module Measures # Utility class for loading value sets class ValueSetLoader def self.save_value_sets(value_set_models, user = nil) #loaded_value_sets = value_set_models.each do |vsm| HealthDataStandards::SVS::ValueSet.by_user(user).where(oid: vsm.oid).delete_all() vsm.user = user #bundle id for user should always be the same 1 user to 1 bundle #using this to allow cat I generation without extensive modification to HDS vsm.bundle = user.bundle if (user && user.respond_to?(:bundle))! end end def self.get_value_set_models(value_set_oids, user=nil) HealthDataStandards::SVS::ValueSet.by_user(user).in(oid: value_set_oids) end def self.load_value_sets_from_vsac(value_sets, username, password, user=nil, overwrite=false, includeDraft=false, ticket_granting_ticket=nil, use_cache=false, measure_id=nil) # Get a list of just the oids value_set_oids = {|value_set| value_set[:oid]} value_set_models = [] from_vsac = 0 existing_value_set_map = {} begin backup_vs = [] if overwrite backup_vs = get_existing_vs(user, value_set_oids).to_a delete_existing_vs(user, value_set_oids) end nlm_config = APP_CONFIG["nlm"] errors = {} api =["ticket_url"],nlm_config["api_url"],username, password, ticket_granting_ticket) if use_cache codeset_base_dir = Measures::Loader::VALUE_SET_PATH FileUtils.mkdir_p(codeset_base_dir) end RestClient.proxy = ENV["http_proxy"] value_sets.each do |value_set| value_set_version = value_set[:version] ? value_set[:version] : "N/A" #When querying vsac via profile, the version is always set to N/A #As such, we can set the version to the profile. #However, a value_set can have a version and profile that are identical, as such the versions that are profiles are denoted as such. value_set_profile = (value_set[:profile] && !includeDraft) ? value_set[:profile] : nlm_config["profile"] value_set_profile = "Profile:#{value_set_profile}" query_version = "" if includeDraft query_version = "Draft-#{measure_id}" elsif value_set[:profile] query_version = value_set_profile else query_version = value_set_version end # only access the database if we don't intend on using cached values set = HealthDataStandards::SVS::ValueSet.where({user_id:, oid: value_set[:oid], version: query_version}).first() unless use_cache if (includeDraft && set) set.delete set = nil end if (set) existing_value_set_map[set.oid] = set else vs_data = nil # try to access the cached result for the value set if it exists. cached_service_result = File.join(codeset_base_dir,"#{value_set[:oid]}.xml") if use_cache if (cached_service_result && File.exists?(cached_service_result)) vs_data = cached_service_result else # If includeDraft is true the latest vs are required, so the latest profile should be used. if includeDraft vs_data = api.get_valueset(value_set[:oid], include_draft: includeDraft, profile: nlm_config["profile"]) elsif value_set[:version] vs_data = api.get_valueset(value_set[:oid], version: value_set[:version]) else # If no version, call with profile. # If a profile is specified, use it. Otherwise, use default. profile = value_set[:profile] ? value_set[:profile] : nlm_config["profile"] vs_data = api.get_valueset(value_set[:oid], profile: profile) end end vs_data.force_encoding("utf-8") # there are some funky unicodes coming out of the vs response that are not in ASCII as the string reports to be from_vsac += 1 # write all valueset data retrieved if using a cache, 'w') {|f| f.write(vs_data) } if use_cache doc = Nokogiri::XML(vs_data) doc.root.add_namespace_definition("vs","urn:ihe:iti:svs:2008") vs_element = doc.at_xpath("/vs:RetrieveValueSetResponse/vs:ValueSet|/vs:RetrieveMultipleValueSetsResponse/vs:DescribedValueSet") if vs_element && vs_element['ID'] == value_set[:oid] vs_element['id'] = value_set[:oid] set = HealthDataStandards::SVS::ValueSet.load_from_xml(doc) set.user = user #bundle id for user should always be the same 1 user to 1 bundle #using this to allow cat I generation without extensive modification to HDS set.bundle = user.bundle if (user && user.respond_to?(:bundle)) # As of t9/7/2017, when valuesets are retrieved from VSAC via profile, their version defaults to N/A # As such, we set the version to the profile with an indicator. set.version = query_version! existing_value_set_map[set.oid] = set else raise "Value set not found: #{oid}" end end end rescue Exception => e if (overwrite) delete_existing_vs(user, value_set_oids) backup_vs.each {|vs| } end raise "#{e.message}" end puts "\tloaded #{from_vsac} value sets from vsac" if from_vsac > 0 existing_value_set_map.values end def self.get_existing_vs(user, value_set_oids) HealthDataStandards::SVS::ValueSet.by_user(user).where(oid: {'$in'=>value_set_oids}) end def self.delete_existing_vs(user, value_set_oids) get_existing_vs(user, value_set_oids).delete_all() end end end