module Antlr4::Runtime class DefaultErrorStrategy < ANTLRErrorStrategy def initialize @error_recovery_mode = false @last_error_index = -1 @last_error_states = nil @next_tokens_context = nil @next_tokens_state = nil end def reset(recognizer) end_error_condition(recognizer) end def begin_error_condition(_recognizer) @error_recovery_mode = true end def error_recovery_mode?(_recognizer) @error_recovery_mode end def end_error_condition(_recognizer) @error_recovery_mode = false @last_error_states = nil @last_error_index = -1 end def report_match(recognizer) end_error_condition(recognizer) end def report_error(recognizer, e) # if we've already reported an error and have not matched a token # yet successfully, don't report any errors. if error_recovery_mode?(recognizer) # System.err.print("[SPURIOUS] ") return # don't report spurious errors end begin_error_condition(recognizer) if e.is_a? NoViableAltException report_no_viable_alternative(recognizer, e) elsif e.is_a? InputMismatchException report_input_mismatch(recognizer, e) elsif e.is_a? FailedPredicateException report_failed_predicate(recognizer, e) else STDERR.puts 'unknown recognition error type: ' + e.getClass.getName recognizer.notify_error_listeners(e.getOffendingToken, e.getMessage, e) end end def recover(recognizer, _e) if @last_error_index == recognizer._input.index && !@last_error_states.nil? && @last_error_states.include?(recognizer._state_number) # uh oh, another error at same token index and previously-visited # state in ATN must be a case where lt(1) is in the recovery # token set so nothing got consumed. Consume a single token # at least to prevent an infinite loop this is a failsafe. # System.err.println("seen error condition before index="+ # lastErrorIndex+", states="+last_error_states) # System.err.println("FAILSAFE consumes "+recognizer.getTokenNames()[recognizer.getInputStream().la(1)]) recognizer.consume end @last_error_index = recognizer._input.index @last_error_states = if @last_error_states.nil? @last_error_states.add(recognizer._state_number) followSet = error_recovery_set(recognizer) consume_until(recognizer, followSet) end def sync(recognizer) s = recognizer._interp.atn.states[recognizer._state_number] # System.err.println("sync @ "+s.stateNumber+"="+s.getClass().getSimpleName()) # If already recovering, don't try to sync return if error_recovery_mode?(recognizer) tokens = recognizer._input la = # try cheaper subset first might get lucky. seems to shave a wee bit off next_tokens = recognizer.atn.next_tokens(s) if next_tokens.contains(la) # We are sure the token matches @next_tokens_context = nil @next_tokens_state = ATNState.invalid_state_number return end if next_tokens.contains(Token::EPSILON) if @next_tokens_context.nil? # It's possible the next token won't match information tracked # by sync is restricted for performance. @next_tokens_context = recognizer._ctx @next_tokens_state = recognizer._state_number end return end case s.state_type when ATNState::BLOCK_START, ATNState::STAR_BLOCK_START, ATNState::PLUS_BLOCK_START, ATNState::STAR_LOOP_ENTRY # report error and recover if possible return unless single_token_deletion(recognizer).nil? exc = InputMismatchException.create(recognizer) raise exc when ATNState::PLUS_LOOP_BACK, ATNState::STAR_LOOP_BACK # System.err.println("at loop back: "+s.getClass().getSimpleName()) report_unwanted_token(recognizer) expecting = recognizer.expected_tokens what_follows_loop_iteration_or_rule = expecting.or(error_recovery_set(recognizer)) consume_until(recognizer, what_follows_loop_iteration_or_rule) else # do nothing if we can't identify the exact kind of ATN state end end end def report_no_viable_alternative(recognizer, e) tokens = recognizer._input input = if !tokens.nil? if e.start_token.type == Token::EOF '' else tokens.text4(e.start_token, e.offending_token) end else '' end msg = 'no viable alternative at input ' + escape_ws_and_quote(input) recognizer.notify_error_listeners(e.offending_token, msg, e) end def report_input_mismatch(recognizer, e) msg = 'mismatched input ' + token_error_display(e.offending_token) + ' expecting ' + e.expected_tokens.to_string_from_vocabulary(recognizer.get_vocabulary) recognizer.notify_error_listeners(e.offending_token, msg, e) end def report_failed_predicate(recognizer, e) rule_name = recognizer.rule_names[recognizer._ctx.rule_index] msg = 'rule ' + rule_name + ' ' + e.getMessage recognizer.notify_error_listeners(e.getOffendingToken, msg, e) end def report_unwanted_token(recognizer) return if error_recovery_mode?(recognizer) begin_error_condition(recognizer) t = recognizer.current_token token_name = token_error_display(t) expecting = expected_tokens(recognizer) msg = 'extraneous input ' + token_name + ' expecting ' + expecting.to_string_from_vocabulary(recognizer.get_vocabulary) recognizer.notify_error_listeners(t, msg, nil) end def report_missing_token(recognizer) return if error_recovery_mode?(recognizer) begin_error_condition(recognizer) t = recognizer.current_token expecting = expected_tokens(recognizer) msg = 'missing ' + expecting.to_string_from_vocabulary(recognizer.get_vocabulary) + ' at ' + token_error_display(t) recognizer.notify_error_listeners(t, msg, nil) end def recover_in_line(recognizer) # SINGLE TOKEN DELETION matched_symbol = single_token_deletion(recognizer) unless matched_symbol.nil? # we have deleted the extra token. # now, move past ttype token as if all were ok recognizer.consume return matched_symbol end # SINGLE TOKEN INSERTION return get_missing_symbol(recognizer) if single_token_insertion(recognizer) # even that didn't work must throw the exception exc = exc.recognizer = recognizer if @next_tokens_context.nil? raise exc else exc.offending_token = exc.offending_state = @next_tokens_state exc.context = @next_tokens_context raise exc end end def single_token_insertion(recognizer) current_symbol_type = # if current token is consistent with what could come after current # ATN state, then we know we're missing a token error recovery # is free to conjure up and insert the missing token current_state = recognizer._interp.atn.states[recognizer._state_number] next_t = current_state.transition(0).target atn = recognizer._interp.atn expecting_at_ll2 = atn.next_tokens_ctx(next_t, recognizer._ctx) # System.out.println("lt(2) set="+expecting_at_ll2.to_s(recognizer.getTokenNames())) if expecting_at_ll2.contains(current_symbol_type) report_missing_token(recognizer) return true end false end def single_token_deletion(recognizer) next_token_type = expecting = expected_tokens(recognizer) if expecting.contains(next_token_type) report_unwanted_token(recognizer) recognizer.consume # simply delete extra token # we want to return the token we're actually matching matched_symbol = recognizer.current_token report_match(recognizer) # we know current token is correct return matched_symbol end nil end def get_missing_symbol(recognizer) current_symbol = recognizer.current_token expecting = expected_tokens(recognizer) expected_token_type = Token::INVALID_TYPE unless expecting.is_nil expected_token_type = expecting.min_element # get any element end if expected_token_type == Token::EOF token_text = '' else token_text = '' end current = current_symbol look_back = current = look_back if current.type == Token::EOF && !look_back.nil? pair = pair.a = current.source pair.b = current.source._input recognizer.token_factory.create(pair, expected_token_type, token_text, Token::DEFAULT_CHANNEL, -1, -1, current.line, current.char_position_in_line) end def expected_tokens(recognizer) recognizer.expected_tokens end def token_error_display(t) return '' if t.nil? s = symbol_text(t) if s.nil? s = if symbol_type(t) == Token::EOF '' else '<' << symbol_type(t).to_s << '>' end end escape_ws_and_quote(s) end def symbol_text(symbol) return symbol.text if symbol.respond_to? :text symbol.to_s end def symbol_type(symbol) symbol.type end def escape_ws_and_quote(s) # if ( s==nil ) return s s = s.sub("\n", '\\n') s = s.sub("\r", '\\r') s = s.sub("\t", '\\t') "'" + s + "'" end def error_recovery_set(recognizer) atn = recognizer._interp.atn ctx = recognizer._ctx recover_set = while !ctx.nil? && ctx.invoking_state >= 0 # compute what follows who invoked us invoking_state = atn.states[ctx.invoking_state] rt = invoking_state.transition(0) follow = atn.next_tokens(rt.follow_state) recover_set.add_all(follow) ctx = ctx.parent end recover_set.remove(Token::EPSILON) recover_set end def consume_until(recognizer, set) ttype = while ttype != Token::EOF && !set.contains(ttype) recognizer.consume ttype = end end end end