# frozen_string_literal: true # Verify the email is a valid email format based on RFC8222 class EmailFormatValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator # # RFC822, obsolete and more lax in most cases # # CTL = ; ( 40, 32.) # specials = "(" / ")" / "<" / ">" / "@" ; Must be in quoted- # / "," / ";" / ":" / "\" / <"> ; string, to use # / "." / "[" / "]" ; within a word. # atom = 1* # # qtext = , ; => may be folded "\" & CR, and including linear-white-space> # quoted-pair = "\" CHAR ; may quote any char # quoted-string = <"> *(qtext/quoted-pair) <">; Regular qtext or quoted chars. # word = atom / quoted-string # # local-part = word *("." word) ; uninterpreted # # domain-ref = atom ; symbolic reference # sub-domain = domain-ref / domain-literal # domain = sub-domain *("." sub-domain) # # addr-spec = local-part "@" domain ; global address # ctl = '\x00-\x1f' space = ' ' specials = '\(\)\<\>\@\,\;\:\\\"\.\[\]' atom = "[^#{ctl}#{space}#{specials}]+?" dot_atom = "#{atom}(?:\.#{atom})*" # in common use, allowed by RFC2822 qtext = '[^\"\`]+' quoted_pair = '\\.' quoted_string = "\"(?:#{qtext}|#{quoted_pair})+?\"" word = "(?:#{dot_atom}|#{quoted_string})" local_part = word # ignore word[.word] domain_ref = dot_atom domain_literal = "\[#{atom}(?:[\.\:]#{atom})*\]" # only used for IPv4/IPv6 addresses sub_domain = "(?:#{domain_ref}|#{domain_literal})" domain = sub_domain addr_spec = "#{local_part}\@#{domain}" addr_ws = "\s*(#{addr_spec})\s*" addr_list = "^#{addr_ws}(?:,#{addr_ws})*$" EMAIL_ADDRESS_REGEX = /#{addr_list}/ def validate_each(record, attribute, value) return if valid_email?(value, strict: options[:strict]) record.errors.add(attribute, message: options[:message] || 'is invalid') end def valid_email?(email, strict: false) if strict !!(email =~ EMAIL_ADDRESS_REGEX) else !!(email =~ /^[\S&&[^@]]+@[\S&&[^@]]+$/) end end end