sc_require('views/button'); /** Describes the time after which "click and hold" behavior will replace the standard "click and release" behavior. */ /** @class SC.PopupButtonView displays a pop-up menu when clicked, from which the user can select an item. To use, create the SC.PopupButtonView as you would a standard SC.ButtonView, then set the menu property to an instance of SC.MenuPane. For example: {{{{ layout: { width: 200, height: 18 }, menuBinding: 'MyApp.menuController.menuPane' }); }}} You would then have your MyApp.menuController return an instance of the menu to display. @extends SC.ButtonView @author Santosh Shanbhogue @author Tom Dale @copyright 2008-2010, Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. @version 1.0 */ SC.PopupButtonView = SC.ButtonView.extend( /** @scope SC.PopupButtonView.prototype */ { classNames: ['sc-popup-button'], // .......................................................... // PROPERTIES // /** The prefer matrix to use when displaying the menu. @property */ preferMatrix: null, /** The SC.MenuPane that should be displayed when the button is clicked. @type {SC.MenuPane} @default null */ menu: null, /** If YES and the menu is a class, this will cause a task that will instantiate the menu to be added to SC.backgroundTaskQueue. */ shouldLoadInBackground: NO, // .......................................................... // INTERNAL SUPPORT // /** @private If necessary, adds the loading of the menu to the background task queue. */ init: function() { sc_super(); this._setupMenu(); if (this.get('shouldLoadInBackground')) { SC.backgroundTaskQueue.push(SC.PopupButtonMenuLoader.create({ popupButton: this })); } }, /** @private Sets up binding on the menu, removing any old ones if necessary. */ _setupMenu: function() { var menu = this.get('instantiatedMenu'); // clear existing bindings if (this.isActiveBinding) this.isActiveBinding.disconnect(); this.isActiveBinding = null; // if there is a menu if (menu && !menu.isClass) { this.isActiveBinding = this.bind('isActive', menu, 'isVisibleInWindow'); } }, /** Setup the bindings for menu... */ _popup_menuDidChange: function() { this._setupMenu(); }.observes('menu'), /** @private isActive is NO, but when the menu is instantiated, it is bound to the menu's isVisibleInWindow property. */ isActive: NO, /** @private Instantiates the menu if it is not already instantiated. */ _instantiateMenu: function() { // get menu var menu = this.get('menu'); // if it is already instantiated or does not exist, we cannot do anything if (!menu.isClass || !menu) return; // create = menu.create(); // setup this._setupMenu(); }, acceptsFirstResponder: YES, /** The guaranteed-instantiated menu. */ instantiatedMenu: function() { // get the menu var menu = this.get('menu'); // if it is a class, we need to instantiate it if (menu && menu.isClass) { // do so this._instantiateMenu(); // get the new version of the local menu = this.get('menu'); } // return return menu; }.property('menu').cacheable(), /** @private Displays the menu. @param {SC.Event} evt */ action: function(evt) { var menu = this.get('instantiatedMenu') ; if (!menu) { //@ if (debug) SC.Logger.warn("SC.PopupButton - Unable to show menu because the menu property is set to %@.".fmt(menu)); //@ endif return NO ; } menu.popup(this, this.get('preferMatrix')) ; return YES; }, /** @private On mouse down, we set the state of the button, save some state for further processing, then call the button's action method. @param {SC.Event} evt @returns {Boolean} */ mouseDown: function(evt) { // If disabled, handle mouse down but ignore it. if (!this.get('isEnabled')) return YES ; this._isMouseDown = YES; this._action() ; // Store the current timestamp. We register the timestamp at the end of // the runloop so that the menu has been rendered, in case that operation // takes more than a few hundred milliseconds. // One mouseUp, we'll use this value to determine how long the mouse was // pressed. this.invokeLast(this._recordMouseDownTimestamp); this.becomeFirstResponder(); return YES ; }, /** @private Records the current timestamp. This is invoked at the end of the runloop by mouseDown. We use this value to determine the delay between mouseDown and mouseUp. */ _recordMouseDownTimestamp: function() { this._menuRenderedTimestamp = new Date().getTime(); }, /** @private Because we responded YES to the mouseDown event, we have responsibility for handling the corresponding mouseUp event. However, the user may click on this button, then drag the mouse down to a menu item, and release the mouse over the menu item. We therefore need to delegate any mouseUp events to the menu's menu item, if one is selected. We also need to differentiate between a single click and a click and hold. If the user clicks and holds, we want to close the menu when they release. Otherwise, we should wait until they click on the menu's modal pane before removing our active state. @param {SC.Event} evt @returns {Boolean} */ mouseUp: function(evt) { var timestamp = new Date().getTime(), previousTimestamp = this._menuRenderedTimestamp, menu = this.get('instantiatedMenu'), touch = SC.platform.touch, targetMenuItem; if (menu) { // Get the menu item the user is currently hovering their mouse over targetMenuItem = menu.getPath('rootMenu.targetMenuItem'); if (targetMenuItem) { // Have the menu item perform its action. // If the menu returns NO, it had no action to // perform, so we should close the menu immediately. if (!targetMenuItem.performAction()) menu.remove(); } else { // If the user waits more than certain amount of time between // mouseDown and mouseUp, we can assume that they are clicking and // dragging to the menu item, and we should close the menu if they //mouseup anywhere not inside the menu. if (!touch && (timestamp - previousTimestamp > SC.ButtonView.CLICK_AND_HOLD_DELAY)) { menu.remove(); } } } // Reset state. this._isMouseDown = NO; sc_super(); return YES; }, /** @private Overrides ButtonView's mouseExited method to remove the behavior where the active state is removed on mouse exit. We want the button to remain active as long as the menu is visible. @param {SC.Event} evt @returns {Boolean} */ mouseExited: function(evt) { return YES; }, /** @private Overrides performKeyEquivalent method to pass any keyboard shortcuts to the menu. @param {String} charCode string corresponding to shortcut pressed (e.g., alt_shift_z) @param {SC.Event} evt */ performKeyEquivalent: function( charCode, evt ) { if (!this.get('isEnabled')) return NO ; var menu = this.get('instantiatedMenu') ; return (!!menu && menu.performKeyEquivalent(charCode, evt)) ; }, /** @private */ acceptsFirstResponder: function() { if(!SC.SAFARI_FOCUS_BEHAVIOR) return this.get('isEnabled'); else return NO; }.property('isEnabled') }); /** @private Handles lazy instantiation of popup button menu. */ SC.PopupButtonMenuLoader = SC.Task.extend({ popupButton: null, run: function() { if (this.popupButton) this.popupButton._instantiateMenu(); } });