{}[https://codeclimate.com/github/mattways/ads-rails] {Build Status}[https://travis-ci.org/mattways/ads-rails] {Dependency Status}[https://gemnasium.com/mattways/ads-rails] = Ads Rails Adds a simple helper to create the google adsense include tag. = Install Put this line in your Gemfile: gem 'ads-rails' Then bundle: $ bundle = Usage In your view add a line like this wherever you like: <%= google_adsense_include_tag client: 'client', slot: 'slot', width: 'width', height: 'height' %> (Will only show the include tag in production unless renderer has been set) = Configuration If you want to renderer different the placeholder, put something like this in your application.rb: config.ads.renderer = proc { |options| tag(:img, src: "http://placehold.it/#{options[:width]}x#{options[:height]}&text=Google+AdSense") }