name = 'Office' end return lookup_name end # Loads the library of methods specific to this building type # # @param building_type [String] the building type # @param template [String] the template # @param climate_zone [String] the climate zone # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def load_building_type_methods(building_type, template, climate_zone) building_methods = nil case building_type when 'SecondarySchool' building_methods = 'Prototype.secondary_school' when 'PrimarySchool' building_methods = 'Prototype.primary_school' when 'SmallOffice' building_methods = 'Prototype.small_office' when 'MediumOffice' building_methods = 'Prototype.medium_office' when 'LargeOffice' building_methods = 'Prototype.large_office' when 'SmallHotel' building_methods = 'Prototype.small_hotel' when 'LargeHotel' building_methods = 'Prototype.large_hotel' when 'Warehouse' building_methods = 'Prototype.warehouse' when 'RetailStandalone' building_methods = 'Prototype.retail_standalone' when 'RetailStripmall' building_methods = 'Prototype.retail_stripmall' when 'QuickServiceRestaurant' building_methods = 'Prototype.quick_service_restaurant' when 'FullServiceRestaurant' building_methods = 'Prototype.full_service_restaurant' when 'Hospital' building_methods = 'Prototype.hospital' when 'Outpatient' building_methods = 'Prototype.outpatient' when 'MidriseApartment' building_methods = 'Prototype.mid_rise_apartment' when 'HighriseApartment' building_methods = 'Prototype.high_rise_apartment' else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Building Type = #{building_type} not recognized") return false end require_relative "#{building_methods}" return true end # Loads a geometry-only .osm as a starting point. # # @param building_type [String] the building type # @param template [String] the template # @param climate_zone [String] the climate zone # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def load_geometry(building_type, template, climate_zone) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Started adding geometry') # Determine which geometry file to use # based on building_type and template # NECB 2011 geometry is not explicitly defined; for NECB 2011 template, latest ASHRAE 90.1 geometry file is assigned (implicitly) case building_type when 'SecondarySchool' geometry_file = if template == 'DOE Ref Pre-1980' || template == 'DOE Ref 1980-2004' 'Geometry.secondary_school_pre_1980_to_2004.osm' else 'Geometry.secondary_school.osm' end when 'PrimarySchool' geometry_file = if template == 'DOE Ref Pre-1980' || template == 'DOE Ref 1980-2004' 'Geometry.primary_school_pre_1980_to_2004.osm' else 'Geometry.primary_school.osm' end when 'SmallOffice' geometry_file = if template == 'DOE Ref Pre-1980' 'Geometry.small_office_pre_1980.osm' else 'Geometry.small_office.osm' end alt_search_name = 'Office' when 'MediumOffice' geometry_file = 'Geometry.medium_office.osm' alt_search_name = 'Office' when 'LargeOffice' alt_search_name = 'Office' case template when 'DOE Ref Pre-1980', 'DOE Ref 1980-2004', 'DOE Ref 2004' geometry_file = 'Geometry.large_office_reference.osm' else geometry_file = 'Geometry.large_office_2010.osm' end when 'SmallHotel' case template when 'DOE Ref Pre-1980', 'DOE Ref 1980-2004' geometry_file = 'Geometry.small_hotel_doe.osm' when '90.1-2004' geometry_file = 'Geometry.small_hotel_pnnl2004.osm' when '90.1-2007' geometry_file = 'Geometry.small_hotel_pnnl2007.osm' when '90.1-2010' geometry_file = 'Geometry.small_hotel_pnnl2010.osm' else # '90.1-2013' geometry_file = 'Geometry.small_hotel_pnnl2013.osm' end when 'LargeHotel' case template when 'DOE Ref Pre-1980', 'DOE Ref 1980-2004', 'DOE Ref 2004' geometry_file = 'Geometry.large_hotel.doe.osm' when '90.1-2007', '90.1-2004' geometry_file = 'Geometry.large_hotel.2004_2007.osm' when '90.1-2010' geometry_file = 'Geometry.large_hotel.2010.osm' else geometry_file = 'Geometry.large_hotel.2013.osm' end when 'Warehouse' case template when 'DOE Ref Pre-1980', 'DOE Ref 1980-2004', 'DOE Ref 2004' geometry_file = 'Geometry.warehouse_pre_1980_to_2004.osm' else geometry_file = 'Geometry.warehouse.osm' end when 'RetailStandalone' case template when 'DOE Ref Pre-1980', 'DOE Ref 1980-2004', 'DOE Ref 2004' geometry_file = 'Geometry.retail_standalone.pre1980_post1980.osm' when '90.1-2004', '90.1-2007' geometry_file = 'Geometry.retail_standalone.2004_2007.osm' else # '90.1-2010', '90.1-2013' geometry_file = 'Geometry.retail_standalone.2010_2013.osm' end alt_search_name = 'Retail' when 'RetailStripmall' geometry_file = 'Geometry.retail_stripmall.osm' alt_search_name = 'StripMall' when 'QuickServiceRestaurant' geometry_file = case template when 'DOE Ref Pre-1980' 'Geometry.quick_service_restaurant_pre1980.osm' else # 'DOE Ref 1980-2004','90.1-2010','90.1-2007','90.1-2004','90.1-2013' 'Geometry.quick_service_restaurant_allothers.osm' end when 'FullServiceRestaurant' geometry_file = case template when 'DOE Ref Pre-1980' 'Geometry.full_service_restaurant_pre1980.osm' else # 'DOE Ref 1980-2004','90.1-2010','90.1-2007','90.1-2004','90.1-2013' 'Geometry.full_service_restaurant_allothers.osm' end when 'Hospital' geometry_file = 'Geometry.hospital.osm' when 'Outpatient' geometry_file = 'Geometry.outpatient.osm' when 'MidriseApartment' geometry_file = 'Geometry.mid_rise_apartment.osm' when 'Office' # For NECB 2011 prototypes (old) geometry_file = 'Geometry.large_office_2010.osm' alt_search_name = 'Office' when 'HighriseApartment' geometry_file = 'Geometry.high_rise_apartment.osm' else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Building Type = #{building_type} not recognized") return false end # Load the geometry .osm geom_dir = "../../../data/geometry" replace_model("#{geom_dir}/#{geometry_file}") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Finished adding geometry') return true end # Replaces all objects in the current model # with the objects in the .osm. Typically used to # load a model as a starting point. # # @param rel_path_to_osm [String] the path to an .osm file, relative to this file # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def replace_model(rel_path_to_osm) # Take the existing model and remove all the objects # (this is cheesy), but need to keep the same memory block handles = OpenStudio::UUIDVector.new objects.each { |o| handles << o.handle } removeObjects(handles) model = nil if File.dirname(__FILE__)[0] == ':' # running from embedded location # Load geometry from the saved geometry.osm geom_model_string = load_resource_relative(rel_path_to_osm) # version translate from string version_translator = OpenStudio::OSVersion::VersionTranslator.new model = version_translator.loadModelFromString(geom_model_string) else abs_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), rel_path_to_osm) # version translate from string version_translator = OpenStudio::OSVersion::VersionTranslator.new model = version_translator.loadModel(abs_path) end if model.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Version translation failed for #{rel_path_to_osm}") return false end model = model.get # Add the objects from the geometry model to the working model addObjects(model.toIdfFile.objects) return true end # Reads in a mapping between names of space types and # names of spaces in the model, creates an empty OpenStudio::Model::SpaceType # (no loads, occupants, schedules, etc.) for each space type, and assigns this # space type to the list of spaces named. Later on, these empty space types # can be used as keys in a lookup to add loads, schedules, and # other inputs that are either typical or governed by a standard. # # @param building_type [String] the name of the building type # @param space_type_map [Hash] a hash where the key is the space type name # and the value is a vector of space names that should be assigned this space type. # The hash for each building is defined inside the Prototype.building_name # e.g. (Prototype.secondary_school.rb) file. # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def assign_space_type_stubs(building_type, template, space_type_map) space_type_map.each do |space_type_name, space_names| # Create a new space type stub_space_type = OpenStudio::Model::SpaceType.new(self) stub_space_type.setStandardsBuildingType(building_type) stub_space_type.setStandardsSpaceType(space_type_name) stub_space_type.setName("#{building_type} #{space_type_name}") stub_space_type.apply_rendering_color(template) space_names.each do |space_name| space = getSpaceByName(space_name) next if space.empty? space = space.get space.setSpaceType(stub_space_type) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Setting #{space.name} to #{building_type}.#{space_type_name}") end end return true end def add_full_space_type_libs(template) space_type_properties_list = find_objects($os_standards['space_types'], 'template' => 'NECB 2011') space_type_properties_list.each do |space_type_property| stub_space_type = OpenStudio::Model::SpaceType.new(self) stub_space_type.setStandardsBuildingType(space_type_property['building_type']) stub_space_type.setStandardsSpaceType(space_type_property['space_type']) stub_space_type.setName("#{template}-#{space_type_property['building_type']}-#{space_type_property['space_type']}") stub_space_type.apply_rendering_color(template) end add_loads(template) end def assign_building_story(building_type, template, climate_zone, building_story_map) building_story_map.each do |building_story_name, space_names| stub_building_story = OpenStudio::Model::BuildingStory.new(self) stub_building_story.setName(building_story_name) space_names.each do |space_name| space = getSpaceByName(space_name) next if space.empty? space = space.get space.setBuildingStory(stub_building_story) end end return true end # Adds the loads and associated schedules for each space type # as defined in the OpenStudio_Standards_space_types.json file. # This includes lights, plug loads, occupants, ventilation rate requirements, # infiltration, gas equipment (for kitchens, etc.) and typical schedules for each. # Some loads are governed by the standard, others are typical values # pulled from sources such as the DOE Reference and DOE Prototype Buildings. # # @param template [String] the template to draw data from # @param climate_zone [String] the name of the climate zone the building is in # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def add_loads(template, climate_zone = nil) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Started applying space types (loads)') # Loop through all the space types currently in the model, # which are placeholders, and give them appropriate loads and schedules getSpaceTypes.sort.each do |space_type| # Rendering color space_type.apply_rendering_color(template) # Loads space_type.apply_internal_loads(template, true, true, true, true, true, true) # Schedules space_type.apply_internal_load_schedules(template, true, true, true, true, true, true, true) end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Finished applying space types (loads)') return true end # Adds code-minimum constructions based on the building type # as defined in the OpenStudio_Standards_construction_sets.json file. # Where there is a separate construction set specified for the # individual space type, this construction set will be created and applied # to this space type, overriding the whole-building construction set. # # @param building_type [String] the type of building # @param template [String] the template to draw data from # @param climate_zone [String] the name of the climate zone the building is in # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def add_constructions(building_type, template, climate_zone) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Started applying constructions') is_residential = 'No' # default is nonresidential for building level # The constructions lookup table uses a slightly different list of # building types. lookup_building_type = get_lookup_name(building_type) # Assign construction to adiabatic construction # Assign a material to all internal mass objects cp02_carpet_pad = OpenStudio::Model::MasslessOpaqueMaterial.new(self) cp02_carpet_pad.setName('CP02 CARPET PAD') cp02_carpet_pad.setRoughness('VeryRough') cp02_carpet_pad.setThermalResistance(0.21648) cp02_carpet_pad.setThermalAbsorptance(0.9) cp02_carpet_pad.setSolarAbsorptance(0.7) cp02_carpet_pad.setVisibleAbsorptance(0.8) normalweight_concrete_floor = OpenStudio::Model::StandardOpaqueMaterial.new(self) normalweight_concrete_floor.setName('100mm Normalweight concrete floor') normalweight_concrete_floor.setRoughness('MediumSmooth') normalweight_concrete_floor.setThickness(0.1016) normalweight_concrete_floor.setConductivity(2.31) normalweight_concrete_floor.setDensity(2322) normalweight_concrete_floor.setSpecificHeat(832) nonres_floor_insulation = OpenStudio::Model::MasslessOpaqueMaterial.new(self) nonres_floor_insulation.setName('Nonres_Floor_Insulation') nonres_floor_insulation.setRoughness('MediumSmooth') nonres_floor_insulation.setThermalResistance(2.88291975297193) nonres_floor_insulation.setThermalAbsorptance(0.9) nonres_floor_insulation.setSolarAbsorptance(0.7) nonres_floor_insulation.setVisibleAbsorptance(0.7) floor_adiabatic_construction = OpenStudio::Model::Construction.new(self) floor_adiabatic_construction.setName('Floor Adiabatic construction') floor_layers = OpenStudio::Model::MaterialVector.new floor_layers << cp02_carpet_pad floor_layers << normalweight_concrete_floor floor_layers << nonres_floor_insulation floor_adiabatic_construction.setLayers(floor_layers) g01_13mm_gypsum_board = OpenStudio::Model::StandardOpaqueMaterial.new(self) g01_13mm_gypsum_board.setName('G01 13mm gypsum board') g01_13mm_gypsum_board.setRoughness('Smooth') g01_13mm_gypsum_board.setThickness(0.0127) g01_13mm_gypsum_board.setConductivity(0.1600) g01_13mm_gypsum_board.setDensity(800) g01_13mm_gypsum_board.setSpecificHeat(1090) g01_13mm_gypsum_board.setThermalAbsorptance(0.9) g01_13mm_gypsum_board.setSolarAbsorptance(0.7) g01_13mm_gypsum_board.setVisibleAbsorptance(0.5) wall_adiabatic_construction = OpenStudio::Model::Construction.new(self) wall_adiabatic_construction.setName('Wall Adiabatic construction') wall_layers = OpenStudio::Model::MaterialVector.new wall_layers << g01_13mm_gypsum_board wall_layers << g01_13mm_gypsum_board wall_adiabatic_construction.setLayers(wall_layers) m10_200mm_concrete_block_basement_wall = OpenStudio::Model::StandardOpaqueMaterial.new(self) m10_200mm_concrete_block_basement_wall.setName('M10 200mm concrete block basement wall') m10_200mm_concrete_block_basement_wall.setRoughness('MediumRough') m10_200mm_concrete_block_basement_wall.setThickness(0.2032) m10_200mm_concrete_block_basement_wall.setConductivity(1.326) m10_200mm_concrete_block_basement_wall.setDensity(1842) m10_200mm_concrete_block_basement_wall.setSpecificHeat(912) basement_wall_construction = OpenStudio::Model::Construction.new(self) basement_wall_construction.setName('Basement Wall construction') basement_wall_layers = OpenStudio::Model::MaterialVector.new basement_wall_layers << m10_200mm_concrete_block_basement_wall basement_wall_construction.setLayers(basement_wall_layers) basement_floor_construction = OpenStudio::Model::Construction.new(self) basement_floor_construction.setName('Basement Floor construction') basement_floor_layers = OpenStudio::Model::MaterialVector.new basement_floor_layers << m10_200mm_concrete_block_basement_wall basement_floor_layers << cp02_carpet_pad basement_floor_construction.setLayers(basement_floor_layers) getSurfaces.each do |surface| if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition.to_s == 'Adiabatic' if surface.surfaceType.to_s == 'Wall' surface.setConstruction(wall_adiabatic_construction) else surface.setConstruction(floor_adiabatic_construction) end elsif surface.outsideBoundaryCondition.to_s == 'OtherSideCoefficients' # Ground if surface.surfaceType.to_s == 'Wall' surface.setOutsideBoundaryCondition('Ground') surface.setConstruction(basement_wall_construction) else surface.setOutsideBoundaryCondition('Ground') surface.setConstruction(basement_floor_construction) end end end # Make the default construction set for the building bldg_def_const_set = add_construction_set(template, climate_zone, lookup_building_type, nil, is_residential) if bldg_def_const_set.is_initialized getBuilding.setDefaultConstructionSet(bldg_def_const_set.get) else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Could not create default construction set for the building.') return false end # Make a construction set for each space type, if one is specified getSpaceTypes.each do |space_type| # Get the standards building type stds_building_type = nil if space_type.standardsBuildingType.is_initialized stds_building_type = space_type.standardsBuildingType.get else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Space type called '#{space_type.name}' has no standards building type.") end # Get the standards space type stds_spc_type = nil if space_type.standardsSpaceType.is_initialized stds_spc_type = space_type.standardsSpaceType.get else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Space type called '#{space_type.name}' has no standards space type.") end # If the standards space type is Attic, # the building type should be blank. if stds_spc_type == 'Attic' stds_building_type = '' end # Attempt to make a construction set for this space type # and assign it if it can be created. spc_type_const_set = add_construction_set(template, climate_zone, stds_building_type, stds_spc_type, is_residential) if spc_type_const_set.is_initialized space_type.setDefaultConstructionSet(spc_type_const_set.get) end end # Add construction from story level, especially for the case when there are residential and nonresidential construction in the same building if lookup_building_type == 'SmallHotel' getBuildingStorys.each do |story| next if story.name.get == 'AtticStory' puts "story = #{story.name}" is_residential = 'No' # default for building story level exterior_spaces_area = 0 story_exterior_residential_area = 0 # calculate the propotion of residential area in exterior spaces, see if this story is residential or not story.spaces.each do |space| next if space.exteriorWallArea.zero? space_type = space.spaceType.get if space_type.standardsSpaceType.is_initialized space_type_name = space_type.standardsSpaceType.get end data = find_object($os_standards['space_types'], 'template' => template, 'building_type' => lookup_building_type, 'space_type' => space_type_name) exterior_spaces_area += space.floorArea story_exterior_residential_area += space.floorArea if data['is_residential'] == 'Yes' # "Yes" is residential, "No" or nil is nonresidential end is_residential = 'Yes' if story_exterior_residential_area / exterior_spaces_area >= 0.5 next if is_residential == 'No' # if the story is identified as residential, assign residential construction set to the spaces on this story. building_story_const_set = add_construction_set(template, climate_zone, lookup_building_type, nil, is_residential) if building_story_const_set.is_initialized story.spaces.each do |space| space.setDefaultConstructionSet(building_story_const_set.get) end end end # Standars: For whole buildings or floors where 50% or more of the spaces adjacent to exterior walls are used primarily for living and sleeping quarters end # Make skylights have the same construction as fixed windows # sub_surface = self.getBuilding.defaultConstructionSet.get.defaultExteriorSubSurfaceConstructions.get # window_construction = sub_surface.fixedWindowConstruction.get # sub_surface.setSkylightConstruction(window_construction) # Assign a material to all internal mass objects material = OpenStudio::Model::StandardOpaqueMaterial.new(self) material.setName('Std Wood 6inch') material.setRoughness('MediumSmooth') material.setThickness(0.15) material.setConductivity(0.12) material.setDensity(540) material.setSpecificHeat(1210) material.setThermalAbsorptance(0.9) material.setSolarAbsorptance(0.7) material.setVisibleAbsorptance(0.7) construction = OpenStudio::Model::Construction.new(self) construction.setName('InteriorFurnishings') layers = OpenStudio::Model::MaterialVector.new layers << material construction.setLayers(layers) # Assign the internal mass construction to existing internal mass objects getSpaces.each do |space| internal_masses = space.internalMass internal_masses.each do |internal_mass| internal_mass.internalMassDefinition.setConstruction(construction) end end # get all the space types that are conditioned # not required for NECB 2011 unless template == 'NECB 2011' conditioned_space_names = find_conditioned_space_names(building_type, template, climate_zone) end # add internal mass # not required for NECB 2011 unless (template == 'NECB 2011') || ((building_type == 'SmallHotel') && (template == '90.1-2004' || template == '90.1-2007' || template == '90.1-2010' || template == '90.1-2013')) internal_mass_def = OpenStudio::Model::InternalMassDefinition.new(self) internal_mass_def.setSurfaceAreaperSpaceFloorArea(2.0) internal_mass_def.setConstruction(construction) conditioned_space_names.each do |conditioned_space_name| space = getSpaceByName(conditioned_space_name) if space.is_initialized space = space.get internal_mass = OpenStudio::Model::InternalMass.new(internal_mass_def) internal_mass.setName("#{space.name} Mass") internal_mass.setSpace(space) end end end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Finished applying constructions') return true end # Get the list of all conditioned spaces, as defined for each building in the # system_to_space_map inside the Prototype.building_name # e.g. (Prototype.secondary_school.rb) file. # # @param (see #add_constructions) # @return [Array<String>] returns an array of space names as strings def find_conditioned_space_names(building_type, template, climate_zone) system_to_space_map = define_hvac_system_map(building_type, template, climate_zone) conditioned_space_names = OpenStudio::StringVector.new system_to_space_map.each do |system| system['space_names'].each do |space_name| conditioned_space_names << space_name end end return conditioned_space_names end # Creates thermal zones to contain each space, as defined for each building in the # system_to_space_map inside the Prototype.building_name # e.g. (Prototype.secondary_school.rb) file. # # @param (see #add_constructions) # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def create_thermal_zones(building_type, template, climate_zone) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Started creating thermal zones') # Remove any Thermal zones assigned getThermalZones.each(&:remove) # This map define the multipliers for spaces with multipliers not equals to 1 case building_type when 'LargeHotel' space_multiplier_map = PrototypeBuilding::LargeHotel.define_space_multiplier when 'MidriseApartment' space_multiplier_map = PrototypeBuilding::MidriseApartment.define_space_multiplier when 'LargeOffice' space_multiplier_map = PrototypeBuilding::LargeOffice.define_space_multiplier when 'Hospital' space_multiplier_map = PrototypeBuilding::Hospital.define_space_multiplier else space_multiplier_map = {} end # Create a thermal zone for each space in the self getSpaces.each do |space| zone = OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone.new(self) zone.setName("#{space.name} ZN") unless space_multiplier_map[space.name.to_s].nil? zone.setMultiplier(space_multiplier_map[space.name.to_s]) end space.setThermalZone(zone) # Skip thermostat for spaces with no space type next if space.spaceType.empty? # Add a thermostat space_type_name = space.spaceType.get.name.get thermostat_name = space_type_name + ' Thermostat' thermostat = getThermostatSetpointDualSetpointByName(thermostat_name) if thermostat.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Thermostat #{thermostat_name} not found for space name: #{space.name}") else thermostat_clone = thermostat.get.clone(self).to_ThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.get zone.setThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint(thermostat_clone) if template == 'NECB 2011' #Set Ideal loads to thermal zone for sizing for NECB needs. We need this for sizing. ideal_loads = OpenStudio::Model::ZoneHVACIdealLoadsAirSystem.new(self) ideal_loads.addToThermalZone(zone) end end end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Finished creating thermal zones') end # Adds occupancy sensors to certain space types per # the PNNL documentation. # # @param (see #add_constructions) # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not # @todo genericize and move this method to Standards.Space def add_occupancy_sensors(building_type, template, climate_zone) # Only add occupancy sensors for 90.1-2010 case template when 'DOE Ref Pre-1980', 'DOE Ref 1980-2004', '90.1-2004', '90.1-2007' return true end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Started Adding Occupancy Sensors') space_type_reduction_map = { 'SecondarySchool' => { 'Classroom' => 0.32, 'Restroom' => 0.34, 'Office' => 0.22 }, 'PrimarySchool' => { 'Classroom' => 0.32, 'Restroom' => 0.34, 'Office' => 0.22 } } # Loop through all the space types and reduce lighting operation schedule fractions as-specified getSpaceTypes.each do |space_type| # Skip space types with no standards building type next if space_type.standardsBuildingType.empty? stds_bldg_type = space_type.standardsBuildingType.get # Skip space types with no standards space type next if space_type.standardsSpaceType.empty? stds_spc_type = space_type.standardsSpaceType.get # Skip building types and space types that aren't listed in the hash next unless space_type_reduction_map.key?(stds_bldg_type) next unless space_type_reduction_map[stds_bldg_type].key?(stds_spc_type) # Get the reduction fraction multiplier red_multiplier = 1 - space_type_reduction_map[stds_bldg_type][stds_spc_type] lights_sch_names = [] lights_schs = {} reduced_lights_schs = {} # Get all of the lights in this space type # and determine the list of schedules they use. space_type.lights.each do |light| # Skip lights that don't have a schedule next if light.schedule.empty? lights_sch = light.schedule.get lights_schs[lights_sch.name.to_s] = lights_sch lights_sch_names << lights_sch.name.to_s end # Loop through the unique list of lighting schedules, cloning # and reducing schedule fraction before and after the specified times lights_sch_names.uniq.each do |lights_sch_name| lights_sch = lights_schs[lights_sch_name] # Skip non-ruleset schedules next if lights_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.empty? # Clone the schedule (so that we don't mess with lights in # other space types that might be using the same schedule). new_lights_sch = lights_sch.clone(self).to_ScheduleRuleset.get new_lights_sch.setName("#{lights_sch_name} OccSensor Reduction") reduced_lights_schs[lights_sch_name] = new_lights_sch # Reduce default day schedule multiply_schedule(new_lights_sch.defaultDaySchedule, red_multiplier, 0.25) # Reduce all other rule schedules new_lights_sch.scheduleRules.each do |sch_rule| multiply_schedule(sch_rule.daySchedule, red_multiplier, 0.25) end end # end of lights_sch_names.uniq.each do # Loop through all lights instances, replacing old lights # schedules with the reduced schedules. space_type.lights.each do |light| # Skip lights that don't have a schedule next if light.schedule.empty? old_lights_sch_name = light.schedule.get.name.to_s if reduced_lights_schs[old_lights_sch_name] light.setSchedule(reduced_lights_schs[old_lights_sch_name]) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Occupancy sensor reduction added to '#{light.name}'") end end end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Finished Adding Occupancy Sensors') return true end # add occupancy sensors # Adds exterior lights to the building, as specified # in OpenStudio_Standards_prototype_inputs # # @param (see #add_constructions) # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not # @todo translate w/linear foot of facade, door, parking, etc # into lookup table and implement that way instead of hard-coding as # inputs in the spreadsheet. def add_exterior_lights(building_type, template, climate_zone, prototype_input) # TODO: Standards - translate w/linear foot of facade, door, parking, etc # into lookup table and implement that way instead of hard-coding as # inputs in the spreadsheet. OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Started adding exterior lights') # Occupancy Sensing Exterior Lights # which reduce to 70% power when no one is around. unless prototype_input['occ_sensing_exterior_lighting_power'].nil? occ_sens_ext_lts_power = prototype_input['occ_sensing_exterior_lighting_power'] occ_sens_ext_lts_sch_name = prototype_input['occ_sensing_exterior_lighting_schedule'] occ_sens_ext_lts_name = 'Occ Sensing Exterior Lights' occ_sens_ext_lts_def = OpenStudio::Model::ExteriorLightsDefinition.new(self) occ_sens_ext_lts_def.setName("#{occ_sens_ext_lts_name} Def") occ_sens_ext_lts_def.setDesignLevel(occ_sens_ext_lts_power) occ_sens_ext_lts_sch = add_schedule(occ_sens_ext_lts_sch_name) occ_sens_ext_lts = OpenStudio::Model::ExteriorLights.new(occ_sens_ext_lts_def, occ_sens_ext_lts_sch) occ_sens_ext_lts.setName("#{occ_sens_ext_lts_name} Def") occ_sens_ext_lts.setControlOption('AstronomicalClock') end # Building Facade and Landscape Lights # that don't dim at all at night. unless prototype_input['nondimming_exterior_lighting_power'].nil? nondimming_ext_lts_power = prototype_input['nondimming_exterior_lighting_power'] nondimming_ext_lts_sch_name = prototype_input['nondimming_exterior_lighting_schedule'] nondimming_ext_lts_name = 'NonDimming Exterior Lights' nondimming_ext_lts_def = OpenStudio::Model::ExteriorLightsDefinition.new(self) nondimming_ext_lts_def.setName("#{nondimming_ext_lts_name} Def") nondimming_ext_lts_def.setDesignLevel(nondimming_ext_lts_power) nondimming_ext_lts_sch = add_schedule(nondimming_ext_lts_sch_name) nondimming_ext_lts = OpenStudio::Model::ExteriorLights.new(nondimming_ext_lts_def, nondimming_ext_lts_sch) nondimming_ext_lts.setName("#{nondimming_ext_lts_name} Def") nondimming_ext_lts.setControlOption('AstronomicalClock') end # Fuel Equipment, As Exterior:FuelEquipment is not supported by OpenStudio yet, # temporarily use Exterior:Lights and set the control option to ScheduleNameOnly # todo: change it to Exterior:FuelEquipment when OpenStudio supported it. unless prototype_input['exterior_fuel_equipment1_power'].nil? fuel_ext_power = prototype_input['exterior_fuel_equipment1_power'] fuel_ext_sch_name = prototype_input['exterior_fuel_equipment1_schedule'] fuel_ext_name = 'Fuel equipment 1' fuel_ext_def = OpenStudio::Model::ExteriorLightsDefinition.new(self) fuel_ext_def.setName("#{fuel_ext_name} Def") fuel_ext_def.setDesignLevel(fuel_ext_power) fuel_ext_sch = add_schedule(fuel_ext_sch_name) fuel_ext_lts = OpenStudio::Model::ExteriorLights.new(fuel_ext_def, fuel_ext_sch) fuel_ext_lts.setName(fuel_ext_name.to_s) fuel_ext_lts.setControlOption('ScheduleNameOnly') end unless prototype_input['exterior_fuel_equipment2_power'].nil? fuel_ext_power = prototype_input['exterior_fuel_equipment2_power'] fuel_ext_sch_name = prototype_input['exterior_fuel_equipment2_schedule'] fuel_ext_name = 'Fuel equipment 2' fuel_ext_def = OpenStudio::Model::ExteriorLightsDefinition.new(self) fuel_ext_def.setName("#{fuel_ext_name} Def") fuel_ext_def.setDesignLevel(fuel_ext_power) fuel_ext_sch = add_schedule(fuel_ext_sch_name) fuel_ext_lts = OpenStudio::Model::ExteriorLights.new(fuel_ext_def, fuel_ext_sch) fuel_ext_lts.setName(fuel_ext_name.to_s) fuel_ext_lts.setControlOption('ScheduleNameOnly') end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Finished adding exterior lights') return true end # add exterior lights # Changes the infiltration coefficients for the prototype vintages. # # @param (see #add_constructions) # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not # @todo Consistency - make prototype and reference vintages consistent # @todo Add 90.1-2013? def modify_infiltration_coefficients(building_type, template, climate_zone) # Select the terrain type, which # impacts wind speed, and in turn infiltration terrain = 'City' case template when '90.1-2004', '90.1-2007', '90.1-2010', '90.1-2013' case building_type when 'Warehouse' terrain = 'Urban' when 'SmallHotel' terrain = 'Suburbs' end end # Set the terrain type getSite.setTerrain(terrain) # modify the infiltration coefficients for 90.1-2004, 90.1-2007, 90.1-2010, 90.1-2013 return true unless template == '90.1-2004' || template == '90.1-2007' || template == '90.1-2010' || template == '90.1-2013' || template == 'NECB 2011' # The pre-1980 and 1980-2004 buildings have this: # 1.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient # 0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient # 0.0000, !- Velocity Term Coefficient # 0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient # The 90.1-2010 buildings have this: # 0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient # 0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient # 0.224, !- Velocity Term Coefficient # 0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient getSpaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRates.each do |infiltration| infiltration.setConstantTermCoefficient(0.0) infiltration.setTemperatureTermCoefficient(0.0) infiltration.setVelocityTermCoefficient(0.224) infiltration.setVelocitySquaredTermCoefficient(0.0) end end # Sets the inside and outside convection algorithms for different vintages # # @param (see #add_constructions) # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not # @todo Consistency - make prototype and reference vintages consistent def modify_surface_convection_algorithm(template) inside = getInsideSurfaceConvectionAlgorithm outside = getOutsideSurfaceConvectionAlgorithm case template when 'DOE Ref Pre-1980', 'DOE Ref 1980-2004' inside.setAlgorithm('TARP') outside.setAlgorithm('DOE-2') when '90.1-2004', '90.1-2007', '90.1-2010', '90.1-2013', 'NECB 2011' inside.setAlgorithm('TARP') outside.setAlgorithm('TARP') end end # Changes the infiltration coefficients for the prototype vintages. # # @param (see #add_constructions) # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not # @todo Consistency - make sizing factors consistent # between building types, climate zones, and vintages? def apply_sizing_parameters(building_type, template) # Default unless otherwise specified clg = 1.2 htg = 1.2 case template when 'DOE Ref Pre-1980', 'DOE Ref 1980-2004' case building_type when 'PrimarySchool', 'SecondarySchool', 'Outpatient' clg = 1.5 htg = 1.5 when 'LargeHotel' clg = 1.33 htg = 1.33 end when '90.1-2004', '90.1-2007', '90.1-2010', '90.1-2013' case building_type when 'Hospital', 'LargeHotel', 'MediumOffice', 'LargeOffice', 'Outpatient', 'PrimarySchool' clg = 1.0 htg = 1.0 end when 'NECB 2011' clg = 1.3 htg = 1.3 end sizing_params = getSizingParameters sizing_params.setHeatingSizingFactor(htg) sizing_params.setCoolingSizingFactor(clg) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.prototype.Model', "Set sizing factors to #{htg} for heating and #{clg} for cooling.") end def apply_prototype_hvac_assumptions(building_type, template, climate_zone) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Started applying prototype HVAC assumptions.') ##### Apply equipment efficiencies # Fans # Pressure Rise getFanConstantVolumes.sort.each { |obj| obj.apply_prototype_fan_pressure_rise(building_type, template, climate_zone) } getFanVariableVolumes.sort.each { |obj| obj.apply_prototype_fan_pressure_rise(building_type, template, climate_zone) } getFanOnOffs.sort.each { |obj| obj.apply_prototype_fan_pressure_rise(building_type, template, climate_zone) } getFanZoneExhausts.sort.each(&:apply_prototype_fan_pressure_rise) # Motor Efficiency getFanConstantVolumes.sort.each { |obj| obj.apply_prototype_fan_efficiency(template) } getFanVariableVolumes.sort.each { |obj| obj.apply_prototype_fan_efficiency(template) } getFanOnOffs.sort.each { |obj| obj.apply_prototype_fan_efficiency(template) } getFanZoneExhausts.sort.each { |obj| obj.apply_prototype_fan_efficiency(template) } ##### Add Economizers if template != 'NECB 2011' # Create an economizer maximum OA fraction of 70% # to reflect damper leakage per PNNL econ_max_70_pct_oa_sch = OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleRuleset.new(self) econ_max_70_pct_oa_sch.setName('Economizer Max OA Fraction 70 pct') econ_max_70_pct_oa_sch.defaultDaySchedule.setName('Economizer Max OA Fraction 70 pct Default') econ_max_70_pct_oa_sch.defaultDaySchedule.addValue(OpenStudio::Time.new(0, 24, 0, 0), 0.7) else # NECB 2011 prescribes ability to provide 100% OA ( econ_max_100_pct_oa_sch = OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleRuleset.new(self) econ_max_100_pct_oa_sch.setName('Economizer Max OA Fraction 100 pct') econ_max_100_pct_oa_sch.defaultDaySchedule.setName('Economizer Max OA Fraction 100 pct Default') econ_max_100_pct_oa_sch.defaultDaySchedule.addValue(OpenStudio::Time.new(0, 24, 0, 0), 1.0) end # Check each airloop getAirLoopHVACs.each do |air_loop| if air_loop.economizer_required?(template, climate_zone) == true # If an economizer is required, determine the economizer type # in the prototype buildings, which depends on climate zone. economizer_type = nil case template when 'DOE Ref Pre-1980', 'DOE Ref 1980-2004', '90.1-2004', '90.1-2007' economizer_type = 'DifferentialDryBulb' when '90.1-2010', '90.1-2013' case climate_zone when 'ASHRAE 169-2006-1A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-2A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-3A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-4A' economizer_type = 'DifferentialEnthalpy' else economizer_type = 'DifferentialDryBulb' end when 'NECB 2011' # NECB states that economizer can be controlled based on difference betweeen # return air temperature and outside air temperature OR return air enthalpy # and outside air enthalphy; latter chosen to be consistent with MNECB and CAN-QUEST implementation economizer_type = 'DifferentialEnthalpy' end # Set the economizer type # Get the OA system and OA controller oa_sys = air_loop.airLoopHVACOutdoorAirSystem if oa_sys.is_initialized oa_sys = oa_sys.get else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.prototype.Model', "#{air_loop.name} is required to have an economizer, but it has no OA system.") next end oa_control = oa_sys.getControllerOutdoorAir oa_control.setEconomizerControlType(economizer_type) if template != 'NECB 2011' # oa_control.setMaximumFractionofOutdoorAirSchedule(econ_max_70_pct_oa_sch) end # Check that the economizer type set by the prototypes # is not prohibited by code. If it is, change to no economizer. unless air_loop.economizer_type_allowable?(template, climate_zone) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.prototype.Model', "#{air_loop.name} is required to have an economizer, but the type chosen, #{economizer_type} is prohibited by code for #{template}, climate zone #{climate_zone}. Economizer type will be switched to No Economizer.") oa_control.setEconomizerControlType('NoEconomizer') end end end # TODO: What is the logic behind hard-sizing # hot water coil convergence tolerances? getControllerWaterCoils.sort.each(&:set_convergence_limits) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Finished applying prototype HVAC assumptions.') end def add_debugging_variables(type) # 'detailed' # 'timestep' # 'hourly' # 'daily' # 'monthly' vars = [] case type when 'service_water_heating' var_names << ['Water Heater Water Volume Flow Rate', 'timestep'] var_names << ['Water Use Equipment Hot Water Volume Flow Rate', 'timestep'] var_names << ['Water Use Equipment Cold Water Volume Flow Rate', 'timestep'] var_names << ['Water Use Equipment Hot Water Temperature', 'timestep'] var_names << ['Water Use Equipment Cold Water Temperature', 'timestep'] var_names << ['Water Use Equipment Mains Water Volume', 'timestep'] var_names << ['Water Use Equipment Target Water Temperature', 'timestep'] var_names << ['Water Use Equipment Mixed Water Temperature', 'timestep'] var_names << ['Water Heater Tank Temperature', 'timestep'] var_names << ['Water Heater Use Side Mass Flow Rate', 'timestep'] var_names << ['Water Heater Heating Rate', 'timestep'] var_names << ['Water Heater Water Volume Flow Rate', 'timestep'] var_names << ['Water Heater Water Volume', 'timestep'] end var_names.each do |var_name, reporting_frequency| output_var = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new(var_name, self) output_var.setReportingFrequency(reporting_frequency) end end def run(run_dir = "#{Dir.pwd}/Run") # If the run directory is not specified # run in the current working directory # Make the directory if it doesn't exist unless Dir.exist?(run_dir) Dir.mkdir(run_dir) end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Started simulation in '#{run_dir}'") # Change the simulation to only run the weather file # and not run the sizing day simulations sim_control = getSimulationControl sim_control.setRunSimulationforSizingPeriods(false) sim_control.setRunSimulationforWeatherFileRunPeriods(true) # Save the model to energyplus idf idf_name = 'in.idf' osm_name = 'in.osm' forward_translator = OpenStudio::EnergyPlus::ForwardTranslator.new idf = forward_translator.translateModel(self) idf_path = OpenStudio::Path.new("#{run_dir}/#{idf_name}") osm_path = OpenStudio::Path.new("#{run_dir}/#{osm_name}") idf.save(idf_path, true) save(osm_path, true) # Set up the sizing simulation # Find the weather file epw_path = nil if weatherFile.is_initialized epw_path = weatherFile.get.path if epw_path.is_initialized if File.exist?(epw_path.get.to_s) epw_path = epw_path.get else # If this is an always-run Measure, need to check a different path alt_weath_path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../../resources')) alt_epw_path = File.expand_path(File.join(alt_weath_path, epw_path.get.to_s)) if File.exist?(alt_epw_path) epw_path = OpenStudio::Path.new(alt_epw_path) else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.prototype.Model', "Model has been assigned a weather file, but the file is not in the specified location of '#{epw_path.get}'.") return false end end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.prototype.Model', 'Model has a weather file assigned, but the weather file path has been deleted.') return false end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.prototype.Model', 'Model has not been assigned a weather file.3') return false end # If running on a regular desktop, use RunManager. # If running on OpenStudio Server, use WorkFlowMananger # to avoid slowdown from the sizing run. use_runmanager = true begin require 'openstudio-workflow' use_runmanager = false rescue LoadError use_runmanager = true end sql_path = nil if use_runmanager == true OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.prototype.Model', 'Running sizing run with RunManager.') # Find EnergyPlus ep_dir = OpenStudio.getEnergyPlusDirectory ep_path = OpenStudio.getEnergyPlusExecutable ep_tool = OpenStudio::Runmanager::ToolInfo.new(ep_path) idd_path = OpenStudio::Path.new(ep_dir.to_s + '/Energy+.idd') output_path = OpenStudio::Path.new("#{run_dir}/") # Make a run manager and queue up the sizing run run_manager_db_path = OpenStudio::Path.new("#{run_dir}/run.db") run_manager = OpenStudio::Runmanager::RunManager.new(run_manager_db_path, true, false, false, false) job = OpenStudio::Runmanager::JobFactory.createEnergyPlusJob(ep_tool, idd_path, idf_path, epw_path, output_path) run_manager.enqueue(job, true) # Start the sizing run and wait for it to finish. while run_manager.workPending sleep 1 OpenStudio::Application.instance.processEvents end sql_path = OpenStudio::Path.new("#{run_dir}/Energyplus/eplusout.sql") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.prototype.Model', "Finished sizing run in #{(Time.new - start_time).round}sec.") else # Use the openstudio-workflow gem OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.prototype.Model', 'Running sizing run with openstudio-workflow gem.') # Copy the weather file to this directory FileUtils.copy(epw_path.to_s, run_dir) # Run the simulation sim = OpenStudio::Workflow.run_energyplus('Local', run_dir) final_state = sim.run if final_state == :finished OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.prototype.Model', "Finished sizing run in #{(Time.new - start_time).round}sec.") end sql_path = OpenStudio::Path.new("#{run_dir}/run/eplusout.sql") end # Load the sql file created by the sizing run sql_path = OpenStudio::Path.new("#{run_dir}/Energyplus/eplusout.sql") if OpenStudio.exists(sql_path) sql = OpenStudio::SqlFile.new(sql_path) # Check to make sure the sql file is readable, # which won't be true if EnergyPlus crashed during simulation. unless sql.connectionOpen OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "The run failed. Look at the eplusout.err file in #{File.dirname(sql_path.to_s)} to see the cause.") return false end # Attach the sql file from the run to the sizing model setSqlFile(sql) else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Results for the sizing run couldn't be found here: #{sql_path}.") return false end # Check that the run finished without severe errors error_query = "SELECT ErrorMessage FROM Errors WHERE ErrorType='1'" errs = sqlFile.get.execAndReturnVectorOfString(error_query) if errs.is_initialized errs = errs.get unless errs.empty? errs = errs.get OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "The run failed with the following severe errors: #{errs.join('\n')}.") return false end end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Finished simulation in '#{run_dir}'") return true end def request_timeseries_outputs # "detailed" # "timestep" # "hourly" # "daily" # "monthly" vars = [] # vars << ['Heating Coil Gas Rate', 'detailed'] # vars << ['Zone Thermostat Air Temperature', 'detailed'] # vars << ['Zone Thermostat Heating Setpoint Temperature', 'detailed'] # vars << ['Zone Thermostat Cooling Setpoint Temperature', 'detailed'] # vars << ['Zone Air System Sensible Heating Rate', 'detailed'] # vars << ['Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Rate', 'detailed'] # vars << ['Fan Electric Power', 'detailed'] # vars << ['Zone Mechanical Ventilation Standard Density Volume Flow Rate', 'detailed'] # vars << ['Air System Outdoor Air Mass Flow Rate', 'detailed'] # vars << ['Air System Outdoor Air Flow Fraction', 'detailed'] # vars << ['Air System Outdoor Air Minimum Flow Fraction', 'detailed'] # vars << ['Water Use Equipment Hot Water Volume Flow Rate', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Equipment Cold Water Volume Flow Rate', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Equipment Total Volume Flow Rate', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Equipment Hot Water Temperature', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Equipment Cold Water Temperature', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Equipment Target Water Temperature', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Equipment Mixed Water Temperature', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Connections Hot Water Volume Flow Rate', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Connections Cold Water Volume Flow Rate', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Connections Total Volume Flow Rate', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Connections Hot Water Temperature', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Connections Cold Water Temperature', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Connections Plant Hot Water Energy', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Water Use Connections Return Water Temperature', 'hourly'] # vars << ['Air System Outdoor Air Economizer Status','timestep'] # vars << ['Air System Outdoor Air Heat Recovery Bypass Status','timestep'] # vars << ['Air System Outdoor Air High Humidity Control Status','timestep'] # vars << ['Air System Outdoor Air Flow Fraction','timestep'] # vars << ['Air System Outdoor Air Minimum Flow Fraction','timestep'] # vars << ['Air System Outdoor Air Mass Flow Rate','timestep'] # vars << ['Air System Mixed Air Mass Flow Rate','timestep'] # vars << ['Heating Coil Gas Rate','timestep'] vars << ['Boiler Part Load Ratio', 'timestep'] vars << ['Boiler Gas Rate', 'timestep'] # vars << ['Boiler Gas Rate','timestep'] # vars << ['Fan Electric Power','timestep'] vars << ['Pump Electric Power', 'timestep'] vars << ['Pump Outlet Temperature', 'timestep'] vars << ['Pump Mass Flow Rate', 'timestep'] # vars << ['Zone Air Terminal VAV Damper Position','timestep'] # vars << ['Zone Air Terminal Minimum Air Flow Fraction','timestep'] # vars << ['Zone Air Terminal Outdoor Air Volume Flow Rate','timestep'] # vars << ['Zone Lights Electric Power','hourly'] # vars << ['Daylighting Lighting Power Multiplier','hourly'] # vars << ['Schedule Value','hourly'] vars.each do |var, freq| output_var = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new(var, self) output_var.setReportingFrequency(freq) end end def clear_and_set_example_constructions # Define Materials name = 'opaque material' thickness = 0.012700 conductivity = 0.160000 opaque_mat = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Materials::Opaque.create_opaque_material(self, name, thickness, conductivity) name = 'insulation material' thickness = 0.050000 conductivity = 0.043000 insulation_mat = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Materials::Opaque.create_opaque_material(self, name, thickness, conductivity) name = 'simple glazing test' shgc = 0.250000 ufactor = 3.236460 thickness = 0.003000 visible_transmittance = 0.160000 simple_glazing_mat = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Materials::Fenestration.create_simple_glazing(self, name, shgc, ufactor, thickness, visible_transmittance) name = 'Standard Glazing Test' thickness = 0.003 conductivity = 0.9 solar_trans_normal = 0.84 front_solar_ref_normal = 0.075 back_solar_ref_normal = 0.075 vlt = 0.9 front_vis_ref_normal = 0.081 back_vis_ref_normal = 0.081 ir_trans_normal = 0.0 front_ir_emis = 0.84 back_ir_emis = 0.84 optical_data_type = 'SpectralAverage' dirt_correction_factor = 1.0 is_solar_diffusing = false standard_glazing_mat = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Materials::Fenestration.create_standard_glazing(self, name, thickness, conductivity, solar_trans_normal, front_solar_ref_normal, back_solar_ref_normal, vlt, front_vis_ref_normal, back_vis_ref_normal, ir_trans_normal, front_ir_emis, back_ir_emis, optical_data_type, dirt_correction_factor, is_solar_diffusing) # Define Constructions # # Surfaces ext_wall = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'OpaqueConstructionExtWall', [opaque_mat, insulation_mat], insulation_mat) ext_roof = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'OpaqueConstructionExtRoof', [opaque_mat, insulation_mat], insulation_mat) ext_floor = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'OpaqueConstructionExtFloor', [opaque_mat, insulation_mat], insulation_mat) grnd_wall = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'OpaqueConstructionGrndWall', [opaque_mat, insulation_mat], insulation_mat) grnd_roof = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'OpaqueConstructionGrndRoof', [opaque_mat, insulation_mat], insulation_mat) grnd_floor = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'OpaqueConstructionGrndFloor', [opaque_mat, insulation_mat], insulation_mat) int_wall = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'OpaqueConstructionIntWall', [opaque_mat, insulation_mat], insulation_mat) int_roof = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'OpaqueConstructionIntRoof', [opaque_mat, insulation_mat], insulation_mat) int_floor = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'OpaqueConstructionIntFloor', [opaque_mat, insulation_mat], insulation_mat) # # Subsurfaces fixed_window = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'FenestrationConstructionFixed', [simple_glazing_mat]) operable_window = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'FenestrationConstructionOperable', [simple_glazing_mat]) glass_door = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'FenestrationConstructionDoor', [standard_glazing_mat]) door = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'OpaqueConstructionDoor', [opaque_mat, insulation_mat], insulation_mat) overhead_door = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'OpaqueConstructionOverheadDoor', [opaque_mat, insulation_mat], insulation_mat) skylt = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'FenestrationConstructionSkylight', [standard_glazing_mat]) daylt_dome = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'FenestrationConstructionDomeConstruction', [standard_glazing_mat]) daylt_diffuser = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Constructions.create_construction(self, 'FenestrationConstructionDiffuserConstruction', [standard_glazing_mat]) # Define Construction Sets # # Surface exterior_construction_set = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets.create_default_surface_constructions(self, 'ExteriorSet', ext_wall, ext_roof, ext_floor) interior_construction_set = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets.create_default_surface_constructions(self, 'InteriorSet', int_wall, int_roof, int_floor) ground_construction_set = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets.create_default_surface_constructions(self, 'GroundSet', grnd_wall, grnd_roof, grnd_floor) # # Subsurface subsurface_exterior_construction_set = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets.create_subsurface_construction_set(self, fixed_window, operable_window, door, glass_door, overhead_door, skylt, daylt_dome, daylt_diffuser) subsurface_interior_construction_set = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets.create_subsurface_construction_set(self, fixed_window, operable_window, door, glass_door, overhead_door, skylt, daylt_dome, daylt_diffuser) # Define default construction sets. name = 'Construction Set 1' default_construction_set = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets.create_default_construction_set(self, name, exterior_construction_set, interior_construction_set, ground_construction_set, subsurface_exterior_construction_set, subsurface_interior_construction_set) # Assign default to the model. getBuilding.setDefaultConstructionSet(default_construction_set) return default_construction_set end private # Method to multiply the values in a day schedule by a specified value # but only when the existing value is higher than a specified lower limit. # This limit prevents occupancy sensors from affecting unoccupied hours. def multiply_schedule(day_sch, multiplier, limit) # Record the original times and values times = day_sch.times values = day_sch.values # Remove the original times and values day_sch.clearValues # Create new values by using the multiplier on the original values new_values = [] values.each do |value| new_values << if value > limit value * multiplier else value end end # Add the revised time/value pairs to the schedule new_values.each_with_index do |new_value, i| day_sch.addValue(times[i], new_value) end end # end reduce schedule end