var msOptions = { api_base:'', // server:"", //tied to app registration // realm:'/', // returnTo:'finish_auth.php', consumer:'f0fecb0c9cf24b63a95bd516b13115e3', popupSize:{ width:580, height:600} }; msOptions.popupPosition = { xOffset: function(){ return(screen.width - msOptions.popupSize.width) / 2; }, yOffset: function(){ return (screen.height - msOptions.popupSize.height) / 2; } }; //the myspaceid base object MySpaceID = function (options){ var that = this; that.options = options; MySpaceID.Util.getPopupUrl(that.options), 'MySpaceID', MySpaceID.Util.getWindowSizeStr(that.options) ); }; //a bunch of static methods. MySpaceID.Util = { getPopupUrl:function(options){ var _url = options.api_base + "?"; _url += "openid.ns=" + MySpaceID.Util.urlencode(""); _url += "&openid.ns.oauth=" + MySpaceID.Util.urlencode(""); _url += "&openid.oauth.consumer=" + MySpaceID.Util.urlencode(options.consumer); _url += "&openid.mode=checkid_setup"; _url += "&openid.claimed_id=" + MySpaceID.Util.urlencode(""); _url += "&openid.identity=" + MySpaceID.Util.urlencode(""); _url += "&openid.return_to=" + MySpaceID.Util.urlencode(options.returnTo); _url += "&openid.realm=" + MySpaceID.Util.urlencode(options.realm); return _url; }, getWindowSizeStr:function(options){ return "width=" +options.popupSize.width+ ",height=" +options.popupSize.height+ ",left=" +options.popupPosition.xOffset()+ ",top=" +options.popupPosition.yOffset(); }, urlencode: function ( str ) { // // + original by: Philip Peterson // + improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld ( // + input by: AJ // + improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld ( // + improved by: Brett Zamir // % note: info on what encoding functions to use from: // * example 1: urlencode('Kevin van Zonneveld!'); // * returns 1: 'Kevin+van+Zonneveld%21' // * example 2: urlencode(''); // * returns 2: '' // * example 3: urlencode(''); // * returns 3: '' var histogram = {}, tmp_arr = []; var ret = str.toString(); var replacer = function(search, replace, str) { var tmp_arr = []; tmp_arr = str.split(search); return tmp_arr.join(replace); }; // The histogram is identical to the one in urldecode. histogram["'"] = '%27'; histogram['('] = '%28'; histogram[')'] = '%29'; histogram['*'] = '%2A'; histogram['~'] = '%7E'; histogram['!'] = '%21'; histogram['%20'] = '+'; // Begin with encodeURIComponent, which most resembles PHP's encoding functions ret = encodeURIComponent(ret); for (search in histogram) { replace = histogram[search]; ret = replacer(search, replace, ret); // Custom replace. No regexing } // Uppercase for full PHP compatibility return ret.replace(/(\%([a-z0-9]{2}))/g, function(full, m1, m2) { return "%"+m2.toUpperCase(); }); return ret; } };