# Background In order to be able to use Citrus effectively, you must first understand the difference between syntax and semantics. Syntax is a set of rules that govern the way letters and punctuation may be used in a language. For example, English syntax dictates that proper nouns should start with a capital letter and that sentences should end with a period. Semantics are the rules by which meaning may be derived in a language. For example, as you read a book you are able to make some sense of the particular way in which words on a page are combined to form thoughts and express ideas because you understand what the words themselves mean and you understand what they mean collectively. Computers use a similar process when interpreting code. First, the code must be parsed into recognizable symbols or tokens. These tokens may then be passed to an interpreter which is responsible for forming actual instructions from them. Citrus is a pure Ruby library that allows you to perform both lexical analysis and semantic interpretation quickly and easily. Using Citrus you can write powerful parsers that are simple to understand and easy to create and maintain. In Citrus, there are three main types of objects: rules, grammars, and matches. ## Rules A [Rule](api/classes/Citrus/Rule.html) is an object that specifies some matching behavior on a string. There are two types of rules: terminals and non-terminals. Terminals can be either Ruby strings or regular expressions that specify some input to match. For example, a terminal created from the string "end" would match any sequence of the characters "e", "n", and "d", in that order. Terminals created from regular expressions may match any sequence of characters that can be generated from that expression. Non-terminals are rules that may contain other rules but do not themselves match directly on the input. For example, a Repeat is a non-terminal that may contain one other rule that will try and match a certain number of times. Several other types of non-terminals are available that will be discussed later. Rule objects may also have semantic information associated with them in the form of Ruby modules. Rules use these modules to extend the matches they create. ## Grammars A [Grammar](api/classes/Citrus/Grammar.html) is a container for rules. Usually the rules in a grammar collectively form a complete specification for some language, or a well-defined subset thereof. A Citrus grammar is really just a souped-up Ruby [module](http://ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Module.html). These modules may be included in other grammar modules in the same way that Ruby modules are normally used. This property allows you to divide a complex grammar into more manageable, reusable pieces that may be combined at runtime. Any rule with the same name as a rule in an included grammar may access that rule with a mechanism similar to Ruby's `super` keyword. ## Matches A [Match](api/classes/Citrus/Match.html) object represents a successful recognition of some piece of the input. Matches are created by rule objects during a parse. Matches are arranged in a tree structure where any match may contain any number of other matches. Each match contains information about its own subtree. The structure of the tree is determined by the way in which the rule that generated each match is used in the grammar. For example, a match that is created from a nonterminal rule that contains several other terminals will likewise contain several matches, one for each terminal. However, this is an implementation detail and should be relatively transparent to the user. Match objects may be extended with semantic information in the form of methods. These methods should provide various interpretations for the semantic value of a match.