require 'ixtlan/guard/models/user_update_manager' class <%= user_class_name %> < <%= parent_class_name.classify %> <% {|attr| attr.reference? }.each do |attribute| -%> belongs_to :<%= %> <% end -%> has_and_belongs_to_many :<%= plural_group_name %> attr_accessor :id def self.update_manager @manager ||= :group_model => <%= group_class_name %>, :user_id => :<%= user_name %>_id, :group_id => :<%= group_name %>_id, :plural_group_name => :<%= plural_group_name %> ) end alias :create! :create def self.create(params = {}) u = u.current_user = params.delete("current_user") || params.delete(:current_user) u.update_attributes(params) u end def update_attributes(params) result = [] <% flavors.each do |flavor| %> # update <%= flavor.pluralize %> if result.all?{|a| a} result << self.class.update_manager.update(self, params, :flavor_id => :<%= flavor %>_id, :flavors_for_group => :<%= flavor.pluralize %>_for_<%= group_name %>, :association_model => <%= association_class_name(flavor.pluralize) %>) end <% end -%> # update <%= plural_group_name %> self.class.update_manager.update_groups(self, params) if result.all?{|a| a} end unless respond_to? :current_user # do not use attr_accessor to allow them to be used # for mass_assignmnet_protection def current_user=(u) @current_user = u end def current_user @current_user end after_save do @current_user = nil end end def root? <%= plural_group_name %>.detect {|g| g.root? } != nil end <% flavors.each do |flavor| plural_flavor = flavor.pluralize %> def managed_<%= plural_flavor %>_for_<%= group_name %>(gid) <%= group_name %> = <%= group_class_name %>.get(gid) if <%= group_name %>.root? [] else existing = <%= plural_flavor %>_for_<%= group_name %>(<%= group_name %>) managed = <%= plural_flavor %>_for_<%= group_name %>(<%= group_class_name %>.admin_group) (managed - (managed - existing)) end end def <%= plural_flavor %>_for_<%= group_name %>(group_or_id) if root? <%= flavor.camelize %>.all else <%= group_name %> = <%= group_class_name %>.get(group_or_id) <%= association_class_name(plural_flavor) %>.all(:conditions => ["<%= user_name %>_id=? and <%= group_name %>_id=?", id, <%= group_name %>.id]).collect { |dgu| dgu.<%= flavor %> } end end def <%= flavor %>_<%= group_name %>?(<%= flavor %>, <%= group_name %>) <%= association_class_name(plural_flavor) %>.count(:conditions => ["<%= user_name %>_id=? and <%= group_name %>_id=? and <%= flavor %>_id=?", id, <%= group_name %>.id, <%= flavor %>.id]) == 1 end <% end -%> def all_<%= plural_group_name %> if root? <%= group_class_name %>.all else <%= plural_group_name %> end end def to_xml to_hash.to_xml(:root => "<%= file_name %>") end def to_json { :<%= file_name %> => to_hash }.to_json end def to_hash map = attributes.dup g = (map[:<%= plural_group_name %>] = []) <%= plural_group_name %>.each do |<%= group_name %>| gg = <%= group_name %>.attributes.dup gg.delete("<%= group_name %>_id") gg.delete("<%= file_name %>_id") <% flavors.each do |flavor| plural_flavor = flavor.pluralize %> <%= plural_flavor %> = <%= plural_flavor %>_for_<%= group_name %>(<%= group_name %>) if <%= plural_flavor %>.size > 0 d = (gg[:<%= plural_flavor %>] = []) <%= plural_flavor %>.each do |<%= flavor %>| dd = <%= flavor %>.attributes.dup dd.delete("created_at") dd.delete("updated_at") d << dd end end <% end -%> g << gg end map end end