module Admin::BaseHelper include ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper def state_class(item) item.state.to_s end def render_flash output = [] for key,value in flash output << "#{value}" end if flash output.join("
\n") end def render_tasks output = [] for key,value in @tasks output << "#{key}" end if @tasks output.join("
\n") end def current_user_notice unless current_user link_to "log in", :controller => "/accounts", :action=>"login" else link_to _("log out"), :controller => "/accounts", :action=>"logout" end end def tab(label, options = {}) if controller.controller_name =~ /#{options[:controller].split('/').last}/ content_tag :li, link_to(label, options, {"class"=> ""}), {"class"=> ""} else content_tag :li, link_to(label, options) end end def subtab(label, style, options = {}) content_tag :li, link_to(label, options, {"class"=> style}) end def cancel(url = {:action => 'list'}) link_to _("Cancel"), url end def save(val = "Store") '' end def confirm_delete(val = "Delete") '' end def link_to_show(record, controller = @controller.controller_name) link_to image_tag('admin/show.png', :alt => "show", :title => "Show content"), :controller => controller, :action => 'show', :id => end def link_to_edit(record, controller = @controller.controller_name) link_to image_tag('admin/edit.png', :alt => "edit", :title => "Edit content"), :controller => controller, :action => 'edit', :id => end def link_to_destroy(record, controller = @controller.controller_name) link_to image_tag('admin/delete.png', :alt => "delete", :title => "Delete content"), :controller => controller, :action => 'destroy', :id => end def text_filter_options TextFilter.find(:all).collect do |filter| [ filter.description, filter ] end end def alternate_class @class = @class != '' ? '' : 'class="shade"' end def reset_alternation @class = nil end def task_quickpost(title) link_to_function(title, toggle_effect('quick-post', 'Effect.BlindUp', "duration:0.4", "Effect.BlindDown", "duration:0.4")) end def task_quicknav(title) content_tag :li, link_to_function(title, toggle_effect('quick-navigate', 'Effect.BlindUp', "duration:0.4", "Effect.BlindDown", "duration:0.4")) end def task_overview task(_('Back to overview'), 'list') end def task_new(title) task(title, 'new') end def task_destroy(title, id) task(title, 'destroy', id) end def task_edit(title, id) task(title, 'edit', id) end def task_show(title, id) task(title, 'show', id) end def task_help(title, id) task(title, 'show_help', id) end def task(title, action, id = nil) content_tag :li, link_to(title, :action => action, :id => id) end def task_add_resource_metadata(title,id) link_to_function(title, toggle_effect('add-resource-metadata-' + id.to_s, 'Effect.BlindUp', "duration:0.4", "Effect.BlindDown", "duration:0.4")) end def task_edit_resource_metadata(title,id) link_to_function(title, toggle_effect('edit-resource-metadata-' + id.to_s, 'Effect.BlindUp', "duration:0.4", "Effect.BlindDown", "duration:0.4")) end def task_edit_resource_mime(title,id) link_to_function(title, toggle_effect('edit-resource-mime-' + id.to_s, 'Effect.BlindUp', "duration:0.4", "Effect.BlindDown", "duration:0.4")) end def time_delta_from_now_in_words(timestamp) distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(timestamp) + (( < timestamp) ? ' from now' : ' ago') end def link_to_bookmarklet "javascript:if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') >= 0)" + \ "{Q=getSelection();}" + \ "else{Q=document.selection?document.selection.createRange().text:document.getSelection();}" + \ "location.href='#{this_blog.base_url}/admin/content/new?bookmarklet_text='+encodeURIComponent(Q)" + \ "+'&bookmarklet_link='+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&bookmarklet_title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title);" end def class_write if controller.controller_name == "content" or controller.controller_name == "pages" if controller.action_name == "new" "current" end end end def class_manage if controller.controller_name =~ /content|pages|categories|resources/ if controller.action_name =~ /list|index|show/ "current" end end end def class_feedback if controller.controller_name =~ /feedback/ "current" end end def class_presentation if controller.controller_name =~ /sidebar|themes|textfilters/ "current" end end def class_users if controller.controller_name =~ /users/ "current" end end def class_dashboard if controller.controller_name =~ /dashboard/ "current" end end def class_admin if controller.controller_name =~ /general|advanced/ "current" end end def order_link(title, controller, action, order) link_to _(title), :controller => controller, :action => action, :order => order, :sense => (params[:sense] and params[:sense] == 'asc') ? 'desc' : 'asc' end end